Osborn Group, the largest biotechnology company in the United States, in some cases, no one else!

As the helmsman of the Osborn Group, the old capitalist Norman Osborn, who is well-known throughout the American upper class, returned to his office with a gloomy face.


A potted plant that he usually liked very much was instantly shattered!

As a capitalist and the helmsman of a top large enterprise, Norman Osborn should not show his emotions, but he couldn’t help it!

Those damn bastards! Bugs! Those directors who made him want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Damn! Damn! Damn them all!

They only see the immediate benefits!

They don’t know his great goal, Norman Osborn!

Bugs, vampires who only lie on the Osborn Group to suck blood, bastards!

One second, two seconds…

In just a few seconds, the furious Norman Osborn’s face gradually returned to calm.

There is no point in being angry. Three seconds of anger is enough to vent the anger in his heart. He needs to stay calm enough and think about how to deal with those vampire-like bastard directors next.

“Snap Snap……”

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause.

“As expected of the head of the Osborn Group, his ability to control emotions is amazing.”

Norman Osborn’s expression changed, and he suddenly looked towards the source of the sound.

He saw a young man who appeared on the sofa at some point, looking at him with interest.

Norman Osborn’s eyes were stern, and one hand was about to reach in a certain direction.

“Who are you?”

“Why are you here?”

Rock said calmly,”Mr. Osborn, don’t you want to hear why I’m here?”

As he spoke, he looked at Norman Osborn’s hand that was getting closer and closer to the alarm.

He didn’t stop or scold him, but just watched calmly.

Norman Osborn’s hand, which was about to touch the alarm, paused for a moment.

As a top financier, he should have been wary of unfamiliar things, but at this moment, he had to admit that his curiosity was aroused.

At this time, Rock spoke again.

“Identity is meaningless, after all, you can create countless copies of it.”

“As for how I got here, oh, it wasn’t easy, three hundred thousand dollars, just to see you, I spent three hundred thousand dollars”

“That’s a lot of money.” Norman Osborn said with a wry smile.

“Yes, it is indeed quite big.”

After a moment’s silence, Norman Osborn said again:”Three minutes, I still have three minutes, this is the time for the next meeting.”

After checking Norman Osborn’s schedule, Rock knew that Norman Osborn was talking nonsense, so he didn’t care, and didn’t even care about Norman Osborn’s hand that had completely fallen into the alarm↑

“Three minutes, that’s enough.”

“I heard that Mr. Osborn is fed up with a bunch of ignorant old guys, and even his own biotechnology development plan has been affected~”

Norman Osborn’s face remained unchanged. There has never been a lack of termites in the company, and those guys on Wall Street are the most proficient in cultivating termites, so he was not surprised by the company’s secret exposure.

“And then?”

Rock exclaimed:”As expected of Mr. Osborne.”

Rock didn’t hate praising others. After all, who doesn’t want to hear nice things? As for whether the exaggerated words are true or false, or whether the attitude is sincere, that’s not important. No one cares about that kind of thing.

“I think Mr. Osborn would not hate this thing.”

Norman Oscar lowered his head to take a look at the familiar yet strange check on the table.

He usually wrote checks for others, but this kind of check given to him by others was the first time for Norman Osborn, and he had a strange feeling of wanting to laugh.

But when he saw the number on the check, he didn’t want to laugh anymore.

2, with eight zeros at the end!

Two hundred million!

A full two hundred million US dollars!!!

This is a number that no company with a market value of tens of billions would dare to underestimate!

Even for the Osborn Group, it is definitely not a small number.

A smile that made people feel like spring breeze suddenly appeared on Norman Osborn’s old face, and one hand completely released from the alarm.

“I’m really sorry for failing to show proper etiquette in receiving distinguished guests.”

“Secretary, where have you been? Hurry up and serve coffee to my distinguished guest!”

Rock also laughed. He also saw the face of the capitalist.

“Coffee is fine.”

“OK, then may I ask, what do you think?”

Without money, it’s a purpose, a conspiracy, with money, it’s an idea, it can only be said to be very capitalist.

“Two things”

“Please say”

“The first thing is Mr. Osborne’s ideas about biotechnology. I have looked up some information and it is amazing.”

“I think Mr. Oscar wouldn’t mind changing to a few like-minded partners.”

Mr. Norman Osborn’s smile deepened. The identity of the young man in front of him was not important. He wanted to be a director, and he clearly would not oppose his development of biotechnology, or more precisely, the plan of superhuman medicine.

This is great, isn’t it?

As for the sudden insolence and the conspiracy behind it, facing the real American dollar cutie, those are not important. He needs new capital injection now.

“So, what about the second thing?”

“The second one is simpler. I heard that the Osborne Group has some very interesting products. I want to make some interesting toys. I think Mr. Osborne won’t mind.”

“Of course, if Mr. Osborne cares, another equally perfect little cutie should soothe the impact of a stranger like me on Osborne’s mood.”

“No, no, no……”Norman Osborn stood up, held out his hand, and smiled warmly.

“Stranger? What a strange term.”

“You are obviously my friend, Norman Osborn, and the entire Osborn family’s best friend!”

Even so, Norman Osborn still doesn’t know the name or surname of his ‘best friend’.

“Yes, you are right, Mr. Osborne, you will be my best friend too.”

The two hands were tightly clasped together, very powerfully, and their smiles were also very sincere and pure, symbolizing their passionate and powerful friendship.

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