Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1956: fresh water

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Chapter 1956 The True Water

"Oh? What wine is that?"

In Pei Feng, he thought that the burning of the cloud was already the strongest wine in the world.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng said that there is wine stronger than the fire burning clouds.

This raised his eyebrows, and his face was full of doubt.

"Brother, I got that wine from the Emperor Yuhua."

Cheng Feng did not sell Guanzi and replied: "It is said that His Majesty the Emperor collected the blood of a King of the Holy Dragon and brewed it by himself."

"So named 'Dragon Blood Burn'!"

"Dragon's blood burn? Spirits made from the blood of the Holy Dragon King?"

Upon hearing this, Pei Feng's eyes widened and urged: "Brother, take out that dragon's blood burn quickly, and let my brother open my eyes."

"Brother, don't worry."

However, Cheng Feng was indifferent: "Let's drink your pot of fire and burn the cloud first, and then taste the dragon blood and burn it no later."

"Because once you drink dragon blood fever, your fire cloud will be hard to swallow!"

"Fuck, is it that exaggerated?"

Hearing that, Pei Feng was unbelieving.

But my heart became more and more curious about dragon blood fever.

"Brother, come here, let's drink the fire first."

Cheng Feng laughed: "After drinking the fire and burning clouds, let you see the taste of the world's first spirits!"

"You kid, come with me."

Being irritated by Cheng Feng, Pei Feng shook his head with a grin, and could only drink fire with Cheng Feng first.

Soon, a pot of fire burned the cloud and drunk, Cheng Feng meant nothing.

As for Pei Feng, she was stunned with Cheng Feng, and wanted to see the taste of Dragon Blood Burn.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng stopped joking with Pei Feng.

Take out the altar dragon blood burn donated by Emperor Yuhua and pat the lid off.

A spicy and mellow flavor spread out everywhere.

Pei Feng, who was so embarrassed, blinked.

Feeling this wait, maybe there will be surprises.

as expected.

When Cheng Feng handed the altar to Pei Feng, let him sip it into his mouth.

Suddenly, Pei Feng nodded.

The fierce and hot liquor made him shudder.

After a while, he took a long breath and praised sincerely, "Good wine, indeed good wine!"

"It's much better than the scorching cloud that I spent a lot of thoughts on."

"The name of the world's first spirits is worthy of the name!"

After taking a sip of Dragon's Blood Burn, Pei Feng was convinced.

With one sip, Dragon Blood Burn is the first spirit in the entire dome continent.

"Haha ~~~"

Listening to Pei Feng's words, Cheng Feng laughed: "Brother Pei, since the dragon's blood is so delicious, you should drink more."

"Brother, these fine wines are enough for me to drink."

Pei Feng said reluctantly: "You keep drinking the rest of the wine slowly, it is too wasteful to drink too much at once!"

"Brother, look at what you said."

However, Cheng Feng said: "This altar has been burned with blood. I used to share it with you."

"If you don't drink, what's the point?"

"Come here, I'll fill you up!"

Said, Cheng Feng filled Pei Feng with a bowl of dragon blood burns.

Then they poured a bowl for themselves, and they drank.

There is not much blood in a dragon, even if Cheng Feng slowed down drinking.

After a while, the altar was empty.

However, Cheng Feng and others were drinking very well.

In particular, Pei Feng had a deep memory of Dragon Blood Burn in her heart, which she could not forget for a long time.

"Brother Pei, your black water palace majors in water attributes martial arts. You should know more about true water?"

After drinking, Cheng Feng asked casually.

"True water? I know a lot."

Pei Feng nodded, "Why, why do you suddenly think of Zhenshui?"

Pei Feng knows that Cheng Feng is more proficient in fire.

There is a kind of Hellfire in the top ten of Hellfire list.

Water and fire are incompatible. Since Cheng Feng is proficient in the fire path, it is quite respectful of water.

"Brother, I don't hide you."

Cheng Feng groaned a bit, explaining, "I've been practicing a martial arts practice recently, and I need several kinds of real water to assist."

"My eyes were darkened with Zhenshui, so I came to ask you advice."

"For practicing a martial arts practice?"

Pei Feng raised a brow and asked, "What level of true water is needed to cultivate this martial art?"

"You know, the types of real water are mixed, and the grades are strict."

"The high-level real water is terrifying. Even if there is a horse in the realm, you must return!"

Like water, true water is divided into many realms.

Fanpin, Xuanpin, Houpin, Wangpin, Emperor.

Fanpin is the lowest and Emperor is the highest.

However, Emperor Zhenshui is rare, not just the continent.

The heavens and the world seem to be few.

"Brother Pei, my martial arts martial arts skills are just getting started. I only need a few mysterious products and Hou Pinzhenshui."

After listening to Pei Feng's words, Cheng Feng replied.

"Xuan Pin and Hou Pin Zhen Shui? Let me think about it."

Pei Feng groaned for a moment and said, "In my treasure house of Heishui Palace, there seem to be three or four kinds of mysterious true water, two types of Houpin true water."

"I'll take you to see if you need to."

"This ..." Cheng Feng hesitated.

He came to Heishui Palace just to inquire about the news.

The treasure house of Heishui Palace, which holds true water, must be the center of Heishui Palace.

He's not suitable for an outsider.

"Brother, are you so out of sight with me?"

Pei Feng saw Cheng Feng's hesitation. He patted Cheng Feng's shoulder and said, "Don't twiddle, follow the old man to the warehouse to take a look."

Said, Pei Fengbian led the way, leading Cheng Feng to the Blackwater Palace Treasury.

The treasure house of the Black Water Palace is built under the Black Whale Temple.

Cheng Feng followed Pei Feng and walked down a passage all the way down. After walking for more than ten minutes, a steel door came into view.

The iron gate was embedded in a rock.

It looks inconspicuous, but it is actually a special steel forged and indestructible.

"Blackwater, drive!"

When he came to the iron gate, Pei Feng displayed the black water palace's supreme martial arts to learn black water and make up for the sky.

Kakaka ~~~

The iron door opened.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng and the two entered the iron gate.

Immediately after the continuous strands or hot and cold breath, it came from the front.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that on the open rock wall in front, more than a dozen transparent square boxes were built.

In the square box, there is a stream of water.

It was from these square boxes that the cold or hot breath just now came out.

"Brother Pei, are these true rumors?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help asking.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Pei Feng nodded and said, "These are all true water, but they are just fanarts and mysteries."

"As for Hou Pin, because he was too powerful, he was specially isolated."

"Lest the other real water be swallowed directly!"

"Brother Pei, right?"

Watching a stream of real water, Cheng Feng frowned slightly: "The water flow in this box is a little bit fiery, and fiercer than fire."

"Is it true water too? This is a bit unreasonable!"

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