Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1903: Wan Jian Gui Yuan

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Chapter 1903 Wanjian Guiyuan Formation

This young man wore a gorgeous robe, starbrows and stare eyes, with a fierce expression on his face.

It is the eldest son of the sword emperor of the sword dynasty and the successor to the next generation of sword emperor of the sword dynasty.

"His Royal Highness, Cheng Feng cannot be underestimated!"

In the hall, not only the eldest son of the sword emperor, but also six men and women.

These six men and women, all powerful, like the Yangtze River, are unpredictable.

At the very least, they have reached the seventh highest level of ascending the heaven.

It is the most outstanding group of the entire sword dynasty.

At this time, an old man with a thin face opened his mouth: "The Apocalypse is powerful, and there are three great masters, but they were destroyed by Cheng Feng alone.

"Your Majesty the Sword Emperor has been chasing this son before, and the other party must remember it."

"If that kid wants revenge, the next goal is to fear our sword dynasty!"

"What about it?"

The prince of the sword dynasty disdained: "Cheng Feng's kid can destroy the Apocalypse. This is the incompetence of the Apocalypse."

"Our sword dynasty is not comparable to the Apocalypse."

"The kid dared to come, let's let him come back!"

However, the words of the prince of the sword dynasty just fell.

Bang ~~~

Beyond the sword, a force of martial arts that burst into the air suddenly appeared.

It is like a river hanging upside down, submerging into the clouds, letting the storm in the depths of the sky, pierce a huge hole!

That scene directly put the entire sword into a dead silence!

"The strong martial arts spirit, the cultivation of the people is at least the seventh highest in the sky."

"And this spirit is unparalleled, mixed with the sharp blade's sharpness!"

"Willn't it be the crazy monster Cheng Feng? The crazy monster is the expert with a knife!"

Looking at the spirit of martial arts outside the sky, the swords were talking inside.

Waiting to guess the identity of the person coming, the sound of breath taking off one after another.

Immediately afterwards, she fell into extreme panic.

Not only the sword capital, but also the sword emperor palace.

Numerous masters in the palace face were gloomy and felt that the calamity was approaching, one by one, they looked at the center of Jiandi Palace, the magnificent sword-shaped palace.

At this moment, perhaps only the owner of that hall can turn the tide!

"Cheng Feng, this little beast ... is he really here?"

In the sword-shaped hall, the prince of the sword dynasty narrowed his eyes.

Just now Zhang Kuang's momentum disappeared, looking at the middle of the hall, a middle-aged man sitting still.

This middle-aged man is entangled in a sword like a human-shaped sword.

It is the owner of the sword dynasty, the sword emperor Yun Hao Qin!

"Oh, set my sword dynasty as the first goal?"

The sword emperor has been silent for a while, and suddenly said at the moment: "Cheng Feng, despise the emperor, it will be the biggest mistake you have made in this life!"

"The emperor has already laid out a layout, and ordered the three must swords to come to the sword capital, and also opened the Wanjian Guiyuan formation, plus the emperor and the six swordsmen."

"If you are alone, you must die!"

At this point, the sword emperor Huo Ran stood up.

His eyes glanced at the six men and women in the hall, and he said coldly, "Six swordsmen, Bendi cultivated you for hundreds of years."

"Now it's time for your allegiance!"

"With this emperor, kill the enemy of the offender!"

The words fell, and the sword of the Emperor was tumbling.

Boom ~~~

Break through the sword-shaped hall and run through the sky.

Compared with the spirit of martial arts outside the sword capital, the momentum is even more powerful.

At the same time, six men and women in that hall also evoked divine power.


Six divine powers emerged and merged together.

The power is actually faintly comparable to the sword emperor, which should be the six swordsmen that the sword emperor said.

"Sword power! What a strong power!"

"This is the means of His Majesty the Sword Emperor. He will face Cheng Feng directly."

"His Majesty the Sword Emperor is a master of swordsmanship. In the swords, there are thousands of swords returning to the Yuan Dynasty. Together with the six swordsmen, the strength is much stronger than Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng's coming here is a dead end, he's dead!"

The mood suddenly calmed down when they saw the two strong swords running through the clouds and the sword in panic.

Looking at the Emperor's Palace one by one, I saw a group of seven people standing in the air, stepping towards the main gate of the sword.

Outside the main entrance, a young man in black stood proudly, Cheng Feng was so impressive!

"Sword Emperor, are you wounded?"

Cheng Feng looked at the stepping sword emperor, and said lightly: "Before you chased me for millions of miles, you almost killed a million mountains."

"Today I come to your sword dynasty, it's time to give an account!"

Cheng Feng was pressed for time, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the sword emperor, straight into the topic.

"Well, it was a big mistake that Bendi failed to kill you before."

Speaking of the past, Emperor Jian's heart was upset, and he said coldly: "As for now, although your strength has increased greatly, this Emperor is not without means to deal with you."

"It's up to you to fight and make peace!"

"It's up to me?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng sneered: "Hehe, it seems that your sword emperor is still very confident."

"I think there is a strong spirit to compete with me!"

"That being the case, let me wake you up!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng shot directly.

I saw him pull out the slayer, 刀 ~~~

In the flash of the sword light, one sword cut to the main gate of the sword.

At this time, the swords were wrapped in a streamer.

This heavy streamer shone with a sharp sword edge, as if it was formed by tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of invisible long swords, which is very terrifying.

Awesomely the sword dynasty used to defend the sword of the king's battle array --- Wan Jian Guiyuan battle!

However, with Cheng Feng cut off across the board.

Bang ~~~

The kendo streamer in front of the main gate of the sword actually had a drastic deformation.

The part that was chopped inward was greatly sunken inward, and the sword gas overwhelmed the sword, causing countless warriors to change color.

Even seven people such as the sword emperor changed their color.

Among the six sword slaves, one of them stabbed out with a sword and infused the sword light into Wan Zhen Guiyuan.

Only then did the invasion of the large formation slowly recover.

Shows Cheng Feng's near-horror strength!

"Sword Emperor, how do you feel?"

After the sword passed, Cheng Feng sneered, "Do you still feel that you have any means to deal with me?"

Once the strong shot, they knew if it was.

Cheng Feng's swift knife just made the sword emperor fully feel Cheng Feng's horror.

It is no accident that Cheng Feng knew that Cheng Feng killed the Apocalypse.

However, as the Kendo Emperor, he had his own pride.

Without a real fight, you will never bow your head.

In particular, this soft object is still a young man who is less than 20 years old!

"Hehe ~~~"

Cheng Feng did not wait for the Emperor to speak, only looked at the other side, and he already had an answer in his heart.

He said, "It seems that your sword emperor is also a master who can't see the coffin and can't cry!"

"Well, today I will let you know how the Apocalypse died!"

Cheng Feng was no longer talking nonsense.

The Devil Sword arrogantly held up and performed the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu.

Bang ~~~

In the direction of the million swords that surround the sword capital, they all went away!

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