Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 17 General Ross Who Replaced Colonel William!

Solon herself can get a realistic female star!

But the little dragon girl, Su Daji, various little fairies, and the beast-eared lady.

In this Marvel universe, it also belongs to illusory existence.

Finally, it’s available through Mystique!

After several storms, Sauron touched Feng Jiu's fox ears.

In my heart, I am very satisfied!

"From now on, just stay with me."

Sauron's tone could not be refused.

For the first time, Mystique experienced the happiness of a woman.

Her mentality has also undergone some changes.

"Then what if Eric asks me to go back?"

Sauron said calmly:

"Then it's enough for him to have lived for such a long time!"

Mystique nodded.

"I see!"

Sure enough, if you want to conquer a woman's heart.

Conquer her desire first!

Suddenly, Sauron felt that he was becoming more and more like Azu.

They all have one, a shapeshifter!

But Sauron immediately threw this idea out of his mind!

Azu, how can you compare with him!

That crybaby weakling!

Sauron's mind was quickly attracted by a light group.

A ball of light fell from Mystique's body.

This opened the door to a new world for Sauron.

It turns out that light balls can be dropped only by damage, defeat, and kill.

This way, you can also get it!

"Shapeshifting: You can change your own cells and tissue structure at will, and you can transform into anyone's appearance! Including fingerprints, irises, skin texture, voice, and even gender!"

Sauron's eyes hesitated for a moment.

"System, recycle!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained five thousand system gold coins!"

Sauron was stunned. A super ability can actually defeat so many ordinary abilities or abilities!

Early the next morning, Sauron was in high spirits!

The taste of Fox Er Feng Jiu is really great!

Magneto repaired the damaged areas of the X-Fighter.

Sauron, Magneto, Mystique, Jean, Ororo.

And Wolverine, who just woke up this morning.

Nightcrawler, was left in the underground shelter.

Once a situation arises, he can take everyone to a safe place quietly.

Mystique is not fucking.

This disappointed Nightcrawler once again.

Sauron breathed a sigh of relief.

Age means nothing to people with the ability to extend their lives.

Mystique's body is in the state of an ordinary woman, thirty years old.

But if he had given birth to a child, Sauron would find it difficult to accept it.

The X-Fighter landed near Akali Lake.

Wolverine walked in front. He looked at everything here and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Everyone, enter the flood channel.

Sauron stretched out his hand and pulled Wolverine, who was walking in the front.

Logan looked at Sauron in confusion.

"There is surveillance!"

He pointed ahead, to a hidden camera.

Magneto raised his hand and disconnected a wire in the camera through magnetic field control.

In the monitoring room, the scene in the No. 1 flood discharge channel suddenly turned into snowflakes.

The person responsible for checking the surveillance picked up the walkie-talkie and began to report.

"General Ross, the footage of Spillway No. 1 is lost!"

In the core area inside the dam.

General Ross is discussing with some scientists how to deal with the Master of Illusions.

His eyes suddenly became sharp.

He never believed that some situations were accidental.

"Team 3, go check out the situation."


In the No. 1 flood discharge channel, Sauron's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

General Ross!

He actually took over Colonel William's position.

Are you in charge of Mutant?

At the moment, he should put all his focus on restoring the formula of Super Serum.

Moreover, it shouldn’t be long.

His would-be son-in-law, Bruce Banner, was about to be exposed to gamma rays.

Transformed into the Hulk!

At this time, he still has the energy to clean up the mess for others?

Sauron nodded to Mystique.

Mystique turned into Colonel William.

Soon, footsteps were heard from ahead.

A group of heavily armed soldiers appeared.

The red laser of the laser irradiator was focused on everyone's heart.

"Colonel William?"

They didn't expect that Colonel William, who disappeared, would appear again.

Mystique turned into Colonel William and said:

"Whose subordinates are you?"

The squad leader immediately replied:

"Colonel William, this place is now taken over by General Ross."

Then, he used the intercom system again and began to report.

"General Ross, Colonel William found"!

"He was accompanied by Phoenix, Storm, Magneto, Wolverine, and a strange young man from the intelligence."

General Ross frowned.

But soon, he sneered.

"Catch 'em"!

"They are all in disguise"!

General Ross, but he knows.

Magneto is always accompanied by Mystique, who has the ability to shapeshift.

Mystique isn't here?

Colonel William, who has disappeared and is suspected of being captured, is here?

"Colonel William is transformed by Mystique. If you resist, you will be killed immediately!"

The sound of the intercom resounded through the No. 1 flood discharge channel.

Sauron's face was calm.

Don't be surprised if your identity is revealed.

Magneto's expression changed.

Just reach out and control the magnetic field.

All weapons are aimed at their owners!

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