Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1089: Adversity breakthrough

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Chapter 1089 Adversity Breakthrough

"Cheng Feng, Mo died!"

This sound exploded deep in Cheng Feng's mind.

Like Bronze Bell Daluo, he suddenly woke Cheng Feng, who was about to fall asleep.

"Uncle Naland, what's wrong with me?"

The violent drink just now comes from Nalan Changsheng.

"Cheng Feng, you have just been attacked by Mrs. Gu's piano sound, and you almost hit it."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The piano sounds attack, it is silent, it is pervasive, and it is invincible!"

"If you rely on your willpower alone, it is not the answer."

"What then?"

After Cheng Feng was awake, he immediately remembered the picture just now.

His face changed, saying: "I don't seem to have any kind of martial arts that can specifically resist the attack of the piano sound!"

"The most important thing to resist the sound of the piano is to rely on your mood."

Nalan Changsheng said: "If the state of mind is cultivated high enough, even if the sound of the piano is in the brain and the illusion is brought up, you can listen to it and ignore it."

"For example, Buddhist monks, if their hearts are like water, they will not be disturbed by the sound of the piano!"

"Buddhist monk?"

Cheng Feng has never heard of Buddhist monks.

"Buddha gate is the super sect of Buddha's world. You will encounter it when you step out of the continent."

Nalan Changsheng briefly introduced a sentence and said immediately: "As for now, you want to improve your mood as soon as possible."

"Only in this way can the old lady Gu's piano attack be blocked."

The cultivation of the state of mind is a synthesis of a person's mind, will, life for others ... and so on.

Cheng Feng's state of mind is repaired, after the grind of the ancient war of Digu jungle.

In addition to practicing the Heart Sutra, twelve articles have been raised to the fourth limit of state of mind.

Since then, Cheng Feng has experienced many trials of life and death, and his mood has been greatly exercised.

If he took the time to practice the Twelve Sutras of the Heart Sutra, he would surely be able to practice the fourth one of the Twelve Sutras of the Sutra, and he would improve his mood to the fifth level.

Unfortunately, he has been busy recently and has no time to cultivate.

However, it is not too late to cultivate at this time.

"The fourth chapter of the Twelve Heart Sutras is the chapter of life and death."

Cheng Feng recalled the formula of the Twelve Heart Sutras and whispered: "If you want to practice the chapter of life and death, you must be aware of life and death, and see through life and death!"

"I have been between life and death these days, and I have a lot of feelings about life and death ..."

In a whisper, Cheng Feng immediately began to practice the fourth chapter of the Twelve Sutras.

All his perceptions of life and death were transformed into substantive state of mind.

Under this condition, the old lady Gu's thousands of tunes sounded into her ears, but she could no longer drag Cheng Feng into the 'Hometown of Gentleness'.

This made Mrs. Gu feel so dull that she could almost squeeze out water.

"Grasp the grass, then Cheng Feng is really a fierce man!"

"When Mrs. Gu played 'Wenrou Township', she was not affected in the slightest."

"Is he a stone man, and there is nothing worth remembering or remembering?"

Dozens of miles away, everyone saw Cheng Feng standing in the void, his face was always dull as water, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

They deeply appreciate the power of Wenrou Township.

But Cheng Feng, without being tempted by anything, was a freak.

Even Tyrone was shocked.

As for Leng Cangyu and Chen Xuanbei, they looked at Cheng Feng, with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

To Cheng Feng, more attention to three points!


"Little beast, I don't believe you are an iron man."

In the void, Mrs Gu's face turned blue.

She stared fiercely at Cheng Feng, gritted her teeth and said, "In the last quarter of Wenrou Township, I only played three times."

"Three times, I have made the three statues into the madness."

"Next, I play the last quarter of Wenrou Township."

Mrs. Gu said: "I don't believe that you exist higher than the real ascent to the heavens, and your mental state is higher!"

During the conversation, the old lady Gu evoked divine power and actually let her two hands grow out of twenty fingers.

In addition to the original ten fingers, there are 30 full fingers.

Immediately, thirty fingers brushed the guqin in front of her.

铮铮 铮铮 ~~~

The cymbal sound immediately flowed from the guqin.

Later, it turned into a sea of ​​harp, and drowned Cheng Feng slowly.

"No, Mrs. Gu seems to be playing the last quarter of Wenrou Township."

"This section is so powerful that it can make the ascendant exist!"

"Retreat, let's quickly retreat, so as not to be affected by the piano sound and become a lunatic!"

When the old lady Gu played the last section of Wenrou Township, the audience, who had already retreated to more than twenty miles away, retreated backwards.

Even the Gu family in the Gu family's mansion rose up one by one and evacuated to a distance.

"Uncle Leng, that old thing from Gu's family seems to be doing a great job."

Among the crowd, Tailong was a bit worried: "Cheng Feng ... can he block it?"

"Maybe you can!"

Leng Cangyu wasn't quite sure: "If there is no sign of something wrong with the process, I will take a shot and rescue him."

With the longer time with Cheng Feng, Leng Cangyu felt that Cheng Feng was a peerless wizard.

As long as he is present, Cheng Feng will not be allowed to be harmed in the slightest!

However, Tyrone's worries seemed a bit premature.

I saw in the void, although Cheng Feng had been drowned by the sound of Mantianqin, his appearance had not changed much.

Even under the erosion of the extravagant music, his mood began to increase rapidly.

So about two or three minutes, hum ~~~

On Cheng Feng's body, an invisible air wave suddenly appeared.

After the invisible gas wave swelled and opened, it was actually the sound of the heavenly piano that was pushed away a hundred meters away.

"Life and death! Life and death!"

At the same time, Cheng Feng's eyes became clear and clear, and he murmured: "If there is no life, where does it die, if there is no death, why is it born?"

"The two are already one, no wonder the world is hard to see through ..."

Cheng Feng's eyes were completely clear.

Even if the sound of thousands of lyres is surrounded, it is unheard of like a deaf and unaffected.

Surprisingly, I have seen through ‘Life and Death’ and practiced the fourth ‘Life and Death’ of the Twelve Heart Sutras.

As a result, his state of mind was revised from the fourth limit to the fifth.

The state of mind is fifth, but it is no small matter.

Many half-step ascents, even the most powerful ones, may not be reached.

In this case, no matter how the old lady Gu played Wenrou Township's last quarter, it was difficult to confuse Cheng Feng any more.

"My God, Cheng Feng actually blocked the attack in the last quarter of Wenrou Township !?"

"Is this true? You know, even the existence of Deng Tianjing was driven crazy by the last quarter of Wenrou Township!"

"Awful, it's awful!"

"This time, the Gu family really hit the iron plate. I don't know how it will end!"

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