
Tsumurai walked through the light gate and looked at the familiar scene around her.

The puzzled look on her face became more and more intense.

"Isn't this the shrine I manage?"

She looked at Danrito in front of her and questioned:

"What are you going to do? Why did you come here?"

Tan Lidou looked around leisurely, with a slight smile on his face.

"Of course, I want to fulfill my wish. Didn't you say that as long as I pray hard, my wish will come true?"

As he said this, he looked towards the shrine in the center of the shrine and walked towards it step by step.

"Can we just pay homage to this thing?"

Tsumurai frowned.

Although she felt that Danri's intentions were not pure, if he really wanted to pay homage to the gods, there was nothing wrong with that.

"Yes, the deity enshrined there is the Fox God, also known as Ukiyo Hidetoshi. As long as you are sincere enough, I believe the deity will hear your wish."

Danrito came closer, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the petrified nine-tailed fox placed in the shrine.

He did sense an extraordinary power from it.

Although it was different from his concept of God, it was very familiar.

So, what Tsumuri said should be right.

This is the incarnation of the god.


"Then, let me pay a proper visit to this god...."Is it right!!!"

Danrito, who was about to kneel down in front of the shrine to pray, suddenly raised his head and stood up. In front of Tsumuri's shocked eyes, he kicked over the platform where the nine-tailed fox belt buckle statue was placed!!!!

Suddenly, wood chips flew and the statue fell to the ground.

Tsumuri rushed over in fear.

"God!!! Danrito, what are you doing?!!!"

Tsumurai was very excited, but her face was full of sadness.

She looked at the Nine-tailed Belt Buckle statue on the ground, and a crack suddenly appeared on it!

"Are you really crazy?!!"

However, facing Tsumurai's sad question,

Danrito still smiled.

"I don't think anyone else is qualified to call themselves God in front of me, so I never planned to pay homage to your so-called God from the beginning."

"Then why did you come here?!!"

Tsumurai carefully picked up the statue, looking confused.

"The shrine will not force you to believe in any particular god. If you don't want to believe, then just leave! Why destroy it?!!"

Tan Li Douhuan crossed her arms and locked her eyes on the statue in her hands.

"Because I want the true body of the god to appear and get some of the power I need from him!"

After saying this, he looked around the entire shrine and shouted loudly:

"Which fox god, Ukiyo Hidetoshi! I know you can hear and see it. If you don't want me to destroy your shrine, then come out and see me!"

The moment the voice fell, thunder rolled in the sky!

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, dark clouds covered the sky, but only covered the sky above the shrine.

The rolling thunder surged in the clouds like a thunder dragon.

Danrito looked at the scene in front of him calmly, until a certain moment, a cold male voice suddenly sounded,

"This is the first time someone has called me like this. Should I be happy about my fame, or angry about your disrespect?"When

Tsumurai heard the voice, she looked up and saw a man in a black suit with a red and white ribbon around his neck appearing in front of her!

"Ukiyo Hidetoshi!!! You actually came!"

The man in front of him sighed helplessly.

"Sister, can you please save some face for me in front of outsiders? I am a god after all, so calling me Kami-sama is not too much, right?"

Tsumurai curled her lips.

"When you have truly realized a world where everyone can be happy, let me call you that again."

Hearing this,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi glanced at Tsumuri's red eyes, then looked at the statue in her hand, and sighed helplessly.

"You are still the same as before, kind and compassionate. Even if the shrine you have worked so hard to manage is about to be destroyed by others, you still have no anger, only sadness in your eyes."

Tsumuhi turned her head and looked at Danrito, like a compassionate goddess, with eyes full of forgiveness,

"I believe he just wanted to realize his own wish and gain his own happiness. Isn't this the purpose of building a shrine? People of any character, temper, and background can find happiness in different ways. So I am not angry about his behavior.."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi shook his head helplessly, picked up the petrified Nine-Tails statue in her hand, and walked towards Danrito step by step.

"Sister, you are still the same as before, but I, a god, cannot learn from you....Although I don't think I'm a competent god, not everyone can step on me."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed the statue with one hand and exerted force!


The crack that originally appeared due to the impact of the fall began to spread around the entire statue.

At the same time, strands of blue-white light shot out from the cracks, and finally covered the entire statue, dazzling and eye-catching!


