In the quiet square, the two groups of people were facing each other.

After a long time,

Gryon finally made a move.

He stepped forward again, gradually approaching Lin Feng, and then bent down!!!!

Including Atropos, the three sisters were stunned!

Even Lin Feng didn't react for a while.

He was about to insert the driver card in his hand into the driver, but he bowed to him? ? ?

What was going on?

Gryon's voice was calm, and there was some awe in his tone. He said:

"Dear Kamen Rider DarkDecade, I have heard about your deeds during the period of being sealed. Today I have broken the seal and come here to see you, just to invite you to cooperate."

As he said, he straightened up and looked at Lin Feng with a smile,

"I heard from my three subordinates that you seem to be quite interested in interesting things. It just so happens that some of my upcoming plans will surely bring you a lot of fun. I wonder if you can give me some face?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes,

"Your three subordinates have mentioned you to me frequently. Most of your comments are about breaking into the Alchemy Academy and destroying the world. Could it be that you are trying to get close to me and then kill someone with a borrowed knife?"

Gryon still had a smile on his face, and he was even more calm.

"Even so, if these things are interesting enough, wouldn't you like to participate?"

Lin Feng laughed.

It was indeed an old silver coin.

This was a clear conspiracy, right?

Just when the three sisters of Minghei agreed that Lin Feng would not agree,

Lin Feng insisted:

"I accept your proposal.

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking,

Lachesis could no longer hold back.

"You actually agreed?!!"

After she said this, she realized that she had offended him, and quickly lowered her head again and stepped back.

Seeing this, Lin Feng smiled.

"It's just cooperation, why are you so surprised?"

Gryon pondered for a moment.

"So, you mean simply cooperating, not joining us?"

Lin Feng crossed his arms and looked at him.

"What kind of benefits do you think you can offer me to join you? Now I agree to cooperate with you, just for the sake of the so-called fun you said. I haven't even seen any fun, but you are asking me to join you. Don't you want to think about whether you are worthy?"

Hearing this, the three sisters of Minghei breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

This is the bastard, no, it's the arrogant bastard! The troublemaker who is watching from the sidelines!

I thought he really wanted to join in and deal with the Alchemy Academy together, but it turned out that he was just watching the show from a different angle.

However, even if they agreed to cooperate, it would be a very big benefit for them.

Gryon saw the situation very clearly.

The significance of inviting Lin Feng to cooperate is that once they encounter something that needs help, they have the priority to be selected.

In other words, if they want to deal with the Alchemy Academy next, they can ask Lin Feng not to take action, or help to contain Baotaro and Rinyin, so that they can more conveniently achieve some special goals.

Thinking of this,

Gryon agreed:

"No problem at all! It is our honor that Lord DarkDecade is willing to cooperate with us!"

Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Don't be too happy too soon. Since you said you would have fun for me, if your plan is not fun enough and makes me feel bored, then I will have to find some fun on my own."

"Hahaha...Don't worry, Lord DarkDecade."

Gryon said with a confident smile.

"I have a good idea now, I just need the right person to execute it...."

As he was talking, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Lachesis, his expression became excited.

"How about letting this subordinate who offended you before do it for you and let you see the effect? "

Lachesis felt the gaze that was like a camera, and her body felt cold.

She wanted to ask for help, but Atropos looked at her coldly.

Clotho didn't dare to refute Gryon.

Who could she ask for help?

Ha, she really had to bear it by herself?

"Her? Forget it."

Lachesis's eyes suddenly froze, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Feng, only to see the latter's face full of sneers,

"I have experienced the skills of your three subordinates, and I can say without hesitation that she is the worst. Are you sure you want her to carry out your plan for fun, not to embarrass herself?"The throbbing in Lachesis's eyes immediately turned into resentment.

This guy only knows how to hurt me!!!

She turned her head away angrily, but her eyes were still on Lin Feng, because Lachesis knew very well that although what he said was unpleasant to hear, he was helping her. Whether intentional or unintentional,

Lin Feng's words would allow her to escape this disaster. Gryon also retracted his gaze with some agreement,

"Yes, these three puppets were made at the last minute, and they were not given strong powers. However, you don't have to worry too much. My plan will not be hindered. You can wait and see the show in a few days."

