"DarkDecade Senior?!! Why are you here?!"

Ichinose Takarō exclaimed in a somewhat uneasy voice, and

Dawn Gochard, who was listening beside him, was immediately confused.

"Is he the senior you mentioned before?"

"Yes, Kamen Rider Dark Decade!"

Dawn Gotchad looked at Lin Feng strangely many times, and finally confirmed that this was the person who did not exist in his world.

Moreover, the aura on him was too similar to the dark power that forbidden alchemy would cause.

It feels like he is not a good person.

Ichinose Takaradaro walked forward and pleaded anxiously:

"Senior DarkDecade! If you have anything to teach me, can you wait until next time?! My friends are in danger now, I have to save them!"

Lin Feng did not answer, but pointed to the foot of the mountain not far away.

The three of them were at the top of a small hill, and at the foot of the hill, Moon Malgan was resting quietly in the shade to recover his strength.

"so...Senior, are you here to tell me where it is?"

Facing Baotaro's question,

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"I'm not looking for you, I'm more interested in the one behind you."

Ichinose Tarotaro was relieved and turned around to look for Moon Margan, but before leaving, he suddenly thought of something, turned back and whispered to Dawn Gochard:

"Senior DarKDecade hit you hard. You are going to be beaten up. If you have a chance to run, run! Don't say I didn't warn you!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Moon Malgan without looking back.

Only Dawn Gechad, who was confused, looked at Lin Feng in surprise:

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?"

Lin Feng wiped the card box sword in his hand and walked towards him with full fighting spirit.

"Just a Kamen Rider passing by. Maybe if I change to another title, it will make you more eager to take action....I am the destroyer of all worlds."

Liming Gechad felt the aura surging from Lin Feng, and a solemn expression gradually appeared on his face.

"The destroyer of the world?...It really makes me want to take action even more."

He has been fighting to protect his own world, but he met a world destroyer.

It is hard for Liming Gochard not to want to fight with Lin Feng.

But at this moment,

Ichinose Taro's voice suddenly came from the foot of the mountain.

"Moon Malgan! I won't lose to you this time! Now I am an alchemist who is moving rapidly towards a great dream with a bright future!"

As he said, he picked up the Gotcha igniter, pulled the engine on the panel, and buckled it on top of the Gotchard starter.

Then, he inserted two Kemi cards into it and pulled the lever!



【Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotchanko! Fire! Steam Hopper! Achi~!】

As a powerful DJ sound sounded, passionate pure energy burst out from the driver, and then re-refined and fused the power of Hopper1 and the steam train, forming a new set of armor born in flames attached to Baotaro's body! The blue flame pattern, the armor on the chest and the goggles on the top of the head also turned into the shape of swaying flames, and behind him, a huge propeller-shaped device was added, which looked like a supersonic engine and was very prominent!

This is Kamen Rider Fire Gotchard

"That form...!!!"

When Dawn Gochard saw this scene, the pupils under the mask trembled wildly, and he could no longer suppress the joyful smile on his face.

"As expected, have we already entered a new future?!"

Ichinose Takarō lowered his body, assumed a fighting stance, and fixed his eyes on the moon Margan.

"I named this power Flame Gotchard! Now, can you keep up with my speed?!"



The terrifying explosive force spurted out from the engine behind him, and the visible push back made Ichinose Tatarō shoot out like a supersonic plane, instantly knocking Moon Malgan away!

From this moment on,

Tatarō will no longer be suppressed by the power of Golden Malgan.

This is his real counterattack moment!

"If so, I should start here......~"

Liming Gechad turned around, suppressed his excitement, and looked at Lin Feng who was staring at him from a distance.

"I have one last question for you. I want to know why you chose me as your opponent when I don't know you."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"I want to test the value of the five years of life and death experience."

The one who blew up the fish pond every time for a thousand years has been beaten by Lin Feng.

Now Lin Feng wants to know whether this person who has been training in the life and death game for five years is really stronger than the fox god!

Liming Ge Chad sighed.

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, this is a reason after all. However, if you think that I am in my prime now, then I can only disappoint you. Because I also have this thing."

