When Happy was fighting with the security guard, Natasha, who was standing next to him, passed through the two of them like a ghost and quickly walked into the company; when another security guard came out to intercept her, Natasha easily dodged with a sliding tackle, then turned around and threw two electric shock traps at the security guard's feet;


The unfortunate security guard was hit by a strong electric current before he even figured out what was going on. He fainted after a few comfortable screams.

As soon as Hammer was invaded, Ivan in the computer room naturally discovered it. He seemed to have expected this to happen, so he quickly tapped the keyboard a few times and pressed the enter key.

At this time, in the assembly workshop next door, a fierce steel armor had already shown that it was fully charged.

After Ivan finished the operation, he quickly stood up and slowly walked towards the workshop with a toothpick in his mouth. However, before leaving, he finally Then she touched the parrot tenderly.

In the corridor outside, all the security guards went out to intercept, but Natasha was worthy of being the Black Widow. Facing these security guards, she easily knocked them out within two moves.

When she clamped a security guard's neck with her deadly scissor kick, she quickly twisted her body again. After spinning two and a half circles, she easily threw the security guard out. When she stood up and looked behind her, there was no one standing. At this time, at the door, Happy was still struggling fiercely with the security guard, but Happy was the one who was beaten;

""Bang bang bang~"

Happy was being hit in the abdomen by the security guard, who was sweating all over. Before Happy could get into a defensive position again, another punch knocked Happy onto the table beside him.

When Happy got up again, he had already fully recognized the opponent in front of him, so he got into a punching position again and threw a swift left hook at the security guard.

But the security guard easily blocked the punch with just a block, but this was just a feint of Happy. After getting close to the security guard, Happy hugged the security guard tightly and then used Tyson's unique skill.——‘whisper’


With a scream, the security guard instantly lost his defense and prepared to retreat quickly with tears in his eyes, but Happy would never let go of such an opportunity. He quickly threw several punches at the security guard's face and abdomen, and ended with an uppercut. The security guard was finally knocked down!

""Huhu, I beat him!"

Happy, who was panting with a full head of hair, shouted happily at this time; although the process was not glorious, he was the last person standing.

But when he saw the many security guards lying in the corridor at this time, his smile began to disappear....


Natasha kicked an office open and stood guard with a gun. However, there were only two security guards in the room. The man was no longer in the computer room.

Natasha put away her gun and quickly came to the computer. Sure enough, she saw that the system page of the Iron Soldier was displayed on it. After a brief observation, she began to type quickly on the keyboard, preparing to restart Rhode's suit.

After all, Natasha was professionally trained. In less than 30 seconds, Rhode's suit was restarted by her.

"Restart completed, your good friend is back."

Natasha smiled as she looked at the monitor and said to Tony inside.

In the ecological park, after Tony threw Rhodes away with a back throw, War Machine really entered the restart state and lay on the ground without any movement.

"Thank you very much, Agent Romanov,"

Tony said after he breathed a sigh of relief; it was obvious that he didn't want to waste time with Rhodes any more.

"The new energy on your chest is good. I see that the output has increased significantly. Your vital signs look better than before."

Natasha said to Tony after looking at the energy data on the computer; it seems that Tony has successfully solved his problem, so her assistant work should be over.

"Yes, I don't have to die, thank you,"

Tony said helplessly to Natasha. After all, few people knew about the palladium poisoning, and since he was fine now, he didn't want to make others worry.

It just so happened that the technicians at the backstage of the exhibition also had control at this time, and Pepper next to them also heard their conversation, so she immediately said to them;

"What do you mean you don't have to die? Are you going to die, Tony?"

Pepper said to Tony worriedly. After all, Tony's strange actions during this period of time did seem to be about his funeral arrangements, and she had also suspected this.

""Pepper? Oh no, I'm not going to die, I'm fine now."

Tony was also a little panicked for a moment, like a student caught in the act by a teacher, because the last thing he wanted was to let Pepper know; then Pepper angrily asked Tony why he didn't tell her, and Tony laughed it off and wanted to get over it; while the two were still bickering like lovers, Natasha was looking at the monitor seriously, because suddenly a very powerful energy source flew towards Tony's position;

"Wait, you two should save your quarrel for your honeymoon. Now there is a powerful energy person heading in Tony's direction,"

Natasha said seriously at this time;

""Okay, Pepper, I'm fine now. I will formally apologize to you, but I have to wait until I don't have to defend against Hammer robots anymore."

Tony also knew that now was not the time to chat; and Pepper was not a woman who liked to make trouble. Although she was still a little angry, she didn't bother too much, but just told Tony to be careful.

In the ecological park, Tony knocked on Rod's head with his hand;

""Bang bang~"

Rhode slowly woke up amidst the sound of metal knocking. He finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Tony and the restored system page in front of him.

""Oh, God, I'd better return the armor to you,"

Rhodes said depressedly. He now completely understood Tony. If there was a problem with such a powerful weapon, the consequences would be disastrous. Moreover, it was so easily controlled by the enemy, which became his black history.

He was not afraid of any enemy when he put on the armor, but he was most afraid that the enemy was in the command center! It had only been a short time since he got the armor, and it had already been infiltrated. If his good brother Tony hadn't come to the rescue today, what would he do if he was sent by the enemy to assassinate the president? He was scared just thinking about it.

"Haha, what are you talking about?"

Tony pulled Rod up with a smile and patted his shoulder to comfort him;

"Sorry, brother, I should have trusted you more" Rod apologized to Tony earnestly;

"No, you don’t have to apologize, these things are actually all caused by me"

Although Tony was happy to hear these words, he still had to explain clearly;

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