After hearing these meaningless words,

Lin Feng didn't plan to continue talking to him.

"Come whatever you want, as long as it's interesting enough, I'll pay attention to it, but if not, haha, good luck to you all."

After saying that, leaving a threatening look,

Lin Feng did not stop at all, turned the handlebars, and drove away directly. Glion, who stood there and watched Lin Feng disappear from his sight, had a gloomy look in his eyes and a playful smile on his lips.

"It seems that this world is becoming more and more interesting~ Let's go too!"

On the rooftop of Furasu High School,

Tsumurai looked at the gradually clearing sky and finally smiled.

"It seems that Kami-Sama has solved that huge problem."

Beside her, Jiudou Rinyin looked at her in confusion.

"Kamen Rider Dark Decade


"yes...By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Tsumurai, and I'm the shrine maiden of Kami-Sama. Hello, Rinone Kudou."

Seeing Tsumurai's outstretched hand, several onlookers came over at once.

"You are the shrine maiden of Kamen Rider DarkDecade?!"

Ginkgo Renka's surprised expression made Tsumurai a little confused.

Did she say something wrong? Or did she reveal some unknown information?

I don't think I revealed that Kami Sama is their teacher Lin Feng, right?

It seems that they don't know, so

I just have to pretend that I don't know.

"Yes, I am the shrine maiden of Kami-Sama, is there any problem?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, coughed a few times in tacit understanding, and said nothing more.

After all, this kind of thing is quite normal.

Nowadays, which god doesn't have a shrine maiden?

Maybe the relationship between them is not as complicated as imagined.

But there was one person at the scene who was particularly obsessed with this matter, and that was Jiudou Rinyin.

When she heard Tsumuri say that she was the shrine maiden of DarkDecade,

Jiudou Rinyin's face obviously sank.

"So, you have been together for a long time?"

Tsumuri was stunned for a moment, then shook her head.

"To be honest, I just became a priestess of Kami-Sama yesterday." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, Jiutang Rin's expression became much more relaxed.

She said with a scrutinizing look in her eyes:

"Which shrine are you from? Why haven't I heard of you before?"

Tsukimushi raised her hand and was about to point out the location of the shrine, but then she thought that the shrine seemed to have not been rebuilt yet.

If Jiudou Rinone went there and found it was a pile of ruins, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Kami-Sama?

Thinking of this,

Tsukimushi smiled and prevaricated:

"I can't quite tell the directions of east, west, south and north, and the geographical location, but...We have finally met today. If there is a chance in the future, I will invite you to go to the shrine to pray for blessings."

Jiutang Linyin snorted softly.

"I'll have to see when the time comes, is that my brother, or some Kami Sama?"

"Hmm? Ms. Rinone, what did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Jiutang Rinyin was also unwilling to dwell on this topic.

Like Tsumurai, she had discovered some clues about DarkDecade's true identity, but the two girls tacitly kept silent because they believed that the other party must have had his own intentions for not revealing it.


At this moment,

Lin Feng ran up to the rooftop from downstairs.

"Are you all okay?"

Most people answered casually that they were fine, except for Jiutang Rinyin and Tsumurai, who smiled meaningfully.

Jiutang Rinyin even took the initiative to ask:

""Ouni Sama, where did you go just now? Why did you disappear for so long?"

Looking at her strange smile,

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding what she meant.

However, her asking him also gave him a chance to conceal his identity.

"I just went down to receive the news and tasks from the Alchemy Alliance. Because there have been more and more large-scale battles disrupting the city recently, the Alchemy Alliance thinks that most of them are related to our academy, so they plan to send new investigators to review our work and studies. I don’t know when exactly, but I think we have to prepare in advance to avoid...If there are no more problems like those of the two investigators, Xima and Kugimiya

, he stepped forward and took Jiudou Rinyin in a princess hug.

"But now, I think I should take you to check your injuries. Today's battle was a big job for you, so you should have a good rest for the next period of time."

Jiudang Rinyin nestled in Lin Feng's arms with a red face.

Several people around her whispered and secretly cheered.

Ginkgo Lianhua bit her sleeve with a painful look on her face, wishing that she was the one who got hurt.