The petrified fragments on the outer layer of the statue exploded in all directions, and in the center of the dazzling blue-white light inside, a red and white nine-tailed belt buckle appeared brand new!


"This power has not been used for a long time....It's all covered in dust."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi blew away the dust on the buckle and looked back at Danrito in the distance.

"Then, it is time to punish those who disrespect the gods."

After saying this, Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised his hand to his waist and the black desire driver immediately emerged.


He opened the upgrade buckle in his hand and inserted it into the driver from both sides.

Then he pinched his fingers into the shape of a fox and snapped his fingers!



【REVOLVEON.DynamiteBoost! Geats! ReadyFight! 】

The surging power of creation burst out from the driver, and the running nine-tailed fox created huge beams of light that shot up into the sky.

���Finally, all the power gathered into Ukiyo Hidetoshi's body, and even the gloomy sky was broken at this moment!

The sun fell again, and Ukiyo Hidetoshi successfully transformed into Kamen Rider Geats!

Tsumuri saw this familiar scene, feeling a little nostalgic and a little worried.

She walked forward and pulled Ukiyo Hidetoshi's arm.

"You should be careful and show mercy. I believe he has good intentions and there is no need to start a war."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was a little amused.

"Sister, you are really a saint, don't worry."

As he said this, Ukiyo Hideto looked at Danrito and his tone became serious.

"I can sense that the power in that guy's body is extraordinary."

Tan Lidou looked at the very familiar figure in front of him and suddenly remembered something.

"It turns out that the power that guy used came from you...."

Just a few days ago, he was beaten up by a Kamen Rider who was exactly the same as Ukiyo Hidetoshi in transformation form.

Yes, that person was Kamen Rider DarkDecade, also known as Lin Feng.

At that time, DarkDecade also said that the power came from the power of God.

Originally, Dan Lito had never taken it seriously, but now it seems that DarkDecade did not lie.

He really got the power of God.

In this case, (to read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) if he can get it, then he can definitely get it too.

In addition, Dan Lito also plans to take this opportunity to release the grievances he suffered at that time.

Although it is not Lin Feng himself, the transformation form is the same, so it is also good to use him as a substitute sandbag.

If Ukiyo Hideto knew what he was thinking at this time, he would definitely complain harshly. []

However, both parties did not know that a real big boss would be waiting for them in a few minutes.

"Fox God, right? You are lucky. Now I will show you the culmination of my talent!"

Dan Lidou took out two white props from the four-dimensional chrysanthemum.

Looking closely, they were the hidden props he had obtained when he cleared the"Prototype All-Round Action X" game.

【MaximunZombie! 】

When he pressed the button on the cartridge, a circle of game space immediately expanded!

Sensing that the surrounding environment was changing drastically, and at the same time, the energy between heaven and earth was gathering towards Danrito, could this degree really be called a"game"?

Thinking of this, Tsukiyomi frowned slightly and complained:

"The game you made is too outrageous, isn't it? Even the Desire Contest has never been so outrageous!"

Tan Lidou glanced at her and sneered:

"Humor Big Cannon (DGP), how can your games compare to my godly talent?!"

"This is the ultimate cheating game where the immortal protagonist wipes out all enemies!"

"Grade: Immortal! Henshin"

【Resurrection! Immortality! Wake up! Endless life! Anti-the best gamer! Hyper immortal Genm】

As a burst of exciting game music sounded,

Dan Lidou turned into a purple meteor and shot straight into the sky.

The dense energy particles around him condensed into a red and black zombie engraved on it.���The character panel of the image, when Danrito broke through the meteor, it was like the transformation of the Pretty Cure, the whole person was covered with a dreamy color, and he wore a new armor with black and white zombie as the theme.

This is Kamen Rider Gemn)——Hyper Fumetsu Gamer!

"ah~~~It's this familiar power!"

Dan Lidou was very normal when he just completed the transformation, but once he felt the abundant and familiar power in his body, he became crazy. However, his current state was enough to support his arrogance and rampage.

After all, the capital was there.

This new form had the two symbols of the strong in the knight world: skirt + soft (hair).

At this moment, even Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who had lived for thousands of years, felt the strong oppression!

