And Tony is also ready to give Changqing 10% of the shares, so that Changqing has 17% of Stark Industries, which can be regarded as a major shareholder, which strengthens the relationship between Changqing and Tony and makes the alliance more solid.

Although 10% of the shares is a huge number, due to some circumstances, Tony himself cannot hold too much, he now has 43%, and it will become 68% after eating that person’s shares.

Other shareholders, as well as other conglomerates and countries in the United States, will not allow him to hold so many shares in this huge industrial empire alone.

“Well, then let’s do this first, what’s the matter tonight, this is the first time we really communicate, I’ll come up with some good things!”

Changqing hung up the phone after speaking, and then performed reverse psychic magic again and returned home, quietly waiting for Tony’s arrival.

At night, Changqing was drinking in the living room, dressed in a suit, and the refreshed Tony was welcomed in by a maid, and as soon as he came in, he sat on the sofa and asked excitedly:

“You said you were going to take out something today, what was it? Is it an item, or an intelligence? Or is it information? ”

“Yes, come, take a look at this thing first, this thing is very important to me, I will explain it to you in detail later!”

After Changqing waved his hand for the maid to retreat, the spatial vortex that Tony had seen appeared in his eyes again, and then a cylindrical petri dish appeared on the table, in which the black flowing object kept wriggling inside.

“What is it?”

Tony asked curiously looking at the venom in the petri dish.

“This thing is called a symbiote, it’s an alien creature, do you know about the Life Foundation?”

Changqing explained.

“You know, it’s a pretty strong company, and there are some results, but I don’t put it in my eyes yet!”

Tony said arrogantly.

“This thing is what they brought back from space this time, and then I went to their base to grab it, and when I went they had two left, I got one, and one was obtained by agents of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency!”

Changqing said casually, as if it was natural for him to rob other people’s things.

“Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency? I know the organization with this name, they have found me, but they are so powerful, they can actually grab things with you? And it worked? ”

Tony was shocked when he heard this, how powerful Changqing was, but he knew, this Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau was actually able to grab something in Changqing’s hands, and he also grabbed one, which made Tony a little difficult to accept.

And Tony is even more curious about this “symbiote” at this time, what kind of treasure can make Changqing and this mysterious organization go to rob it?

“That’s because I only need this one, otherwise they weren’t my opponents at all, but they later returned it to the Life Foundation!”

Changqing said.

“So that’s the case, so now we can talk about this alien life, right?”

Tony can’t wait to know what this strange, flowing alien life is for, and from the word evergreen calls it “symbiote”, Tony has some speculation.

“I know more about symbiotes than anyone else, this thing comes from a special planet, that planet is full of such symbiotes, and only on that planet, these symbiotes can live without parasitizing any host!”

Changqing said slowly.

“Parasite, sure enough, hearing the name ‘symbiote’, I knew that this thing should be a parasite species, and then said!”

Tony looked “sure enough” and let Changqing continue.

“A symbiote is a thoughtful, extraterrestrial organic life that comes in almost liquid form. It needs to be combined with a host to survive and can give the host great power and abilities! ”

“And this parasitism is dangerous, there may be rejection, if this phenomenon occurs, the parasitic host will die, but once successful, then the host will have great strength, speed, agility, regeneration and other abilities!”

“And the flow characteristics of symbiotes can also help the host fight, and the stronger ones can even transform into various hard weapons to fight!”

“And the symbiote is very resistant, it is a trifle to withstand bullets and everything, and even can withstand the attack of shells, of course, the symbiote itself is very afraid of fire!”

Changqing explained eloquently.

“It’s amazing, but it’s also dangerous, you show me this thing what you want me to do, right?”

Tony was shocked to hear the information about the symbiote, but instantly came back to his senses and thought about some prospects for this kind of thing.

“It’s very dangerous, first of all, repulsion, I mainly want you to help me solve this problem, and then there is the symbiote is easy to starve, if not well controlled, he may slowly eat your internal organs!”

“Finally, the symbiote has his own thoughts, and if you want to combine well, you need to control it!”

“Of course, I can solve the latter problems by myself, and I mainly want you to help me solve the problem of exclusion!”

Evergreen Road.

“You’re going to possess this thing? I’m not wrong to understand that, right? Does this need to be required? With your power, what else do you need this thing for? This thing looks disgusting, and there is such a big risk, I don’t think it is necessary at all! ”

Tony asked, puzzled.

“Since we have begun to cooperate, then you should also know some of my situation, this can be regarded as my sincerity!”

Evergreen said suddenly, and then continued without waiting for Tony to say anything

“My power comes from my eyes, and my eyes are called Sharingan, which are eyes that can evolve, with strong dynamic vision and the ability to analyze and crack!”

“The writing wheel eye is divided into single hook jade writing wheel eye — double hook jade writing wheel eye — three-hook jade writing wheel eye from the opening of the eye— kaleidoscope writing wheel eye— eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!”

“Gouyu? It’s that little comma in your eyes, right? Now it seems that you have evolved to the three-hook jade writing wheel eye? No, your eyes can continue to change, that is, you evolved to the kaleidoscope chakra eye, right? ”

“Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan! If I’m not mistaken, the kaleidoscope chakra eye is defective, which is why your eyes bleed that day and will look tired, right? ”

Tony listened while constantly analyzing, Tony deserved to be a genius, just relying on some information from Changqing, he analyzed Changqing’s situation eight or nine.

This made Changqing’s face show an appreciative look, if it was to say it to other people, the others might have been shocked and speechless, right?

But Tony is different, he can quickly accept these seemingly fanciful things, as long as they actually appear in front of him, he will not deny it.

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