"I suspect Hammer is cooperating with Vanke,"

Tony said to Rhodes seriously. A month ago, Hammer's iron soldiers could only kill their own teammates, but suddenly the technology advanced so fast. Tony didn't believe Hammer had this ability.

"Isn't Ivan Vanko dead?"

Rod replied in confusion;

Tony did not explain too much to Rod, but turned around and walked slowly towards Hammer. Rod was a soldier after all, and seeing Tony's serious posture, he also began to be serious and alert.

When Li Xin saw Iron Man arrive, he quickly took a red and black box from the strap of his knife. After

Li Xin pressed one of the hidden buttons, the box, which was as big as a pencil case, began to deform and rotate, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a Miaodao-style war blade.

This was the Miaodao that Tony gave to Li Xin on his birthday. In addition to being able to deform and be easy to carry, this knife also has the function of adding electric current and high temperature to the blade.

Compared with his own Tingfeng Knife, its advantage is that it can be enchanted with the properties of electricity and fire, and it is easy to carry with high hardness, and can be put in a backpack at ordinary times.

The disadvantage is that it is not sharp enough when it is not enchanted, and there is no sense of communication with the owner. But it is very suitable for breaking armor and cutting iron sheets. So Li Xin named him"Pojun".

At this time, Tony on the stage also walked to Hammer's side and began to question him;

"Where is Vanke? Tell me!"

""Who? No, why are you here! Buddy?"

Facing Tony's questioning, Hammer would definitely not admit it, so he opened his hands and changed the subject to question Tony instead; while the two were still questioning each other, the tactical panel in front of Rhodes began to turn red with an exclamation mark, and locked onto the Iron Man in front!

""Hey, hey, hey, something's wrong, brother."

When Rhodes wanted to control his armor, he found that he couldn't move!

In a computer room of Hammer Corporation in the distance, Ivan Vanko was typing quickly on the keyboard, and the operating system page on the screen had been started by him; in an instant, the Gatling gun on Rhodes' back started and aimed at Iron Man, not only that, but all the iron soldiers behind him also raised their arms and began to aim.

The sudden tense scene on the stage made the atmosphere on the scene freeze instantly. After all, the news had just revealed that Tony and his good brother Rhodes had an irreconcilable feud. If a fight broke out now, so many civilians on the scene would definitely be in danger. Some security personnel on the scene had already called the walkie-talkies on their shoulders; they wanted to ask clearly whether the process was going smoothly.

"Did you do this?"

Tony looked at the Gatling gun on Rod's back that was suddenly aimed at him, and asked in confusion; because he never thought that Rod would replace his most advanced system.

"No, no, no, it's not me. My system has been completely hacked. I can't move. I've locked you now!"

Looking at his body that was out of his control, Rhodes began to speak anxiously;

"Let's go out and fight!"

Tony said, and then he turned and jumped, with a burst of sparks on his back, and he flew up quickly and rushed into the outer space of the venue. War Machine and those iron soldiers also began to fire frantically in the direction of Iron Man in the air;


The audience at the scene finally reacted, and as some people screamed in fear, a panic and fear began to spread instantly.

As the flames from the steel soldiers' gun barrels raged, the glass on the top floor instantly shattered into slag and fell down, while the people on the ground quickly covered their heads and lowered their bodies to leave.

"Oh, God, Darlene, hold my hand, let's go!"

John saw Iron Man and the Iron Soldiers start fighting, and hurriedly pulled his wife to leave the venue. But there were too many people at the scene today, and the sudden chaos made people panic and flee in a panic.

But fortunately, the security staff at the scene did not run away, and came out to evacuate the crowd as soon as possible.

Hammer was also quickly pulled aside by his bodyguard, but he was also collapsed at this time,"Didn't you say you could only salute? Why did you suddenly shoot?"

Li Xin saw the scene began to become chaotic, and hurriedly said loudly to Tony floating in the air;

"Tony, lead the Air Force and War Machine to where there are fewer people, and leave the scene to me!"


As soon as he finished speaking, War Machine took 8 air force iron soldiers and flew into the sky, chasing Tony.

Li Xin jumped down from the high platform of the stage with a knife in hand, and stretched his whole body in the air, like an eagle hunting, killing the iron soldiers on the stage below;

Tony looked down after receiving Li Xin's hint, and saw Li Xin who had been hiding there for some time, as well as War Machine and a row of iron soldiers flying towards him at a rapid speed below;

"Okay, hold on, I'll lead them away first; Jarvis, I need a temporary battlefield..."

Tony immediately began to accelerate and flew into the air. In an instant, a trail of sparks pierced through the entire Expo and quickly chased after Tony in the air.


As a black shadow fell from the sky, an army steel soldier was instantly cut in half by a cold light that pierced the sky, turning into scrap metal.

As the masked man appeared, some people who were in charge of security at the scene began to breathe a sigh of relief; after chopping down a steel soldier with a knife, Li Xin found that the remaining steel soldiers actually ignored him and were still aiming in the direction of Tony in the air;

"It seems that this high-tech system still needs to be upgraded."

After saying that, Li Xin quickly swung out two swords and instantly cut down the two steel soldiers next to him; while Rhodes, who was flying in the sky, watched his system operation page flashing red, but he could not do anything, so he could only anxiously report to Tony;

"Tony, Tony, be careful behind me, I've locked onto the target!"

Rhodes, who could no longer control his body, saw that his firepower system had already locked onto the target, and suddenly said to Tony in panic;

"What are you locking onto?"

Tony, who was flying rapidly in the air, turned his head and looked back;

"It's you I'm targeting!"

As soon as Rhodes finished speaking, the Gatling gun on his back spun rapidly, releasing a burst of fierce flames;


The Gatling gun immediately started to fly with sparks flying, and it fired at Iron Man in front of it as if it had auto-aiming.

Iron Man could only evade in the air, avoiding the fire from behind.

However, many of the stray bullets released by the aerial war machine instantly hit the office building nearby, instantly tearing the entire exterior wall and glass into pieces; some office workers who were still working overtime had no time to dodge, and could only lie on the ground instinctively, but some unlucky people still died without even knowing what happened...........

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