“Ladies and gentlemen, you should be able to see by now that the two monsters have become a group, constantly fighting for life and death, but their bodies are very tough, causing a lot of casualties around, but the two monsters are still alive!”

“Remember yesterday’s Green Monster incident at Culver University? At that time, there was a video circulating on the Internet, which said that it was a monster researched by the military, and the military was also on the scene at that time! ”

“Today the same monster appeared again, and we have reason to believe that this is the monster caused by another failure of the military!”

“So who of these two monsters will win? Or do you lose both? Or maybe yesterday’s mysterious superhero with an orange mask reappears to solve them? ”

“We don’t know, here is Radio New York to bring you first-hand live reports and news, I’m host Kelly, let’s pay attention together!”

On these very high planes, reporters from major radio stations are desperately reporting on the incident.

And at this time, on the helicopter that flew low just now, a figure jumped directly down, and Changqing slowly landed from the helicopter not far from the fierce Abomination and Hulk.

“Hulk, you don’t deserve this power!”

A green, muscular berserk giant slowly stood up from the ruins of a restaurant from its crushed seat and shook his head.

This is Hulk, who has just been kicked and smashed into a restaurant by Abomination.

Immediately afterwards, a yellow giant rushed in with a fierce face, and when he saw that Hulk had just gotten up, he suddenly jumped, and then smashed heavily into Hulk.

But the abomination did not find it, Changqing was standing next to the Hulk, and Changqing was a little confused when the Hulk smashed in just now, but he didn’t expect that another one also rushed over.

Maybe Abomination saw Evergreen, but didn’t care, Abomination now only sees the existence of Hulk, which is beyond his power.

Abomination can clearly feel that the Hulk’s power is slowly growing in the battle just now, and the height and size are slowly increasing, which makes Abomination a little anxious and unwilling, and wants to solve the Hulk quickly.

“God, God, my God, did you see that? There was a strange person who jumped from the plane just now, and there was nothing wrong with such a high place! ”

“This, this kind of dressing, obviously, is the mysterious superhero who dealt with the green monster that day, and he has now fallen to the place where the two monsters are fighting, what will he do?”

“Oh my God, that yellow monster is rushing over, be careful, get out of the way!”

In the sky, the reporters desperately broadcast the situation here, and all the people watching in front of the TV couldn’t help but pinch a cold sweat for Changqing.


Seeing that Abomination was speeding up and rushing, and obviously hurting himself by mistake, Changqing immediately made a move, immediately biting his finger, swiped on his palm, and then quickly sealed the seal using psychic techniques.


A puff of smoke appeared, and the abomination of the dash was suddenly wrapped around the body by a tenacious tongue, and the whole movement immediately stopped.

The smoke cleared, and a huge dark green toad about two meters tall appeared in the audience with shocked expressions on everyone’s faces, and the tongue that wrapped around hatred came from this toad.

And this toad is still wearing clothes on it, and there is a Chinese character for “oil” on the back of the clothes.


Abhorrence struggled and roared madly after being entangled, trying to break free from this tough tongue, but I don’t know why, but I just couldn’t break free.

“Where are the bugs, give me death!”

Abomination was changed by Bulangsky, who had rich combat experience, and when he saw that he could not break free, he immediately held the toad’s tongue with both hands, and the knotted muscles suddenly strained.

He actually pulled the toad directly towards him.


Before the dark green toad could react, it was pulled by the abomination, and punched the toad fiercely on the toad’s head, knocking the toad upside down and flying out.

“Toad Lin, are you all right, Toad Lin!”

Seeing this, the corners of Changqing’s mouth twitched, he was trying not to use the kaleidoscope ability before Tony brought the symbiote, so he used psychic magic.

Just now I saw that Toad Lin’s tongue hated to break free, Changqing still nodded secretly in his heart, the tongue of the toad of Miaomu Mountain is very tough, and full of strength, it is normal to hate to break free.

But I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, Toad Lin was beaten, after all, the difference in strength between the two sides was too much.

“I’m fine, but I’m not his opponent, his strength is too great!”

Toad Lin jumped up from the ruins and came to Changqing’s side, rubbing her head and looking at Hatred with some fear and said.

“Hmph, it turned out to be you, Evergreen Wesley, who lost at your hands that day, let you see the power I got today!”

Abomination saw Evergreen, and suddenly the enemies were very red when they met, and that day Evergreen beat Bulangsky to pieces in three or two strokes, and now he has strength, of course, Abomination must take revenge.

Abomination said, a big jump jumped towards Changqing, and when it was about to fall, he stepped on Changqing.


Seeing this, Changqing used psychic techniques again, and a toad with an iron fist on both arms was unusually strong and exposed in the smoke, and blocked it against his abomination legs.


The ground cracked, and the place where Changqing and Toad Lin and the toad who had just come out were standing was dented into a large area, but when everyone looked worriedly after the gunsmoke, they found it.

The red toad that had just come out actually blocked Abomination’s attack with both arms, and Abomination was viciously trying to step on it at the moment, but it couldn’t do it at all.

The red toad is like a person, with its arms upwards, its strong legs clutching the ground, majestically.

“Well done, Toad Soldier!”

Changqing hurriedly encouraged that this toad soldier’s hands were very powerful, able to summon to resist some physical collisions, and was very good at close combat, able to deal with some people who used weapons.

“It’s incredible, unlike that day, this time this mysterious superhero showed us the ability to summon strange big frogs to fight!”

“I have to say, these frogs are very handsome, aren’t they? I’ll already be able to see these two big frogs in some of tomorrow’s peripheral toys! ”

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