“Cut, look at you pretending to be X…”

Toad Li stuck the magic pestle on the ground, crossed his waist with one hand, and said with disdain.


Whether it’s Thor, the Four Warriors, or Tony, Coulson, who hides far away… At this time, all their jaws fell to the ground in surprise.

He looked at the majestic toad in the field with a look of disbelief.

“Well done, Toad Force.”

Changqing also did not expect that the power of this toad’s power was actually so powerful. Myoku Mountain is truly a magical place. After all, it is a place where the so-called immortals live, and it is really not ordinary.

Loki’s laughter also stopped abruptly. A livid face followed. Felt insulted.

The dignified king of Asgard, who controls Asgard’s strongest armor, was actually slapped away by a toad with a stick.

How could Loki endure this.

In a deep pit two kilometers away from Changqing, the destroyer stood up with flames all over his body.

Then he flew towards the toad force at a speed a few minutes faster than when he flew in.

Just when everyone was immersed in the joy of 04 just now, Changqing found that a flame in the distance was rushing towards this place at an extremely fast speed.

“Toad power, be careful.”

Toad Force, who was receiving everyone’s praise, got a little carried away for a while, and by the time Toad Force reacted, the destroyer was about to hit it.

Without thinking, Toad grabbed the descending magic pestle and swung it forward with all the strength of his body.

The imaginary destroyer was sent flying and did not reappear. Instead, it was the toad force, which was hit hard by the destroyer, and the powerful impact force made the huge toad mouth of the toad force spew out a mouthful of blood and fell hundreds of meters away.

The long tongue is casually placed on the side of the mouth. There was no god in his eyes, and he had obviously passed out.


A white smoke rose, and Toad Li regretfully withdrew.

Once again, everyone’s jaws were almost on the ground in surprise, and this reversal came too quickly.

The corner of Changqing’s mouth twitched, and the family of Toad Li was really unexaggerated. It’s too easy to scream. At the same time, the two writing wheel eyes of the Tai Chi pattern rotate.


Changqing said softly, his eyes suddenly widened. Two lines of blood suddenly left from the evergreen eye sockets, flowed down his cheeks, and fell to the ground.

At the same time, two black flames appeared out of thin air on the hands of the exterminator. Like a tarsal maggot, it constantly burns and destroys the body made of metal that I don’t know. No matter how destructive it is, you can’t please remove this black fire.

Changqing grinned, and the two on his cheeks made Changqing look extremely evil. The tingling pain in his eyes made Changqing’s expression a little hideous.

However, with the appearance of venom, a black liquid eye patch formed in the eye area, and the evergreen eyes returned to their original state. The tingling sensation disappears instantly.

‘Amaterasu’ can be said to be Changqing’s strongest attack method now. If that doesn’t solve the Destroyer, then Changqing should probably consider running away.

As time passed, the smile on Changqing’s face gradually stiffened.

“What is that? The black flame looks really evil. ”

Thor muttered as he stood in the distance.

He has seen a lot of flames, what red, green, yellow, blue … But he hadn’t seen black, which couldn’t help but make Thor care more about this friend who had just met for a long time.

“However, this black fire should not have much effect on the destroyer.”

Sol’s own stuff, of course, he knows well.

I saw that the black flame was constantly burning in the hands of the destroyer, but it was also burning, and nothing more. It did not directly burn the destroyer to half as Changqing imagined.

On the contrary, after the destroyer couldn’t get rid of the black fire for a long time, he simply didn’t get it, and ran towards Changqing like this.

Amaterasu failed for the first time.

When Changqing saw this, sweat was already oozing from his head. I thought that Amaterasu could burn all substances, but in the face of this armor of Odin, Changqing finally understood that not everything is absolute.

Changqing can still stand here because he still has the skill of ‘Shenwei’, which can save his life. Otherwise, Changqing ran early.

“In the end, try it with Susano, if it doesn’t work, I can’t help it.”

Changqing thought secretly in his heart.

At this moment, the Destroyer, who had locked the evergreen, suddenly emitted a shining light from within the mask. This is a plasma beam, and the body of the person hit will explode from the inside.

“Be careful. Evergreen………”

Tony watched from a distance as Evergreen remained motionless, shouting desperately, while the energy cannon in his hand also shot out.

The speed of the energy cannon is also fast. In an instant, it hit the plasma beam. But like a stone sinking into the sea, it did not make a wave.

At this time, the beam of light had already come to Changqing. Loki, who was far away on the throne of Asgard, had the corners of his mouth hooked up, revealing a triumphant smile.

This kind of distance, no one can dodge. 533

Just when everyone thought that Changqing would definitely die, the plasma beam passed through Changqing’s chest. Dr. Jane, the group, and Coulson couldn’t help but turn their heads. Close your eyes.

The expected scream did not come, and the beam did pass through Changqing’s chest, but it could only make Changqing’s chest become distorted, and then it recovered.

Evergreen is like a phantom, visible and untouchable.

Loki’s smile froze too. Shocked, he stood up from his throne.


Evergreen didn’t have the heart to pay attention to everyone’s expressions. The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye turns again. A black, evil aura of energy wrapped Evergreen.

Then the black transparent energy constantly changed shape, and in the first stage, a skull frame with a human figure on the upper body. A pair of skull hands.

In the second stage, the skull frame grew the lower body.

In the third stage, the black energy turned into flesh and blood, meridians, and blood vessels, slowly covering the skeleton, and growing three heads and six arms.

At this point, Susanoo finally stopped changing and turned into a tall passerby with a bald figure, while Evergreen was floating in the giant’s head. _

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