Looking at Jenny in front of him, Li Xin was actually a little ashamed. Although he looked like an ordinary high school student, he seemed to never be able to truly fit in.

And as a person who had lived two lives, Li Xin naturally understood what Jenny meant. But how could he be qualified to accept this purity when his hands were already covered in blood?

"Oh, I just got inspired and wrote a song and wanted to sing it on stage."

"By the way, do you know where the Taekwondo, Karate and Kendo clubs in the school are?"

Li Xin asked softly;

"Of course I know. Why are you finally going to join a club?"

Jenny seemed to think that Li Xin was finally going to change, so she happily introduced which clubs in the school were interesting.

After a pleasant lunch, Li Xin left her seat after finding out the location of the club and went to the Taekwondo Club.

When Li Xin arrived at the activity room of the Taekwondo Club, he found that several people were doing kicking exercises inside.

"Hey, is your president here?" Li Xin asked calmly;

"He's not here, what can I do for you?" An Asian guy answered Li Xin; then Li Xin threw an envelope to him and said lightly:"Please give it to your president for me, thank you." What

Li Xin threw to him was naturally a"challenge letter". If he wanted to be a star in the school, he had to stir up the heat first.

According to Li Xin's current strength, it would be no problem to slap everyone in the face, but you have to know that a competition without discussion is meaningless.

After that, Li Xin threw challenge letters to the karate and kendo clubs respectively, and agreed not to leave after school tomorrow.

Then Li Xin spent 20 US dollars to publish this news in the school's news interest club. When the teachers and students in the school come tomorrow morning, they will know that there is an arrogant newcomer who wants to challenge three people.

After school, Li Xin came to the Delmar Store in a good mood.

"Boss, give me more lettuce for a beef burger, but no pickles,"

Li Xin said with a smile after picking up ten packs of chocolate from the counter;

"Handsome guy is here again. You still love chocolate, but why don't you try pickles?"

The boss of Delma put his hands on the front desk and chatted with Li Xin with a smile.

During the chat, Li Xin learned that the forest park near the school was damaged. Many trees seemed to be destroyed by a behemoth, and some witnesses said it was a blue bone giant.

"I always feel like there seem to be more and more strange incidents recently," Delma said with a sigh;

"I think you don’t have to worry at all. Maybe the giant will be more careful next time."

Li Xin took the burger with a smile and walked out of the store while eating. In an alley with trash cans, Li Xin looked around and saw that no one was around. He quickly changed into a hero suit. This time, Li Xin changed into a black high-necked robe. He also bought a new pair of handsome urban tactical boots.

After changing into the suit, Li Xin jumped high and disappeared in the distance.

Li Xin happily shuttled between the buildings in New York City. After all, his hero-proof mission required him to prove 100 heroic acts.

In order to complete the task as soon as possible, he had to go to work early, even though the White Mask was still a wanted criminal.

Soon there was a figure jumping and shuttling on the building, which attracted the attention of some people. Some of them waved and greeted the mysterious man White Mask when they saw him. Phew, some will use their mobile phones to take pictures of his figure and upload them to the Internet.

The female agent Aphra also received the news quickly and drove to the street where the masked man was active.

High up in a majestic church, Li Xin was sitting cross-legged to practice Qi. Chakra is a talent, but there is also a method of practicing Qi in the Five Thunders Orthodoxy drawn from Zhang Chulan.

Compared with chakra, practicing Qi is like a process where drops of water become a river. The more you practice, the more and stronger your Qi will be, and its uses will be endless.

Of course, crime in the city of New York has become a commonplace existence. It won’t be because of how many times you crack down on it that some people who like to buy things for free are willing to pay for things in the store.

For some crimes committed by ordinary people, Li Xin directly used the clone technique in some streets. When the time comes, let the clone technique solve it, and the main body will hurry up to practice.

Chen Xiao Chen Xiaolin is an international student from China. Because her family is not well-off, she has to work part-time to support herself during the holidays.

But as a college student, most of the part-time jobs available are as restaurant waiters or bar cashiers.

Chen Xiaolin is lucky. The owner of this convenience store is also Chinese. He takes good care of her and provides her with job opportunities. The working hours are not long. Although the salary is not much, if she has a boyfriend in the United States, she will have no problem living in college.

Today is still a boring day, boring inventory, boring work, and her favorite thing to do at work is to surf the forum on the computer at the cash register.

It happened that the forum was also very lively today because someone saw a mysterious man in a white mask running on the rooftop on the nearby Seventh Street.

Ever since Li Xin pronounced the Chinese word"法" (meaning"Fa" in Chinese) After the curse was uploaded to the Internet, everyone knew that the mysterious man White Mask was a Chinese, and Chen Xiaolin, who was also Chinese, naturally became a fan of the mysterious man White Mask.

And she was a fanatical fan. Since the brother had the correct nationality, plus he had the ability to fight against the dark forces, and could use thunder magic, Chen Xiaolin really wanted to recommend her White Mask brother to everyone.

However, because the mysterious man White Mask was on the police's wanted list recently, there were naturally more black fans on the Internet.

As the branch president of the White Mask Fan Club, Chen Xiaolin naturally took up the banner of protecting her brother, so there were almost messages from her under every black fan's comment.

Just as Chen Xiaolin was fighting with the group online, a black uncle came into the store. The black uncle naturally walked around the store and saw the girl at the front desk typing happily on the keyboard.

So the uncle naturally stuffed some things into his clothes, and finally took only a piece of chewing gum in his hand to pay the bill.

"Hey, girl, how much is it?"

Chen Xiaolin took a look and immediately found something wrong. After all, the bulge in the clothes was too obvious.

"Could you please take out the things inside your clothes as well?"

Chen Xiaolin said helplessly; she hated this kind of trouble the most;

"What, what's in my clothes? Do you have any opinion on black people?"

The black uncle suddenly said a little excitedly;

"Ok, then I'll call the police. If you didn't steal anything, then let's wait for the police to arrive together, okay?"

Chen Xiaolin had seen this many times before, so she decisively chose to call the police.

Just as she was about to call the police, the black uncle quickly picked up the gum and ran out.


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