Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1606: Rescue the Eight-faced Ghost Spider

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Chapter 1606 Rescue Eight-faced Ghost Spider

"Eight faces are currently somewhere in the West."

The emperor clam rushed to the west and said, "I have a plush on my face, which can be clearly located where it is now."

"Let ’s go, we must reach the position of the eight faces before the second elder meets with the Promise King."

The words stopped, and the emperor clams had flown out dozens of miles.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng displayed his steps and kept up.

The speed is not worse than the emperor clam, even slightly better.

The Chihiro Plane is a large labyrinth, in which martial arts below the saints who enter the realm enter into it, all of them are lost.

Cheng Feng and Emperor Clam are no exception!

But the emperor clam has the hair of an eight-faced ghost spider, which can precisely locate the direction.

Cheng Feng they only need to fly in one direction, naturally they didn't get lost.

So about a few minutes later, a fierce fighting sound rang out, and there was a little roar of monsters.

"It's the sound of eight faces. It sounds very wrong. I'm afraid I've been seriously injured."

Hearing the roar of the beast, the emperor clam sank, and immediately wanted to rush to the rescue.

"Imperial clam, don't worry."

However, Cheng Feng stopped and said, "I am proficient in a stealth technique, and I should be able to hide from the eyes of the Promise King."

"I'll go ahead and see what's going on, and then I won't be late!"

"Okay, please go faster."

The emperor cuckled a bit and said, "The voice on his face was painful, and he must have been seriously injured!"

"Rest assured that the eight-faced ghost spider will be fine."

Cheng Feng reassured the emperor clam, even if the shadow kills out of the Dacheng realm, the whole person disappears and disappears ...

At the same time, a fragmented suspended mountain peak.

A well-eyed youth is fighting a giant spider.

It is the blood gods of the Promise King and the eight-faced ghost spider.

I saw eight-faced ghost spiders with scars on their bodies, and hundreds of slender spider legs had been broken for a little over half.

Of those eight heads, only four were left, which was extremely miserable.

At this moment, he was being beaten by the Promise King.

If this situation develops, it won't be long before the eight-faced ghost spider will be killed by the Promise King.

"Animals, let's die!"

In the void, the Promise King grabbed an iron ruler, and the cold light in his eyes shone: "Dare to mingle with Cheng Feng's little beast, it is doomed to escape!"

"Oh, right? I'm a little disbelieving!"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared.

Let the Promise King tighten his whole body, and looked at the direction from which the sound came.

However, a black knife appeared from the other side of the sound, piercing his heart like lightning.

"Cheng Feng?" The Promise King's response was very quick.

Immediately, the black sword stabbed, and there was an induction.

Push one hand in the direction of the black knife, humming ~~~

The dozens of meters between the black sword and the Promise King seemed to have expanded thousands of times instantly!

Obviously only a few tens of meters, but as if separated by dozens of miles, or even hundreds of miles.

The action of letting the black sword assassinate the Promise King become slow like a snail crawling without any effect.

"A means of stretching in the void?"

Seeing this, on top of the black knife, a sudden glare shot a brilliant brilliance.


It turned out that the void that had been stretched by a large margin burst stiffly.

"What a sharp knife!"

The Promise King's face changed, and his left hand continued to push, but the whole person took a step back.

This step of the Promise King seems sparse and ordinary, but it has taken a few dozen miles in one step.

"Slayer, give me!"

No process peak but whispered.

Immediately the speed of the stab of the Demon Sword doubled sharply, and he swept across the tip of the hand of the Promise King Ping.

嗤 ~~~ immediately cut off three fingers of Promise God!

"Little beast, how dare you!"

Three fingers on his hand were chopped off, and the Promise King issued a stinging groan.

But Cheng Feng kept moving, and another blast came.

Forcing the Promise King to retreat, he waved his other hand, and an iron ruler in his hand greeted the blade.

Huh! The iron ruler collided with the Devil Sword, making a clash of iron stones.

It actually blocked the slash of the Devil Sword, which was obviously not a common weapon, at least a semi-holy weapon.

"Cut the demon, cut it again!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng cut off the third knife, followed by the fourth, fifth, sixth ...

Each blade is extremely arrogant, enough to smash any sixth ascendant.

However, this heavy attack was blocked by the Promise King.

But at the same time, the eight-faced ghost spider, who was attacked by the Promise God madly and only had half a breath, blew away towards a suspended mountain.

The blink of an eye has disappeared.

At this time, the Promise King had just stabilized himself from being attacked by Cheng Feng.

Even if Cheng Feng attacked and bombed violently, it was difficult to hurt the slightest. It seemed quite calm and calm.

And wherever I don't know, a tyrannical breath is rapidly approaching.

In all likelihood, it is the second elder of the blood gods.

So, 嗖 ~~~

Cheng Feng directly cut out the fierce sword, and immediately pulled away.

The shadow kills in the Dacheng realm will disappear.

"Little beast, do you still want to run away after killing the god?"

The Promise King saw the rage and rushed to the crown, and the divine power in his body rolled to spur the hair, and he was ready to intercept Cheng Feng.

But all of a sudden, the Prodigal King's face changed slightly, and a hot sting came from his left hand, such as Wan Ant eating bones!

When he waited, he raised his hand and saw that his left hand turned green.

In particular, the parts where the three fingers were severed showed signs of decay and decay.

Not to mention that it was repaired by rebirth of broken limbs, and it was impossible to even curb wound decay.

"Damn little beasts, they are poisonous and shameless!"

The Promise King scolded, and a faint green appeared on his face.

It turned out that Cheng Feng had just cut the sword of Promise God, but the sword was stained with the terrifying and toxic poison after killing the master of Wandu.

This poison is very vicious. Once it is firmly attached, the seventh-best peerless powerhouse in the sky will die.

In the body of the Promise King, the poison suddenly stopped, and he used means to dispel the poison in his body.

To avoid being poisoned too deeply, it can cause fatal injuries.

Under this condition, Cheng Feng successfully rescued the eight-faced ghost spider, and retreated.

The straight-headed Promise King turned pale and his lungs almost exploded.

Especially shortly after, bang ~~~

One middle-aged man with big ears hurried up.

When he saw the scene of a deserted person, and the Promise King with a green face, he instantly understood everything.

Knowing that just now, Cheng Feng rescued the eight-faced ghost spider in the hands of Wuji King.

All of a sudden, his body trembled with anger.

The killing in his eyes swayed, and he hated Cheng Feng to the point where it could not be added.

But for these, Cheng Feng knew nothing.

At this moment, he was meeting with the eight-faced ghost spider in a suspended mountain more than a thousand miles away.

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