Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2039: Giant toad

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Chapter 2039 Giant Toad

After doing these things, Cheng Feng felt relieved.

Although he gave away a whole Heihuatiandi fruit, Cheng Feng did not feel sorry.

The things you send out will definitely pay off.

What's more, in addition to Heihuatiandi, Cheng Feng has five high-level heaven and earth fruits in his hands.

It is completely enough for Cheng Feng to cultivate dozens of fortunes.

If enough time is given to Cheng Feng, then Cheng Feng will become a new force of rapid rise from the heavens and the world!

After solving the trivia, Cheng Feng began to concentrate on defending the death pontoon and sent everyone away.

Perhaps because Cheng Feng's strength is too strong, the fire of Hell's black flames is too fierce.

The ghosts dormant in the abyss of death have been completely quiet since Cheng Feng blasted.

Let Cheng Feng send out batches of warriors, they also turned a blind eye.

Until an hour later, there were only a dozen people left at the scene.

Roar! !!

A low growl suddenly emerged from the bottom of the abyss of death.

The voice was cold and harsh, and the ghosts lying dormant in the abyss of death shivered.

It seemed that he heard the emperor's instructions, and his eyes suddenly became red.

The next moment, overwhelmingly rushed towards the death pontoon.

"Not good, there are more fierce characters under the abyss of death!"

"Hurry up, we must leave quickly!"

"Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable."

The last dozen people were shocked when they heard the cold roar.

Then he did not dare to neglect, and the divine power in his body evoked, rushing towards the death pontoon.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng raised a brow and walked towards the death pontoon.

Only Surin stood in place, as if he didn't hear the slightest sound.

"Fast and fast, we must speed up."

The death pontoon is hundreds of miles long, and it is now filled with dense ghosts.

The dozen or so people headed by Bai Zihua and Su Shengtian saw this, but it was also a bit scalp.

Immediately the weapons came out and rushed towards the past.

The intention is to forcibly break through the ghostly walls and escape from the sky.

Bai Zihua and Su Shengtian are super strong.

As two sharp knives, the two launched an impact on the ghosts, almost like a bamboo shoot.

In a blink of an eye, I rushed out hundreds of miles.

In the back of the team, Cheng Feng guarded.

Once there were ghosts waiting for the opportunity to attack, all could not escape the eyes of the process, were beheaded on the spot.

It didn't take too long to reach the center of the death pontoon.

But at this moment, 咻 ~~~

A blood-red piling emerged suddenly and rolled towards the two warriors in the center of the team.

These two warriors, Xiu Wei, both reached the seventh ascendant, and Xiu Wei is not weak.

However, in the face of the sweep of the red horse, there was no slight resistance.

In a blink of an eye, the red horse broke through the defense line and was caught in the horse.

Next moment, 唰 ~~~

It will be dragged into the abyss of death, which is one of the five super ghosts.

"court death!"

At this moment, a knife came out of nowhere.

Flashed on that red horse and cut it into two sections at once.

The two warriors who were taken away were rescued.

"Thank Brother Cheng Feng."

The two were saved, Qi Qi thanked Cheng Feng for his salute.

But Cheng Feng didn't care, just told: "Pay attention to the defense, the super ghost in the death abyss has begun to shoot."

"I can save you once, not necessarily the second time."

After speaking, Cheng Feng threw the long knife in his hand and blasted forward.

Stabbing ~~~

The knife light seemed to have eyes.

The blood had just splattered in the nothingness in front of him.

After a closer look, it turned out that a red-haired giant claw protruded from the bottom of the abyss of death to arrest a female warrior in the team.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng arrived in such a timely manner, otherwise, the female warrior would be disabled if she did not die!

"Everyone pays attention to protect myself, I will kill those super ghosts!"

The power of super ghosts is much stronger than ordinary ghosts.

With the launch of five super-ghosts, the danger level of the crowd increased dramatically.

Then Cheng Feng's face became cold and he shouted a loud voice.

The next moment, I jumped off the death pontoon to kill the five super ghosts.

"This guy Cheng Feng actually escaped into the abyss of death ..."

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Even Bai Zi's paintings and Su Shengtian's eyes suddenly tightened.

It feels like they, maybe they have the courage to jump out of the death abyss, but they will never be as decisive as Cheng Feng!

The abyss of death is unfathomable, surrounded by a thick dense fog.

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, and he could only see objects within about four or five kilometers.

At this moment, there is only one thing that Cheng Feng sees, and that is a ghost.

Densely packed, countless ghosts!

After seeing Cheng Feng, these ghosts roared in fear.

But as a roar rang, Xiang Feng suddenly jumped over.

"Delete me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng grabbed the Demon Sword, urged a few kilometers of swordmang, and cut an arc from left to right.

Kill countless ghosts all around the scene.

However, ghosts can't be killed.

Maybe Cheng Feng is exhausted alive, but he may not be able to finish it.

Moreover, Cheng Feng jumped into this death abyss, not to kill ordinary ghosts.

So his eyes turned, searching for the hiding place of the five super ghosts.

Soon, Cheng Feng found a trail of super ghosts.

I saw it was a giant toad covered with huge meat buns.

This toad had two mouths, one of which was open, and a red horse burst out, sweeping the warriors on the death pontoon.

"Finally I find you!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's face showed a touch of cold.

Immediately, without saying a word, he cast Rulai Jinshenju and rushed to the giant toad for his impenetrable defense.

嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Cheng Feng rushed violently, hitting and killing ordinary ghosts that didn't know much, all of a sudden, the giant toad approached.

Then he grabbed the Demon Sword, and the Emperor Cang Sword cut it out!


Cheng Feng's sudden attack surprised the giant toad.

There was a howl in his mouth, and the blood-red tongue of the warrior who crossed the bridge was temporarily redirected, and Asako smashed into it.

The intention is to forcibly intercept Dao Guang's slash.

However, it cannot be stopped at all!

With the knife light chopping on the red tongue, even if the attack angle of the red tongue is very tricky, it is cut directly in half.

Blood splattered everywhere, and sprinkled on the bodies of ordinary ghosts, and it instantly corroded into black water.

The blood is obviously very toxic. If you accidentally cut it, it will fall on your body, but it is quite troublesome.

The peaks are not prepared, but they have been prepared to prevent the slightest blood from spilling on the body.

At the same time, the first knife fell behind, the second knife almost stopped, and exploded to the giant toad again!

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