Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1944: Heaven and earth fruit

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Chapter 1494 The Fruits of Heaven and Earth

"The road ahead was blocked by inexplicable rocks."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng suddenly realized, and whispered: "Nine out of ten, it is because of the earthquake and other reasons that the earth on the top of the cave fell down and blocked the road."

"Fortunately, I have the eyes of the gods, and can see through."

"Otherwise, it may be stuck here, passing the baby left by the mother."

After figuring this out, Cheng Feng moved on.

I saw that the divine power evoked in him, condensed into a divine blade.

As he moved forward, the blocked road ahead was cut open by him.

Within a few minutes, I easily passed through the mud-clogged zone and came to the new road.

Cheng Feng then proceeded without delay.

A short while later, an empty underground cave appeared before his eyes.

I saw that the cave covers an area of ​​dozens of miles, and it is as warm as spring, and even flowers and trees are growing.

Let the whole cave smell of fragrance everywhere, people feel refreshed.

"It's a peculiar place, ten thousand meters below the ground, and there are still flowers everywhere!"

Looking at all this, Cheng Feng was a little surprised: "Moreover, the flowers and trees here are not ordinary and full of rich aura."

"It's like a great medicine, and each one is valuable!"

With flowers and plants everywhere in the cave, Cheng Feng looked up and found that each plant was full of aura.

Especially the closer to the center of the cave, the stronger the aura.

I saw a few pits in the center of the cave, which looked like faces.

The breath spit out in the mouth is hundreds of times stronger than the vitality of heaven and earth.

"Not easy. This place is not easy."

Cheng Feng's heart was not calm: "I'm afraid it's a dome continent, an unknown treasure."

"In that pit, I'm afraid something has grown!"

Cheng Feng's guess is not blind guessing.

You know, the flowers growing outside the pit have reached such a point, the things inside the pit are naturally more amazing.

It is estimated that Cheng Feng's mother wanted Cheng Feng to come here to get him the treasure in the pit.

Thus, he cultivated himself to a new height!

"Go, look over."

Cheng Feng exhaled, calmed the excitement in his heart, and walked towards the pit.

Smelling the sinner's flowers, Cheng Feng quickly came to the pit.

After looking at the pit, his face could not help changing.

Because he actually saw that the pit was filled with life-filled liquid.

"Grass, is it all water for life?"

Cheng Feng couldn't help but explode: "This pit is hundreds of meters wide and at least a hundred meters deep. When converted to‘ drops ’, how many 10,000 drops are there?”

Too amazing and too unexpected!

Cheng Feng never thought that there was so much water of life in the pit.

It should be noted that the water of life is very scarce, and the forming is even more difficult.

And the water of life here is the naturally occurring water of life.

It is much higher than the water of life that Cheng Feng obtained from the blood gods before.

And its quantity is even more scary!

"So many natural waters of life should gather here for a purpose."

In shock, Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply: "Around the water of life, there must be a treasure."

"That baby is probably the treasure that my mother left me!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng quickly raised his eyes and looked around.

Suddenly I saw a small tree growing in the center of the pit.

This small tree has thick arms and leafy branches, and a transparent colored fruit grows on its crown.

Inside the fruit, there was actually a small dragon sealed.

It looks very weird.

"A tree? What tree is this?"

Cheng Feng was curious: "And the fruit of this tree is actually sealed with a dragon!"

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid this tree is not a tree."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "It is the earth dome, an extension of the origin."

"The origin of the dome continent?"

Cheng Feng was shocked: "Uncle Nalan, are you sure this tree is the origin of the dome continent?"

Regarding the origin of the dome continent, Cheng Feng has heard a lot recently.

In fact, the heaven and earth fruit bred by the earth dome continent is the so-called origin.

This kind of thing involves the rumored "world", which is the largest world in nine days and ten lands. It is the only thing qualified to compete for the existence of the creation.

With the origin of the sky, you can have a chance to obtain great fortune, even transcendence, and climb to the top of martial arts!

Now, these heavy treasures have appeared in front of Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng's heartbeat quickly became restless.

"Cheng Feng, I was also born in the earth dome continent, and I am very familiar with the origin of the continent."

Nalan Changsheng said: "I'm sure this tree is the origin of the Dome continent."

"I guess the treasure your mother asked you to come here to look for is this tree."

"To be precise, it is the transparent fruit that grows on the crown of this tree."

"Uncle Naland, if you're right."

Cheng Feng fluctuated and said, "Isn't the fruit on the crown of this tree the fruit of heaven and earth as rumored?"

The fruit of heaven and earth is the spirit body that contains the origin of the earth dome.

This spirit can be some kind of fruit, or it can be flowers, trees, or even animals!

Since the small tree in the pit is the origin of the earth dome, the fruit it produces is naturally the fruit of heaven and earth.

"Cheng Feng, you can say that, but it's not all right."

Nalan Changsheng frowned. "I think the fruit from this little tree is more unique than the heaven and earth fruit from the sky island."

"After you pluck it and eat it, you may have an unexpected gain."

"Pick it down and eat it?" Cheng Feng's heart jumped.

He never thought that he would actually have a step to create a realm and eat the fruits of heaven and earth.

With a long breath, Cheng Feng calmed down his excitement.

Immediately looking at the transparent fruit, Xiaolong's eyes in the fruit closed tightly.

The dragon tail and dragon claws are not yet complete.

"Uncle Naland, it's too early to pick this fruit down?"

Cheng Feng hesitated: "I feel that this fruit has not yet fully matured."

"Well, this fruit does have room for growth."

Nalan nodded his head: "Otherwise, you'll practice here for a while."

"When this fruit is about to mature, pick it down and eat it, and then return to the feathered god."

"Yeah." Cheng Feng agreed.

Anyway, he is going back now, and there is nothing to do.

In addition to understanding the world's trends, it is the practice of retreat to make the final preparations for picking the fruits of the world.

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng retracted his gaze from the pit.

Stepping around and found nothing unusual.

So he sat down cross-legged and began to adjust.

After a few minutes, Cheng Feng's eyes opened and his mental state was adjusted to the best.

The whole person is so fierce and fierce that one punch can penetrate the sky!

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