He took out the Gotcha igniter and gestured to Lin Feng, and then his action was exactly the same as Baotaro's, and he put his backhand on the driver!

【Gotchanko! Fire! Steam Hopper! Achi~!】

Seeing the flames burning behind him transform into a gorgeous cloak,

Lin Feng nodded excitedly.

"I'm not disappointed at all. I even want this! I chose you because you are more powerful than Takarada Ichinose in this form. He who uses the igniter is just strengthening his form, while you who use the igniter are already in the final form, right?"

After all, Liming's world no longer has a future.

After witnessing so much destruction, the Rainbow Dragon in his driver has probably turned into a cowardly lizard and dared not come out.

That's why

Liming, who used the igniter form to stalemate with Gryon for five years or even twenty years, is far stronger than the current Takarada Ichinose.

"Well, out of respect for you as my opponent, I will use this card to play with you."

Lin Feng took out Brother E's driving card from the card box, tapped the side with his finger, and threw it into the driver casually!

【KamenRide! Eterna1!】

"What kind of card is that?! This person's power is so strange!"

Liming Gochard subconsciously took a defensive posture, and then he was shocked to see that

Lin Feng's body was also ignited with a burst of blue flames.

When he waved his hand to disperse the flames, a brand new Kamen Rider appeared in front of Liming Gochard!

"What?!! Can you turn into another Kamen Rider?!!"

Dawn Gochard was completely dumbfounded.

He thought that Lin Feng's driver was different from his, but he didn't expect that even the card he used was different!

This made him feel even more uneasy!

At this time,

Lin Feng slowly clenched his fists and casually looked at his body.

From a distance, Kamen Rider Eterna1 was all in an extremely cold white color, and the cloak behind him was a heavy black.

Unlike Dawn Gochard opposite, whose fiery red body gave people a warm feeling,

Lin Feng was like an indifferent killer, a god of death who appeared in the real world!

"Although it's not a good idea to say this, I think it suits you very well."

He slowly raised his arm and gave a thumbs up to Liming Gechad across from him, then laughed excitedly and said: (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Come, let's have some hell fun!"


Liming Gechad took the skateboard sword, took a fighting stance, and said lightly:

"I crawled out of hell!"

After saying that, the momentum of Dawn Gechad suddenly surged, and he poured all his strength into his feet. Then he burst out in one breath, and the whole hill couldn't help but tremble. He turned into a cannonball and quickly attacked Lin Feng!

Lin Feng took out Brother E's special weapon, the Eternal Dagger, and rushed forward with a cold attitude. The black cloak was blown up by the wind. Like a ghost, he came to Dawn Gechad in the blink of an eye and attacked him fiercely!


The extremely harsh sound of metal collision spread, and the Eternal Dagger The dagger of Heng hit Liming Ge Chad's skateboard sword wound heavily. As the dazzling electric sparks exploded, Lin Feng grabbed the cloak behind him with his backhand, turned around gracefully, and used the cloak to block the electric sparks while creating a dazzling vision difference for Liming Ge Chad!

This little trick of using the cloak made Liming Ge Chad completely unaware that Lin Feng had already condensed the terrifying power on his right fist, wrapped with dazzling blue flame ripples, and fiercely blasted towards his abdomen!


Wait for Liming Ge Chad to... By the time Chad reacted, the force that penetrated his tendons and bones had made him curl up like a shrimp. He fell straight down the mountain from the top of the mountain and was thrown heavily into the mountain wall, shaking the entire hill and causing rocks to fly everywhere and dust to rise!

In the distance,

Ichinose Takaradaro, who was beating up Moon Margan, saw this scene and swallowed hard. The shock in his heart was hard to describe in words! []

I haven't seen Senior DarkDecade take action recently.

He almost forgot how terrifying his power was.

He could beat up Moon Margan. Dawn Gochard, who was being beaten by Liang Malgan, was actually suppressed at this moment!

Not to mention, Gryon and others who were monitoring this place remotely through the big screen in the Alchemy Academy were terrified, and even Gryon himself twitched his eyes!

Unexpectedly, the Kamen Rider transformed by the card in Lin Feng's hand was another perverted character!

It's not just them.

