Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1621: World Extinction Purple Thunder

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Chapter Sixteen Twenty-one Purple Thunder

"King Wuji, you can't escape!"

Cheng Feng's killing was like a tide, the brewing Emperor Cangshu was cut off, and he blasted on the crack in the space where the Promise King fled.

Even if the space cracks are closed, the Promise King is boiled with blood and blood spurts from his mouth!

And at the same time, Cheng Feng exhibited a shadow-shaped method.

Huh! Appeared directly in front of the space crack that was cut by Daoguang.

Step out and enter the sea of ​​void, chasing the fleeing Promise King.

As for the two emperor clams and the dragon dragon lice Xiaojin, they followed each other.

"Emperor Cangshu, Wanxing Tonghui!"

Cheng Feng's intentions were bursting into the sky, and he had just chased into the void sea, and the sword of Emperor Cang had been cut out.

The terrifying sword light spans thousands of miles, cuts through nothingness, and heads for the Promise King.

Even though the Promise King was proficient in space martial arts, his face changed dramatically at the moment.

While fleeing frantically, use the strongest means of defense.

However, Cheng Feng's attack was too fierce.

Promise kings such as the Promise of God are actually somewhat unstoppable.

As the blade of light was cut off, horror was poured into the body, making the king of the Promise pale, and blood and the waste water generally sprayed out.

At the same time, the two emperor clams saw stitches, and they also launched a wave of attacks.

At this time, King Wuji was in the relaxation period after being severely hit by Cheng Feng. Suddenly he was attacked by the two emperor clams. He was suddenly unable to prevent it and was hit.

The left waist was hit by a sonic air column, and a small gap appeared on the spot.

The broken arm that had just been connected was caught in a large strand of cobwebs, and it was pulled by force.

"Two **** beasts!"

The Promise King twitched in pain.

In the midst of scolding, he was about to take back the arm that was taken away by the spider silk, but he saw 140 stars shining in the sky.

Instantly knew that another wave of Cheng Feng's attack was coming, so he pressed this impulse back to his heart.

After a quick reminder, he took out a small piece of purple earthen owl and threw it to Cheng Feng.

Even if you use space martial arts, you can flee to the distance!

"That purple earth owl ..."

Seeing the purple earth golem, the feeling of an extreme danger rose in the emperor clam.

After a closer look, his face suddenly changed.

While blasting backward, he warned loudly: "Cheng Feng, retreat!"

"The purple earth urn thrown by the Promise King seems to be the rumored extinct purple thunder!"

"What? The extinct purple thunder?"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng's face changed dramatically.

The prestige of the extinct purple thunder, he is like thunder.

It is rumored that the world's strongest thunder is enough to destroy the world!

The earthen figure thrown by the Promise King seems to have only a little power of extinction purple thunder, and it is super scary.

Once you hit Cheng Feng positively, you will have to peel the skin if you don't die!

So he did not dare to neglect at all, and cast his body backwards.

As soon as Cheng Feng withdrew more than a hundred miles, the purple loquat exploded.

Bang ~~~

Stir a circle of purple brilliance, crushing a large piece of nothingness.

When the purple aperture chased toward Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng was like a knife, and his sense of crisis was unprecedentedly high.

Emperor Cang's sword was used, and a million star Tonghui was severely cut.

With this horrific slash, the destructive power of the purple aperture was cut open for a short time.

Only then did he escape.

As for the two emperor clams, Qi Qi hid behind Cheng Feng and was spared.

"Eight faces, this rumored extinct purple thunder seems to be a bit of a misnomer!"

After avoiding the bombardment of the purple iris, the emperor clam pouted.

"Well, it's really weak!" The eight-faced ghost spider nodded.

It is rumored that the extinct purple thunder is a calamity that must be experienced by the ascendants of heaven to enter the realm of fortune.

Ninety-nine percent of the ascendants of the ascendant have died under the extinct purple thunder.

Therefore, most of the ninth strongest people in the sky are afraid of this thunder, and they dare not cross the calamity.

As a result, we have the title 'Old Antiques' because we live too long.

"Two of you, you may want to split."

As the emperor clams talked about it, Cheng Feng interjected: "This purple earth urn thrown by the Promise King is not a complete extinction purple thunder."

"It's just a piece of soil contaminated with a little extinct purple thunder."

"The incomplete purple thunder thrown by the Promise King is incomplete?"

Hearing this, the two monsters of the emperor clam froze.

Immediately realized, nodded: "Well, this is very possible."

"Otherwise, the Promise King would have taken this thing out and bombed us. It would not be possible to endure it now."

"Okay, let's continue to pursue the Promise King."

After clearing his thoughts, Cheng Feng's eyes were cold and he looked towards the emptiness: "No matter how long he stays, the Promise King will escape to a shadowless place."

After speaking, Cheng Feng let Xiao Jin lead the way and exhibited the shadow trick method.

唰 ~~~ It was thousands of miles in an instant.

The emperor clams saw the second demon, put away their cluttered thoughts, and cooperated with each other. The speed was not much slower than Cheng Feng's display of thousands of miles.

Chased away towards the fleeing Promise King.

After the delay of the extinct purple thunder, the Promise King has escaped far.

However, there is Xiaojin tracking, Cheng Feng need not worry about chasing.

In addition, Cheng Feng was still pursuing, and the spirits radiated to communicate the stars in the sky.

After a while, hum ~~~

Above the sky, the 141st big star lights up.

Cheng Feng's body lit up another starlight.

In this way, Cheng Feng practiced while pursuing the Promise King. About half an hour later, a continuous barrier of space came into view.

This space barrier is very large. After Xiao Jin arrived, he circled for a while.

"Master, the Promise King should have entered this space barrier."

"Oh, really?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng looked up at this space barrier: "This space barrier seems to connect the marks of heaven."

"Did I wander around in the void and return to the mark of the sky again?"

The sea of ​​void is immense, with unknown planes, continents, interlayers of void, and so on.

After entering the Nether Sea, it is difficult to return to the original place.

Cheng Feng, they were able to return to the mark of the sky, but hit the luck.

"Haha, fortunately I have returned to the mark of the sky."

The emperor clam Er Yao exulted for a while: "If lost in the sea of ​​void, I am afraid that this life will be left out."

During the talk, the two emperor clams had full firepower.

Onslaught towards a space barrier, but the space barrier of the sky mark is extremely strong.

The two emperor clams, as two giant seventh-level giant monsters, are powerful and can't even open them.

It wasn't until Cheng Feng's shot and the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu's skill was displayed that he opened a crack.

Immediately, 嗖 嗖 嗖 ~~~

Three monsters per person got into the cracks and returned to the marks of the sky.

"A plane of desert terrain?"

As soon as Cheng Feng drilled a crack in the space barrier, a hot sensation rushed forward.

The scorching sun is high, and the ground is covered with hot sand.

Even if Cheng Feng wore the armor of war, he felt a bit hot on his feet, and the temperature was too high!

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