Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1012: Kill ancestors like slaughtering chicken

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Chapter 112 Killing Ancestral Dragons Like Slaughtering Chickens

"Hei Xuan and others died, and it was nothing."

Yin Buqun whispered: "As long as Wei Mingxuan can capture Long Aotian, this seat can return to its peak."

"At that time, no matter who it is, this seat will make him die!"

Not long ago, Wei Mingxuan, Li Kuhai, and Hei Xuan, the three deputy masters of the Jade Noodle Church, teamed up to defeat the Nine Dragons and the Nine Dragons.

After the capture of Long Aotian, Wei Mingxuan's three men split into two lanes.

Among them, Hei Xuan led thirteen masters of Yumiantang to stay behind the underground tunnel, waiting for Cheng Feng to appear.

As for Wei Mingxuan and Li Kuhai, they led the remaining masters of Yumiantang and took Long Aotian back to Yumiantang.

At this moment, I was on my way to Yumiantang.


Shilipo, the edge zone.

A middle-aged man in a stiff suit is leaping fast.

This person's cultivation is good, reaching the pinnacle of the broken realm, a few hundred meters in one step.

But even so, the person was a bit nervous.

As he fled, he looked behind him, seemingly afraid that he would suddenly jump out of an ancient beast behind him and swallow him!

"Should it be thrown away?"

Immediately after flying out of Shilipo, the middle-aged man in the outfit was slightly relieved: "Although the Flame Youth is strong, we have 13 people and we are running away in 13 different directions."

"He wants to catch up with me ..."

The middle-aged person in the jersey is analyzing the situation.

Suddenly, his voice froze.

Because in front of him, a slight spatial fluctuation appeared.

Even if there is a flame man, it is Cheng Feng who got out from the void wave!

"Have you caught up so quickly?"

Seeing Cheng Feng, the middle-aged man in Jinzhuang's face looked like dirt: "Damn, really **** it!"

At this time, the middle-aged man in jolly clothes was called anger and regret.

Originally based on the repair of the peak of his broken realm, he could completely tear up and escape before Cheng Feng caught up.

But he was afraid of being attacked suddenly while tearing the void, and he was too passive.

Because people are in the void channel, they cannot use force at will, otherwise they will collapse the void and crush themselves to death.

Even the masters of the Broken Realm are no exception!

However, his hesitation directly led to being caught up by Cheng Feng.

At this point he wanted to escape again, it was no longer possible.

"Broken jade sword, strangled in space!"

After finding that he had no way to escape, the middle-aged man in the jersey fought hard, grabbed a sword in his hand, and slammed into Cheng Feng.

This person is highly advanced, and his sword skill is even better.

An emperor-level elementary sword technique was exhibited, and a surge of sword gas spewed out from the tip of the sword, like a stegosaurus, strangling Cheng Feng from the air.

However, facing such a brutal attack, Cheng Feng didn't even look at it.

I saw his right hand raised, and punched the middle-aged man casually.

Boom ~~ Boom ~~~

A fist burning with gray-black flames flew out, and instantly attacked the sword skills of the middle-aged man with a sword, beating apart.

Waiting until the flame fist through the void, arrived at the middle-aged middle-aged man.

The horrible flames of Hell's Black Flame swept through first, engulfing middle-aged people into the sea of ​​fire.


Burned by the black flames of hell, the middle-aged man in his costume uttered a tragic cry.

The next moment, the arrogant boxing force fell down, directly blasting the middle-aged man in a strong costume, and the spirit was flying!

"Ninth, there are still four."

After punching the middle-aged man with a punch, Cheng Feng's brow froze: "It's just that the other four people seem to have escaped Shilipo by tearing the void."

"Cheng Feng, tearing the void to escape, needs a strong repair for support."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The four jade-faced warriors who escaped, two were the peak of the broken state, and two were ancestral dragons. They could not escape at all.

"You chase after them, and you should be able to catch up one by one."

Cheng Feng's current repair is, but the first to climb to heaven, the speed is much stronger than the warriors in the broken realm.

Secondly, he is also well versed in the shadow method ‘Hundred Miles’, which can teleport him a hundred miles each time he casts.

As long as you are willing to spend time, those four people will never escape.

"Okay, then I'll take a moment and clean up the four."

After hearing Nalan's words, Cheng Feng nodded.

Immediately evoked the spirit, a little induction, then ripped open the void, and jumped in one step.


Just when Cheng Feng launched the lore against the remaining four jade noodle masters.

Two thousand miles to the east of Shilipo, more than ten people were on their way.

This wave of people, first wearing a gold robe, looks handsome, but is Wei Mingxuan, deputy chief of the Yumiantang.

The other had a thin face, wearing a blue shirt, and was Li Kuhai, another deputy leader of Yumiantang.

In addition to Wei Mingxuan and Li Kuhai, there are thirteen masters of Jade Noodle Hall.

At this moment, the thirteen core masters are all trying their best to suckle milk, dragging a mountain-like dragon, and slowly moving eastward.

"Long Aotian, is he still playing with this seat when he is dead?"

"Wait back to Yumiantang headquarters and see how this one entertains you!"

Wei Mingxuan and Li Kuhai also condensed two huge divine chains with divine power, dragging the dragon, their looks were extremely ugly.

"Xiaozi, dare to treat Ben Shao like this!"

Just after Wei Mingxuan's voice fell, the dragon suddenly uttered words and sweared: "Wait until Ben Shao's reinforcements arrive, one by one you will be killed!"

Obviously, this dragon is transformed by Long Aotian.

Since Long Aotian was arrested by Wei Mingxuan and others, in order to delay time and save his life, he directly urged the few Dragon Yuan he had left.

Turn yourself into an ancient dragon of a hundred miles!

Such a huge body, let alone Wei Mingxuan tear the void, even struggling to walk away.

Without him and Li Kuhai, the two half-step ascendants of the heavenly realm, the thirteen broken realm warriors alone would not be able to pull even.

"Long Aotian, don't think I don't know your details."

Wei Mingxuan sneered: "You are just a hybrid Tianlong abandoned by the Dragon Realm Dragons. The Dragons will never care about you."

"As for the hidden dragons of the dome continent, they look at you like a beast of flood and wish to die sooner."

"In this case, who else will come to your rescue?"

Wei Mingxuan seemed to poke Long Aotian's key point, making it silent for a while.

Seeing this, Wei Mingxuan smiled proudly.

However, just then.

A ray of divine thought flew from the sky, arrived at Wei Mingxuan and others, and turned into a jade face protection method Yin Buqun.

"Church master." Seeing Yin Buqun's thoughts, Wei Mingxuan and others bowed to salute.

"Mingxuan, bitter sea, Hei Xuan fell."

Yin Buqun nodded and went straight to the topic.

"What? Hei Xuan ... fall away !?"

Hearing this, Wei Mingxuan and others were shocked: "Church master, when is this happening?"

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