Gurgle, gurgle… the sound of boiling liquid continued to sound.

In a huge jar-like container, various gases were emitting at this time. The colorful liquid seemed to be boiling, and bubbles of the same color kept floating out.

In the middle of this mysterious liquid was the colorful liquid of Jin Bing.

The queen looked at Jin Bing in the jar and frowned,”This guy’s vitality is too weak. If this goes on, what will be refined is not a living puppet, but a dead object without life.”

Puppets are also divided into dead puppets and living puppets.

As the name suggests, dead puppets are puppets without vitality, such as mechanical puppets, wooden puppets, etc.

Living puppets are made with living beings.

There is a big difference between dead puppets and living puppets.

Not only because of the materials, but more importantly, if dead puppets want to become stronger, they can only rely on means such as replacing materials.

In other words, dead puppets do not have spontaneous growth, and they also need other wisdom to control them.

Living puppets are different. Not only can they control themselves, but also need other wisdom to control them.���What’s more important is that it can maintain a certain growth potential.

Therefore, the value of a living puppet is greater than that of a dead puppet. The book”Puppet Secrets – Undead Puppet” that the queen took out is only a relatively basic puppet secret that can create puppets with excellent healing abilities, but it is a secret technique for creating living puppets.

Rock did not hesitate, took out a light-like object, threw it gently, and it fell towards the golden one.

“That is… the extraordinary seed!”

The queen naturally knew the extraordinary seed. After all, she had seen Rock take out the extraordinary seed from the devil’s body.

Rock nodded and said no more.

The queen did not ask any more questions. The extraordinary seed can help ordinary creatures step into the extraordinary. At the moment of injection, ordinary creatures will undergo a certain transformation. It is also a good way to strengthen the activity of some Jin Bing. When a supernatural seed entered the body, Jin Bing’s body trembled slightly, and the mysterious liquid around him boiled more and more seriously.

“It’s time!”

The queen began to quickly draw a complex magic circle.

Lines of magic lines connected around the jar, and after a while, the magic circle was completely formed. After drawing the magic circle, Rock walked in front of the magic circle, cut his fingertips, and a drop of blood instantly fell into the magic circle. In an instant, the entire magic circle was awakened, flashing with amazing light.

At the same time, the mysterious liquid in the jar seemed to have the same frequency, flashing bright light synchronously. In an instant, these lights intertwined together to form a colorful”light egg”.

Time passed slowly, and as time went by, gradually, the bright colors on the surface of the colorful light egg began to dissipate, as if all the energy was absorbed by the things nurtured in it.

“It’s coming out!” The queen looked at the light egg that began to tremble slightly with a burning gaze.

This was her first time to refine this kind of puppet. If it succeeds, she can repeat these methods to refine a few more puppets in the future.

Although there are not many materials for living puppets in this world, don’t forget that Rock didn’t take the prince’s body and the devil’s body. They all fell into her hands. If successful, the queen can completely refine a puppet that is not inferior to the prince’s when he was alive. So, at this moment, the queen is more looking forward to the success of the refining than Rock.

And at this moment, suddenly, a change occurred!

The puppet, which originally only needed to quietly break the”light egg” on the surface of the body to be completely formed, suddenly vibrated violently.

Roar! Roar! Roar…

A series of roars like wild beasts sounded! It was as if something terrifying was reviving!

Not only that, the”light egg” that was not small to begin with, actually began to expand inexplicably. In the blink of an eye, it expanded to twice its size!

At this time, it was almost touching the ceiling!

“Why is this happening? No, it shouldn’t be!” The queen said in disbelief.

But at this time, Rock was very calm:”Don’t worry, this may not be a bad thing.”

He seemed to have thought of something, and an expectant look appeared on his face.

The next moment, with a bang, the light eggs that were expanding all around exploded directly, and a terrifying figure emerged from it!

Nearly four meters tall, with muscles that had expanded to the extreme all over his body, muscles that had expanded to the extreme, even forming hardened armor similar to the Memory Armor Titan.

Just standing there, it gives people a terrifying sense of oppression like an ancient beast, as if the air is about to solidify.

The guy in front of him, except for a face that is still vaguely recognizable as Kingpin, seems to have transformed into another species. Seeing this scene, Rock did not get angry but laughed.

“It’s really an unexpected gain!”

This living puppet naturally can’t increase its strength casually. Whether it’s the refined materials or the Jinbing itself, even if you add the giant-type extraordinary seed, it can only refine a Jinbing puppet comparable to the professional level.

It’s said to be comparable to the professional level, but in fact, it’s comparable to the low-level professional level.

But the one in front of us is definitely more than that. The suffocating sense of oppression alone is definitely not something that a primary professional level can have.

This puppet naturally can’t mutate for no reason. There is only one possibility for this change. The process of refining the puppet triggered Rock’s special talent-ability upgrade!

All the abilities used by Rock will be amplified fivefold!

Five times the puppet refining amplification! Just transformed into this armored giant puppet that looks like an ancient ferocious beast.



The armored giant puppet moved. The jar it was carrying was instantly shattered with just one step. Every step was like a small mountain moving.

When it reached Rock…


The armored giant puppet knelt on one knee, and the ground exploded instantly.


A buzzing sound like thunder sounded, which was also very oppressive. The lowered head showed his submissive side.

Name: Armored Giant Puppet

Quality: Rare

Level: Intermediate Professional Level (Extreme)

Talents: Armored Body, Powerful Healing

Introduction: A powerful living puppet created accidentally. Its rare grade gives it the potential to grow into a professional level extreme. If it is integrated with the blood of a giant legendary creature, there is a 50% chance that it will transform into a legendary giant puppet!

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