Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1627: Cross the Howling Belt

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Chapter 1627 Crossing the Howling Wind Belt

Cheng Feng exhibited the shadow killing of Dacheng Realm.

At the same time, he walked and walked silently to the edge of the squall funnel.

Slightly groaned and flew into it.

铿铿 铿铿 ~~~

In the howling wind funnel, howling wind exploded like countless chaos.

Falling on Cheng Feng's body, the armour of the beheaded screamed.

Bombing force bombarded, even if Cheng Feng evoked ten dragon powers, the whole person was blasted back and forth.

It wasn't until the slashing sword was pulled out and the blade of wind was used to meet the squalling wind.

"It's fierce. The wind in the squall funnel is stronger than the outside by a little bit."

After stabilizing his body, Cheng Feng exhaled: "No wonder even the peerless are extremely daunting.

"But I want to stop my footsteps, but it's a little bit worse."

During the speech, Cheng Feng turned on the fire, and chopped the wind blowing from the front with a slashing sword, slamming it open.

Cheng Feng then sprinted forward, rushing past the horse, and hurried to the Promise King.

At this point, the Promise King has reached the center of the Howling Funnel.

At this position, howling wind became fiercer and fierce, making King of Promise dignified.

Wait until you take another step forward, 嘣 ~~~

His space martial arts were broken and forcibly destroyed by howling wind.

Under this condition, he was stopped in the Howling Funnel more than fifty miles.

Then I can only carry it with my body and walk through the remaining fifty miles.

"The fierce wind is comparable to the hundreds of masters of the sixth heavy knife path, which continuously slash."

With the increase of the wind, King Wuji's face changed dramatically: "This kind of power, in my current state, can only persist for at most ten minutes."

"If I can't cross the remaining fifty miles of wind howling belt in ten minutes and leave the marks of the sky, I will fall here!"

The Promise King is very sullen, because with his cultivation at the peak, he can easily pass through the 罡 wind funnel.

But because of being attacked and attacked by Cheng Feng, he was so badly hit that he landed in such a field!

So while the Promise King walked through the funnel, he cursed Cheng Feng and hated Cheng Feng to the extreme.

As everyone knows, Cheng Feng, whom he hated, is not far behind him.

"At this point, I'm still cursing me."

Cheng Feng opened his way with the Devil Sword, plus the defense of the War God's armor and Chi Yanpao's defense, much faster than the Promise King.

It didn't take too long to catch up.

At this time, it was less than ten miles away from the Promise King: "Since your mouth is so smelly, I will send you back to the West now!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng made a sprint and chased within a thousand kilometers of the Promise King.

Then the sword cut off, 甩 ~~~

The blade is like electricity, chopped down, and goes straight to the heart of the Promise King.

"No, it's dangerous!"

The Promise of Wuji is very keen.

At the moment when the blade was cut, alertness arose immediately in my heart.

Without even turning his head back, an iron ruler stumbled on his right hand, pointing to the blade that was cut.

This iron ruler is an imitation of the infinite scale of the holy instrument, and it contains a ray of space law.

When the blade is hit, the space power radiates, and the blade's slashing tendency suddenly freezes in the air.

However, this iron ruler is not an endless ruler, it is just a fake.

Cheng Feng's sword was too fierce and too strong, and the iron ruler couldn't stop it.

It just lasted for half a second, stabbing ~~~

The entire ruler was cut open from the middle by the blade.

Even if the Promise King reacted quickly, he quickly released the iron ruler.

That hand was still rubbed by the blade, oh ~~~

The palm was cut in half, and the blood spilled on the spot!

Not only that, Cheng Feng shuddered the magic sword, and the blade edged up.

It was a reverse slash and went straight to the head of the Promise King.

At this time, the Promise King had completely reacted, knowing that he had been attacked and killed by Cheng Feng.

I dare not have the slightest reservation, hey ~~~

Directly detonated his magic points.

Suddenly, an incomparable divine power erupted from the Promise King.

Then perform the martial arts of Void Compression, 唰 ~~~

Twenty miles back, one step away from Cheng Feng's smashing blow.

"How much more power?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

It never occurred to him that the Promise King could still have such a mighty power at this moment.

In surprise, Cheng Feng's killing was even stronger, and he burst out and said, "Di Cang sword, cut me!"

With the loud drinking, hum ~~~

Outside of the Howling Funnel, above the dome, big stars lit up.

Wait for the next starlight to pass through the Howling Funnel and land on the Devil Sword.

Let Cheng Feng's combat power burst out, and the sword's energy is like transpiration!

Then the Devil Sword slashed down in anger, and a bladeless sword light cut off the heavy wind and went straight to the Promise King who fled into the desert!

"Damn little beast ... no!"

After detonating the Shenli acupoint, the power of the Promise King skyrocketed.

In one breath across the forty miles of wind howling belt, has reached the exit of the wind howling funnel.

However, the unmatched sword light cut out by Cheng Feng chopped the wind and chased him.

The Promise King tried his best to defend, but he couldn't stop it.

Wait until the bright knife light flashes over him, stabbing ~~~

The body of the Promise King then split into two!

"Hoo ~~~"

The sword of the Promise King was exploded with a single blow, and Cheng Feng exhaled: "It's not easy to finally get rid of this mess!"

Of the five peerless strong men who besieged Cheng Feng this time, the Promise King was the hardest to kill.

Because of his proficiency in space martial arts, Cheng Feng couldn't catch up.

Even if they catch up, they can't be killed quickly, and they will soon run away.

Cheng Feng can kill King of Promise this time, but also has a lot of luck.

However, just as Cheng Feng was chopped off the body of Wuji King, his mood was slightly relaxed.

call out! A transparent villain suddenly flew from the broken head of the Promise King.

After staring at Cheng Feng fiercely, he flew towards the squall funnel close by.

"Not good. The **** of the Promise of the Promise didn't cut it."

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's face changed slightly.

The slackened nerves were tense, lifted the demon sword, cast the demon sword to kill instantly, and flew to the exit of the funnel.

The blink of an eye has reached the exit of the Howling Funnel.

The king of Promise God split into two corpses on both sides, and Cheng Feng picked it up and put it into the soul ring.

Then Feifei kept pace, Huo Ran broke through the squall funnel.

The Howling Funnel is connected to the Dome continent. Outside the funnel is the rolling mountains outside Tianshui City in Heishui County.

Cheng Feng came out of the squall funnel, and a large number of black mountains came into view, and the familiar atmosphere rushed forward.

But Cheng Feng ignored it, and shot his eyes around, searching for the thoughts of the Promise King who fled.

Soon, Cheng Feng discovered the goddess of the Promise God, flying towards the south of Heishui County.

Intended to escape from Heishui County to the headquarters of Blood God Church.

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