Dan Lidou was seen playing with his hair while rushing towards Ukiyo Hidetoshi in the way of zombies.

"Your power is great, but it will be mine soon! Hahahaha!!!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi snorted coldly.

"I think you are not in the right mind, let me correct it for you!"

After saying that,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi pressed his body down and accumulated strength.

With a sound of bell, the ground under his feet exploded directly under the power of creation.

The impact made Ukiyo Hidetoshi burst out like a red and white lightning. In the blink of an eye, he came in front of Dan Lidou and hit him in the face with his clenched fist without mercy!


Dan Lidou raised his arms to block the fist like a heavy artillery.

The terrible force made the ground under their feet collapse and explode on the spot, but then, the power of creation triggered the bell to ring, and the ground was restored to its original state again!

But what Ukiyo Hideto didn't expect the most was that

Dan Lidou didn't seem to be affected at all!

Dan Lidou slowly poked his head out from behind his arms and laughed crazily:

".I forgot to tell you that I was once Kami-da, also known as Danri Fighting God! And now, I am even more immortal, so your attack will not harm me at all!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi seemed to dislike this kind of opponent who was like mud and stalked in the battle. His originally calm tone gradually became irritable.

"You talk too much nonsense! Take another punch from me!!!"

I saw Ukiyo Hideto pull out his right arm, and the blue-white power of creation entangled crazily, forming a small ball of light.

In the dazzling light, there was an extremely violent energy fluctuation.

At such a close distance,

Dan Lidou had no room to dodge at all, so, boom!!!!

It was almost face-to-face, a very solid punch.

Ukiyo Hideto could even feel the deformation caused by the collision between his fist and Dan Lidou's head.

Coupled with the terrifying impact force, the building behind Dan Lidou's head was directly smashed.

He was more convinced that his punch would make Dan Lidou very uncomfortable!

At this time, watching Dan Lidou flying backwards fall to the ground like a kite with a broken string, smashing out a huge pit, and then being buried and covered by the rubble and dust flying everywhere, and finally completely silent,

Ukiyo Hideto finally breathed a sigh of relief,

"Don't you like to talk nonsense? Why don't you talk now?"

However, before he could finish his words, the smile on his face stopped abruptly, because an accident happened again.

Dan Lidou, who was blown away, staggered to his feet from the rubble, but his head rotated 180 degrees, and the front of his face and the back of his head were swapped!

If it were a normal person, this person would have been dead, but at this time, Dan Lidou not only stood up, but also talked to himself as if nothing had happened.

(King Li’s) Hahahaha! Is this the power of God? It doesn’t hurt or itch!"

As he said this, Dan Lidou touched his chest and immediately found that his hair appeared in front of him.

"Huh? No, my head seems to have turned in a circle....Which way is the front? Never mind, let's start resetting!"


Tsumurai was really frightened.

She stared with wide eyes, looking at Danrito in disbelief as he twisted her head back abruptly!

She even subconsciously touched her neck and could already feel the fracture of her spine!

"What kind of monster is this guy?!!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi also wanted to ask this question, but the more serious thing at the moment was that his attacks seemed to have no effect on him at all!

"Impossible! Even gods have weaknesses. I don't believe you can be fine after being stabbed all over!"

I saw Ukiyo Hidetoshi take out his B9 Magnum gun in disbelief, transform the gun into sword mode, and then attack Dan Lidou again.

This time, he mobilized more power of creation, and the energy wrapped around the blade seemed to cut the space open.

Facing Dan Lidou who pounced on him like a zombie,

Ukiyo Hidetoshi stabbed straight at his heart!


Boom boom boom boom!

The exploding electric sparks bloomed instantly, and the surging energy turned into sword energy, piercing the mountain wall behind Dan Lidou!

Tsumuri clenched her fists nervously, and deep worry emerged in her eyes.

As Ukiyo Hidetoshi said, her character is that of a saint.

She would feel sad when she saw anyone injured.

Even though Dan Lidou had deliberately made trouble before and almost destroyed the shrine, she felt very sad when she saw him being stabbed in the heart.

However, what they didn't expect was that

Dan Lidou was really not affected at all, and even laughed up to the sky,

"As long as you are in the game space of"Extreme Zombie X", it is impossible to cause any damage to the immortal me.~~~!Hahaha!"......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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