Dawn Gochard, who climbed up from the rubble, also didn't expect that he would fall into a disadvantage in a face-to-face encounter.

It seems that he underestimated the enemy just now!

"In this case, I have nothing to hold back. If I use this move, what will you do?!"

Dawn Gochard opened the card box, took out two cards from the sky full of Kamikaze cards, and then drew them above his charging arrow gun!

【Jungle boy! Thunder battery! GotchargeBuster! 】

As the mechanical sound sounded,

Liming Gotchard aimed the muzzle of the charging gun at Lin Feng in front of him, and when the green energy and yellow current accumulated to the limit, he suddenly pulled the trigger of the charging gun!


A vine light bullet wrapped with golden lightning shot out rapidly, and at the moment it was about to collide with Lin Feng, it turned into a huge vine net, and then tied Lin Feng's body tightly, and released a large amount of paralysis current to achieve the purpose of binding and restricting Lin Feng's movements!

And he picked up a kamika again and inserted it into the skateboard sword!


Liming Gochard clenched the skateboard sword with both hands, and all the energy in the Chemica was mobilized, bursting out with dazzling light, endlessly wrapping around the blade, circles of hot energy waves rippled and spread out, and the rising flames seemed to increase the temperature of the entire space several times!


" Haa...

"Do you think I will dodge? Naive!"

Lin Feng suddenly exerted force with both arms, and the vines that had been wrapped around him for weeks were broken off on the spot, and the paralysis current did not bring any hindrance to Lin Feng!

Even his hand speed was as fast as at the beginning, and the driver card that had been prepared long ago was inserted into the driver with force!


【BloodyHellB1ade! 】

As the low mechanical sound sounded,

Lin Feng, who was holding the Eternal Dagger, began to have light green air ripples surging around him. They slowly condensed and wrapped around the Eternal Dagger, extending a sharp and slender energy blade!

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly looked up and looked at Dawn Gochard who was approaching. He was not afraid at all and injected all his strength into his feet. The huge recoil force made him shoot out, and with a white afterimage, he collided heavily with the fiery red sword energy!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The earth-shaking explosion echoed over the entire mountain range. The Eternal Dagger in Lin Feng's hand easily cut off the fiery red sword energy, causing them to shoot back to both sides, and two pillars of fire burst out! Rubble flew up and down, thick smoke and dust covered the sky, and the terrifying shock wave shook Moon Malgan and Baotaro in the distance away on the spot!

Lin Feng's attack did not stop. After breaking through the Fiery Sword Qi, he continued to slash at Dawn Gochard's body (good) with unstoppable momentum!

The green light blade suppressed him tightly, and finally blasted into the mountains together, and was instantly engulfed by the explosion and fireworks! What was most frightening was that the remaining sword energy of the light blade directly cut the mountain behind Dawn Gochard in half!

Moon Malgan saw this scene at this time, and suddenly felt fortunate that it was Ichinose Takara who was fighting with him, not any of the two Kamen Riders on the opposite side, otherwise it would have been chopped into pieces by now!

In the smoke and dust,

Dawn Gochard, who struggled to get up from the big pit, felt the pain in his chest, as if all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.

He raised his hand and looked at his chest, looking at the hideous knife mark with white smoke rising, and his face under the mask was full of disbelief!

How many years have passed since he got the Gochard Ignitor, and how many years has he fought against that beast Gryon, and he has never been injured so badly, but now he has met such an opponent in the past timeline!

He suddenly began to doubt whether he came here to save the past?

Or did he come here to get a fight? ? ?

Looking at the extremely cold figure in the distance,

Dawn Gochard's heart has already set off a storm, but he did not give up directly.

Since those conventional means could not defeat this mysterious Kamen Rider, then he would use the last means, which is also his full-strength attack!

Anyway, the Time Lord still has one more chance to travel through time and space.

Once the situation is not good, it will be in time to use the Time Lord to run away!

Thinking of this,

Dawn Gochard, who made up his mind, took a deep breath, and pushed the driver on his waist continuously with his fingers, and got into position, ready to release his strongest knight kick!

"If you can even block this, I, Dawn Gochard, will admit defeat!!!"

【SteamHopper! BurningFever!!!】......

My mother: Sun 1

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