Only Tsumuri saw that before being carried away by Lin Feng, Jiutang Rinyin suddenly gave her a provocative look.

Although Tsumuri didn't quite understand the meaning of this look, inexplicably, after seeing that look, she began to feel some inexplicable jealousy towards Lin Feng's princess hug.

At this moment, Tsumuri didn't realize that she was beginning to feel jealous.

Time passed quickly.

Since the end of the battle with Kugimiya Rito, it was extremely peaceful for several days.

Perhaps it was because of Lin Feng's... The means revealed by the war were too terrifying.

Many forces hiding in the dark have been very peaceful during this period, but only Lin Feng knows that this is just the calm before the storm, and this calm will end tomorrow.

And tomorrow is the annual Christmas, which is also a cursed holiday in every series of Kamen Rider, because every time this holiday comes, it means that troubles equivalent to death will appear.

At the same time,

Ichinose Kitchen was unexpectedly popular today, and

Ichinose Takaradarou had to pull seniors from school to help.

He originally wanted to pull Jiudou Rin together, but Jiudou refused because she had to prepare a gift for Lin Feng.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, please enjoy your meal slowly!"

Ichinose Takarō served a beautifully prepared dish to the guest's table, then he came to the child opposite and said with a smile:

""Hey little friend, this is a sticker prepared by our store for our customers. It is a limited gift during the festival. All customers who come here to eat can get one."

The little boy immediately smiled happily when he heard this.

"Really?! Thank you, big brother!"

"Hahaha, you're welcome, welcome to visit next time!"

At the same time, on the other side, in a laboratory invested and built by the Alchemy Alliance, bursts of mechanical sound effects sounded.

【Close! Open! Close, open! 】

I saw Black Steel Spana holding his wrench sword, constantly testing the smoothness of the switch device.

The result was even smoother than before the repair~

He stroked his beloved sword with satisfaction, turned his head and looked at the woman sitting in front of the computer desk not far away,

"You are worthy of being called Jinghua teacher. You can't even tell that you have practiced before."

The woman sitting at the table also responded proudly:

"Please call me Professor Emi Kyoka, OK? This sounds more domineering. Haven't I told you many times?"

Black Steel Spana grinned and shook his head without comment, but didn't say anything.

After all, this person is also his teacher.

Emi Kyoka pointed at the wrench sword in his hand and said:

"Besides, it is my responsibility to help you repair it. After all, you broke the Wrench Sword because of the task I assigned to you."

This is about a long period of time before,

Emi Kyoka had assigned Kurogan to stay inside the Alchemy Academy.

On the one hand, he helped Baotaro and others protect the academy, and on the other hand, he was secretly looking for the hiding place of the Dark Three Sisters.

During this period, it was inevitable that he would clash with the three people, and even fight with people who used Dread drives to transform.

Dread is powerful, far superior to the Wrench Sword.

Therefore, after several battles, the Wrench Sword, an outdated version of the equipment, naturally faced the need for repair.

"By the way, Teacher Jinghua, there are no new clues about Jiutang Rinyin for the time being, and I haven't found any trace of Jiutang Fengya yet."

The last task of Heigang Spana in the Alchemy Academy was to find Jiutang Fengya.

Originally, this task should be done by Ejimi Jinghua himself, but because he was dealing with another important matter some time ago, he asked Heigang to do it.

At this time,

Heigang Spana saw the software design of a new driver on the computer screen.

He looked at Ejimi Jinghua with some excitement, and the desire in his eyes was self-evident:

"Teacher! This...!"

Zhi saw the mirror flower and smiled.

"That's right, I've been busy with this thing for a while, a brand new driver, are you interested? Now I'm commissioned by the Alchemy Alliance to make the final adjustments to it, I believe it won't be long before it can be used."

Heigang slowly clenched his fists,

"The Alliance has invested a lot of resources in this driver, right?"

Zhijian Jinghua nodded and said affirmatively:

"Not only are there more, but they are also customized for you by the Alliance. It is different from the Alchemist Armor and Valbarado that you use, which comes with a kind of Kemi power. Like the Gotchard driver, it can mix the power of two Kemi to maximize the power of Kemi. It is a real Kamen Rider driver!".....


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