Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1380: Cut the Red Flame King again

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Chapter 1380 Chapter Re-Cut Chiyan Lord


When the black scale armor spread to Cheng Feng's torso.

An unmatched force suddenly burst out from Cheng Feng's demonized part.

The speed of Cheng Feng has almost doubled directly.

Driven by these speeds, Cheng Feng seemed to be shocked.

嗖 ~~~

I saw a golden light flashing.

The next moment, Cheng Feng shot out from the top of the thumb of Mi Tian's palm.

"What? Cheng Feng escaped the attack of the **** again?"

When he saw the scene of Cheng Feng escaping from the big palm and attacking him, the divine incarnation of the King of Red Flame God incarnates, his face became extremely irony instantly.

Too shocked and surprised!

Originally thought that this attack, he was a steady win.

I never thought it would end in failure again.

This filled the King of Chiyan with frustration and mixed feelings.

"Abominable little beast, can't the **** really heal you?"

Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the shock and anger in my heart.

The King of Chiyan's eyes gazed up: "I don't believe it, it's impossible!"

"This time, this time God will definitely kill you completely and never suffer later!"

As a result, the incarnation of the God of Chiyan God wanted to attack Cheng Feng for the fourth time.

However, just then.

A golden figure was bursting at him at a scary speed.

You don't need to take a closer look to know that the person is Cheng Feng!

"Actually ... Cheng Feng?"

Seeing this, King Chiyan was startled: "What does this little beast want?"

"Is it ..."

When he first saw the rushing Cheng Feng, the King of Chiyan had not responded yet.

When his eyes swept away from Cheng Feng, he immediately realized.

The reason Cheng Feng rushed to him was that he wanted to kill himself.

Because in silence, Cheng Feng has reached the Chiyan God King within seven hundred miles.

At this moment, flying fast, this distance is shrinking at an alarming speed.

I am afraid that before his fourth wave of attacks hits Cheng Feng, he will first kill Cheng Feng's hand.

"Damn little beast, how dare you!"

After learning about Cheng Feng's calculations, the God of Chiyan was furious and his cheeks were hot.

You know, the God of Chiyan is an old antique that has not survived for many years.

This kind of existence, I am afraid that even the eyelashes are empty.

When it comes to planning, Cheng Feng can't beat the horse.

However, it is this kind of existence that is now being calculated by Cheng Feng quietly.

How can this not make the king of Chiyan angry and indignant?

In fact, the reason why Chiyan Shenwang eats this time is mainly because he is too arrogant.

He made a mighty environment and descended into the dome continent in the form of a mimic. Although he has not yet matured, he also stands on the peak of the dome continent.

Therefore, it is inevitable to be proud and considerate.

However, it is too late to know these.

Because Cheng Feng had turned into a large golden arrow and burst out, it quickly zoomed into the eyes of the King of Chiyan.

"Chi Yan Wou-ki, bomb me!"

The crisis was approaching, but the God of Chiyan didn't want to sit still.

Take your steps and step backwards.

At the same time, the power of Chiyanpao was once again triggered, with the intention of intercepting Cheng Feng.

But it's too late.

In the distance, more than four hundred miles away from the King of Chiyan, Cheng Feng evoked his soul.

Waiting to exhibit the town soul seal, booming ~~~

When the Soul Mark of the town blasted in the void, the force of terror surged away, spanning hundreds of miles, and rubbed on the deified body of the God of Red Flame.


The incarnation of the God of Red Flame God's thoughts, if suddenly struck by lightning, uttered an unwilling and angry roar.

The next moment, the entire body was cracked.

Then, 嘭 ~~~

It exploded and broke into slag.


With the incarnation of the **** of the Chiyan **** shattered, the huge palm that chased Cheng Feng suddenly lost his support.

Like scattered sand, suddenly fall apart.

Let Cheng Feng's threat disappear instantly!

"Huh! Finally succeeded."

After a lot of hard work, after the second incarnation of the goddess of thought that destroyed the Chiyan God King, Cheng Feng exhaled: "After this time, the Chiyan God King can no longer threaten me."

"Perhaps it's time to fight back!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng looked at the new emperor fire that was still devouring Chiming's extreme fire.

"Little guy, continue to devour Chiming Pole."

Cheng Feng encouraged: "The more Chiming extreme fire you swallow, the safer I will be."

"It's too much to eat, so much delicious!"

However, the Xindi Emperor's fire was a bit stubborn, and his mouth was full. He was not as enthusiastic as before.

"Eat more, how much you can eat."

Cheng Feng encouraged him, and after a rush, he took out the Holy Seal's Supreme Seal Flask.

Wait until you can unplug the corks and display the flame control method.


A suction appeared out of thin air, and the Chi Ming in the Chi Yan Robe was extremely hot, absorbing it into the bottle.

Just when Cheng Feng and the new emperor fire, the remaining Chi Ming extremely fire.

Outside the Chiyan Robe, the Chiyan God King was furious.

"Qisha God, really Qisha God!"

The God of Chi Yan looked at the dimly lit Chi Yan Robe and roared tremblingly.

I want him to be a divine imitation of a powerful imitation body, actually eating one after another in Cheng Feng's hands.

This annoyed him to the extreme, anxious to leave Hell's Heiyan, kill himself in Chiyan's robe, and shatter Cheng Feng's dead body.

But he couldn't.

Because once he departs, Hell's Hei Yan will immediately rush through the red net.

By then, not only his previous hard work will be put to waste.

He will even be pinched back and forth by Hei Heiyan and Cheng Feng, falling into a more passive situation.

Since he couldn't fight in person, he could only differentiate into an incarnation of God's mind and control Chi Yan Robe to deal with Cheng Feng.

However, it seems that this method can not help Cheng Feng.

And at this moment, the Chiming blaze in Chiyan Robe was swallowed up by the new emperor's fire, and Cheng Feng searched with a sealed fire bottle, which was much worse than before.

Now incarnate again with divine mind, and control Chi Yanpao to attack Cheng Feng, it has no meaning at all.

"Junk, what a junk!"

After clearing his thoughts, the King of Chiyan became more angry for three points.

He originally thought that with the attacking power of Chiyan Robe, Cheng Feng would be involved in Chiyan Robe, which was undoubtedly dead.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng turned over in desperation with the new emperor fire.

Not only failed to kill Cheng Feng, but fed the new emperor fire.

Not to mention the King of Chiyan, but for anyone, it will be sore to the stomach.


"what happened?"

A thousand miles away, in the Grand Canyon.

Long Aotian, who was decorating the Qiankun Promise, heard the roar of the God of Chiyan, and raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Fei Chengfeng, did the imitation body of God of Chiyan have eaten it?

"Fuck, this guy is going to go against the sky!"

At the same time, Heilianyan, who was trapped in the red light array, also stared.

"Why is the Emperor Chiyan so imitated?"

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