Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 2329 magician warrior

If you don't surrender, you will die. You can live for a while if you surrender. It's not too late to make up for it. The regiment commander is smart and knows what to do

As the ground collapsed, high-tech bases deep underground began to appear, and a large number of Faceless began to climb using their tentacles and began to attack the enemy.

"Hahaha! See no, this is power, this is supreme power, you ants, you will eventually die under my feet! Being able to die under my feet is a gift from God." An Moya The mountain roared fiercely

Jiang Yifu looked at the other party coldly, turned his head to dodge the other party's attack while busy, and lit his cigarette. "You really are a madman, there is a saying that is very good, to make it perish, you must first make it crazy!

"Die!" An Moya Mountain spewed out a large amount of poison, corroding the entire palace, and grabbed a large number of innocent people with tentacles and devoured it.

This kind of scene is a bit disgusting to look at. Jiang Yifu blew a smoke ring and rushed forward with a laser sword, cutting off all the tentacles.

The size of the monster is too large, and relying on a simple laser sword is not very efficient at all. The tentacles that are cut off can grow back again in a very short time, which is not enough to cause fatal damage. its hacked

"Haha! Trash, there is no way, do you think you can deal with me like this? Without magic, you are nothing, you trash, come on! Come and kill me, come and kill me, trash! "An Moya Mountain has turned into a monster with a head

All were swallowed up, but the strong resentment against Jiang Yifu remained.

It's no wonder that if a person's fiancee is taken away, his beautiful and beautiful mother is also taken away, and he is also shown off in front of the other party. It's strange that there is no strong resentment. As for the good things in this regard, that's another matter.

"You are really stubborn. Use any tricks you can. Let me see!" Jiang Yifu sneered and looked at the battle data collection on the side. Strength, attack speed, movement speed, etc. all have clear data. is showing.

The numbered data of an item is illuminated, and these are the only indicators used to study the power of the void. Otherwise, Jiang Yifu would not drag him down at all, and he would study the weakness of the void, and then he could configure the corresponding tactics to let superhero and super villain.

Go work for him!

"Don't be complacent, go to hell!" An Moya Mountain sent out a highly destructive sound wave, matched with the misty light emitted by the tentacles.

Jiang Yifu sneered, took out another laser sword and connected it to each other, spinning the double-edged laser sword and began to resist each other's fog light and tentacles. A large number of tentacles were burned directly to ashes, and the mist rays were also disintegrated.

Five minutes passed, and An Moyashan's smirk gradually became out of control. He never imagined that the other party could resist. Are those two laser swords so good?

"It's really awesome!" Jiang Yifu seemed to see through the other party's mind. When the other party's expression became extremely cruel, the wedding diamond ring on his hand flashed a strange light, and the power of fear of the yellow light made An Mo Yashan couldn't help but squat down with his head in his arms,

The huge tentacles waved together like fried noodles, firmly protecting the core compound eye weakness in the middle

The sticky and slippery tentacles will not leave a trace of white marks when cut by ordinary swords. In addition to hot weapons, people without special powers use cold weapons to fight the faceless, and they are killing themselves!

Jiang Yifu constantly rotates his right hand and holds a cigarette in his left hand. When the cigarette is finished and only one butt remains, the data has been collected. Holding the cigarette butt in his left hand and flicking it, he threw the cigarette butt out.

The flaming cigarette butt was thrown by Jiang Yifu, and the forward speed was even more exaggerated than the bullet. It penetrated the layers of protective tentacles, and finally resisted the compound eye position of the core. The cigarette butt instantly burned into an explosive effect no less than a missile.

The storm caused by the explosion directly blew out the tentacles like fried noodles, and even the core compound eyes were blown up, and the eyes were already blind.

Ancao Yashan clutched his head in pain. After an earth-shattering scream, he fainted. In less than a moment, Ancao Yashan stood up again. Brain cool. Turned into a pool of sewage. A brand new tentacle head is automatically formed. with a sneer

"Thank you so much, I'm very satisfied with this body!

"You're welcome, you won't be able to take it with you anyway, and you'll die here. When I have time to go to the void, I'll have tea with your mother and your wife." Jiang Yifu responded disdainfully.

"You can go to the Void and talk about it, I'm not the same as that trash." The Faceless immediately hit him with huge amounts of fists with tentacles.

Jiang Yifu took the opponent's fist with ease, his twisting tentacles wanted to entangle his arm, but was suppressed by invisible's aura. "You don't see how powerful you are, but you are still so weak. Are you all so weak in the void? So weak, you are too embarrassed to call it the void.

Calling a dog rhino is not a good thing!

"Crack!" The Faceless roared and continued to punch in anger

It seems that all Void creatures have feelings, so-called feelings? This is a true discovery.

"Okay, that's it, the compound eye just now is the place to limit your possession of the consciousness of Mount An Moya, disguised as a weakness and let the enemy kill the host, this kind of thing really happens twice, as expected of Lao Yinbi. Void bull." Jiang Yifu is very clear

Obviously guessed.

"What's the matter, you ants, you will eventually become part of the void!" The Faceless grinned and sent out an infinite absorption force, absorbing everything and swallowing it up

Jiang Yifu shook his head, an invisible force of air covered his whole body, and the next second it flew out like a cannonball, knocking the Faceless Man into the opposite direction.

The Faceless Man, who dared not sign the letter, looked at the position of his heart, where there was a hole. Peng! Another crisp voice came, and there is another void here!

Repeatedly punching back and forth, the Faceless Man becomes a sieve. The next second, a small nuclear warhead was placed at the heart, boom! The explosion flames covered the Faceless.

Jiang Yifu grinned and stretched out his right hand. Irony magic controlled the air to form an air wall, trapped the flames firmly in place, and burned the Faceless Man repeatedly until the wreckage that could not be burnt out was left. Great power to break up!


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