Almost the entire Manhattan area was already occupied by the Zeta Swiss soldiers, on the streets, in the buildings, on all the rooftops. Now there are only a few people who can deal an effective blow to this group of aggressors.

Evergreen, Three Toads, Hulk, Thor, Tony, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Barton…

It is impossible to completely resist the attack of the army by these people alone.

Just after Hulk used his strange powers to take out a steel dragon, the portal was temporarily quiet. But everyone knew that it was just the calm before the storm.

At this time, the Avengers members officially gathered, all standing back to back, and they were also a little tired. Zitauri’s soldiers were inexhaustible and could not get a moment of rest. Of course, in addition to the two monsters of Thor and Hulk, there is also a lot of physical strength.

Changqing was still jumping on various rooftops at this time, trying to find Loki. After casually punching a Zita Swiss soldier, Changqing flashed to another roof again.

And at this point, Changqing missed Loki perfectly, just when Changqing had just left. At the bottom of the building, a Zeta Swiss soldier is holding Loki’s scepter. And the next moment, the soldier breathed a sigh of relief.

A flash of light flashed and turned into Loki’s appearance.

Changqing is looking for Loki, and Loki is not avoiding Changqing, because of the lesson last time, Loki knows that his little trick must not be able to hide Changqing, so he has been avoiding Changqing.

Loki is waiting, waiting for the moment when everyone will be consumed to death.

After a short break. Loki said with an evil smile:

“The whole army is dispatched.”

I saw that the portal, which had just stopped for two minutes, began to move at this moment. A dozen or so Steel Dragons, and more Zitari troops than just now, swarmed.

“Captain, give the order…”

Natasha looked at the army of Zitari who rushed out again, and shook her head helplessly, to be honest, at this moment, she had goosebumps all over the place, and her heart had begun to be a little afraid.

However, her training did not allow her to show the slightest cowardice.

Among this group of old men, Natasha can fight so far, and it is really powerful.

“Whew… Listen to them and restrain them before teleporting, Evergreen is trying to find Loki’s whereabouts. Barton, you go up to the roof and find out the march path of these guys, Ni, hold your ground, anything near these three streets, burn me to ashes, Thor, you have to find a way to block the portal, drag, you can summon lightning, burn them to the ground. As for Natasha, you and me, we will control the battlefield on the ground. Hulk, after, it’s up to you…”

Captain Rogers gasped and methodically arranged everyone’s work. Although the captain’s personal ability is not too strong, his leadership ability and peace battle are real. Good villains are also people who came out of the real battlefield.

Just when several people were preparing to reach their positions. An evergreen voice came from the communicator.

“No need, within half an hour from now, the portal will not drop a single thing. And the task of closing the portal is left to you, remember, only half an hour. Otherwise, just wait for the end of the game. ”

Changqing looked for Loki for a long time without success, so he gave up the idea of looking for Loki alone, instead of searching aimlessly like this, it was better to block the portal directly by himself, so that the rest of the people could quickly find Loki. Thor, in particular, should be able to barely sense Loki’s position.

After all, Thor is a god realm, has an unusual Odin bloodline, and grew up with Loki since childhood, there will always be some way.

“Can you do it yourself?”

The captain was a little hesitant, although he knew that Changqing was very powerful, and he could summon such a huge toad. There are also many mysterious means.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it were not for the evergreen three toads attracting most of the firepower, the situation of the Avengers members would be even more dangerous. Maybe someone has already sacrificed at this moment, or not necessarily.

“Twenty-nine minutes to go…”

Changqing’s cold words reached everyone’s ears from the communicator.

“I see, let’s take action, success or failure is here… Remember, finding Loki the first time to report the bearings, I don’t want Coulson’s tragedy to repeat itself. ”

When they heard Coulson’s name again, everyone’s hearts tightened, and at this moment, where was the mind to talk nonsense, they all scattered to find Loki’s whereabouts.

“Hulk, Hulk, Hulk…”

Of course, except that the Hulk, who didn’t understand the meaning, was still rushing and killing… But there’s no way around it. After all, it is not easy for the Hulk to be able to distinguish between enemies. Who would expect the Hulk to listen to orders like a strange baby?

Changqing jumped and came to the top of Toad War’s head, and at this moment, the furious warrior of Toad Battle was also showing fatigue. As the main firepower of the battlefield, the high-intensity battle, and the countless energy cannons that hit them, all made the physical strength of the three toads of Toad War, Toad Wen, and Toad Wu decline rapidly.

“Leave it to me next. You can take a break. ”

Changqing patted the toad head of the toad battle and said softly. At this time, Toad Zhan’s blood-red eyes that had become blood-red due to his fury gradually regained their clarity.

Then, Toad Zhan sat on the ground with his butt, inserted his two knives on both sides, spread out his left hand, a puff of white smoke rose, and a pipe appeared in his hand. Then he smoked lazily.

“It’s time for you to do the event too. I’m a little tired. ”

“yes, I want to rest too, Toad Wu, how about you?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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