Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1861: Reverse succession

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Chapter 186: The Inverse Dragon Is Born


In front of everyone, Cheng Feng was twice beaten.

The Apocalypse of Emperor Qiqi was really crazy, and gave out a heartbreaking growl.

Then he dropped the sacred artifact's nine-section whip, and rushed to Cheng Feng.

"Get away from me!"

Seeing the Apocalypse from the culprit, Cheng Feng sneered coldly.

Rolling divine power into the foot surface, kicked out directly.

Huh! Emperor Tianqi was kicked by Cheng Feng and kicked back.

As for Cheng Feng, he didn't even look at each other.

Carry the magic sword and fly away to the millions of mountains.

"Cheng Feng, you don't want to leave!"

"Today, you must die here!"

Just as Cheng Feng was about to fly away from a million mountains, hey ~~~

Three shadows came by radio, blocking him in front of Cheng Feng.

It is the iconic emperor, the sword emperor, and the Ximo Buddha Lord.

"Do you guys want to taste the same as the Apocalypse?"

Seeing the three iconic emperors blocking the road, Cheng Feng sank and asked coldly.

"Cheng Feng, Tian Qi just accidentally took care of your way."

"You want to threaten this emperor, it's just a dream!"

Regarding the tragic encounter of the Emperor Tianqi, the three iconic emperors were also very moved, and they are still a little creepy to think of.

But all three felt that it was just an accident just now.

They just need to be careful and never let the scene just happen again.

"It seems that the three of you are also the ones who can't see the coffin and don't cry."

Cheng Feng's voice became cold: "Well, today I will work harder and teach you how to be human again!"

Talking, Cheng Feng's sword in his hands drew up.

Prepare for full firepower, and teach the three elephant emperors the three fiercely.

"Cheng Feng, these three guys, the emperor has learned for you."

Just then, a bully voice came from a distance.

As soon as the words fell, a pentecostal man in black came from the sky.

The old man was enraged and gave a very dangerous taste.

It is the emperor from the demon dynasty, Emperor of the Devil!

"And the emperor, also to help you."

As soon as the Emperor God arrived, another voice came.

Even if there is a beautiful woman in a gorgeous long dress with a veil hanging on her face.

There is a breath of emperor on her body, it is the misty empress from the misty dynasty.

"Evil and ethereal?"

Seeing the two emperor **** emperors, the three iconic emperors' expressions sank: "It seems that you two are helping Cheng Feng, the little beast, to fix it!"

"Not only did the gods ask for help, but they also rushed over here."


Wan Mo Shen Huang replied: "For more than 100,000 years, Cheng Feng, as the continent of the earth, must not have died in your hands."

"My emperor must stop you today and let no tragedy happen!"

Emperor Gods of God and Misty Empress really value Cheng Feng and have always stood by Cheng Feng.

Their two divine thought sustenance bodies are still fighting in the Ximo Buddha Kingdom at this moment with the iconic emperor.

The gods of the iconostasis and the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor were entrusted to the body, and dragged to the Ximo Buddha country.

A lot of time was won for Cheng Feng's escape.

"Wanmo, misty, the reason why the two of you helped Cheng Feng was just to win over this stinky boy."

Listening to the generous and enthusiastic words of Emperor Demon God, the iconic emperor said coldly, "I want to show favor to Cheng Feng, so that after the fruits of heaven and earth mature, I will use the power of the other party to get the fruits."

"It's disgusting to have such a lot of sounding words!"

"Huh, do you think everyone is the same as you?"

The two demon **** emperors really did this, but they did not directly admit it, and said coldly: "Today, there is an emperor, and no one wants to hurt Cheng Feng half a hair."

"Manmo, a good breath."

The iconic emperor's expression sank, and he said, "My emperor, try your means!"

So, the white elephant under the iconic emperor.

Teng Teng ~ ~ ~

Burst away towards the Emperor Demon Emperor.

At the same time, the sword emperor and the sword were united, killing Cheng Feng who was speeding out of the millions of mountains.

"Sword Emperor, my emperor is here to fight you."

But at this moment, the Empress Dowager stepped forward and stopped the sword emperor's offensive.

Immediately, the two sides fought together, struggling for thousands of miles.

Only the owner of the Ximo Buddha had no one to pay attention to, and displayed the palm of the Amitabha Buddha to suppress Cheng Feng with one palm.

Roar! !!

Just then, a dragon yelled.

Then, in the depths of a million mountains, a mountain range that stretched thousands of miles suddenly stood up.

When he reached the sky, he suddenly turned into a dragon.

This dragon has dark golden scale armor all over it, each of which is the size of a hill, very thick and heavy.

Gives a solid, indestructible taste.

In particular, the dragon's five claws, cast steel and cast iron, cold light, seem to be sharper than the sword.

The huge dragon's head overlooked the earth, and his mouth opened in anger, leaving the whole million mountains dead.

The next moment, the tsunami-like roar of the mountain shouted, the mountains shook violently, and the rocks fell down.

Because of this dragon, it is the supreme existence that lies dormant in the Wanzang Valley of the millions of mountains.

A dragon that has not survived for many years is one of the extreme existence of the earth dome.

"That's ... against Long Aoqing!"

"It is rumored that in the depths of a million mountains, an imprisoned dragon commits a heinous crime."

"I thought this was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Seeing that thousands of miles long, terrifying dragon, everyone in the scene moved.

Cheng Feng is no exception. Looking at the dragon, his eyebrows are raised slightly.

"There were two giant monsters who claimed to be the masters of the million mountains, and said they would help me out of danger."

Cheng Feng whispered: "One of them claims to be an old dragon. Presumably that old dragon is this dragon."

"Cheng Feng, this dragon has great strength."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "At its heyday, half of the feet were in the heavenly level, but it was a rare half-step heavenly level beast."

"Unfortunately, I was imprisoned here by a super existence, and it was suppressed by nine chains, which can only maintain the level of the seventh grade limit."

"A half-day **** beast?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and watched the dragon carefully.

Suddenly saw a dragon chain on the dragon's neck, claws, dragon tail, and keel.

Extending deep into the millions of mountains, into a huge canyon.

So that the dragon can only move in the area of ​​millions of mountains, can not escape.

After rising from the huge canyon at this time, he actually uttered words.

"Every human emperor came to my demon territory, it was a real loss."

The dark golden dragon sounded like a thunder, saying, "To welcome you all, please take a hit from the old dragon!"

The words are gone, wow ~~~

The golden dragon turned the tail of the dragon and attacked the Lord of the West Desert.

The Lord of the West Desert attacked the Amitabha Buddha palm of Cheng Feng and destroyed it!

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