"Hey, hey, hey~ Why are you looking at me in shock?"

Lin Feng lay in the chair leisurely, shaking his head.

"Is it hard to understand that I want to turn you into real humans?"

Lachesis frowned.

"Of course it’s hard to understand! We are human beings, okay!"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Atropos:

"Otherwise, you can explain it to your two sisters?"

Atropos stared at Lin Feng and said slowly:

"Clotho, Lachesis, we are not human beings, but...The puppet created by Lord Gryon~"


Lachesis's expression suddenly changed.

"Why have I never known about this?!"

Kluoto also looked very unhappy.

"I don't know either. Did Lord Gryon forbid you to tell us?"


Atropos looked at them both strangely.

"Is it important to you whether you are human or not? We are subordinates of Lord Gryon, this is the most important thing."

At that moment,

Lachesis finally understood why she always felt that Atropos was very different from her and Clotho.

Atropos was like an incarnation of Gryon, while she and Clotho were like humans.

Perhaps their behavior was not worthy of the word human, but the sense of identity and belonging was engraved in their bones from the beginning.

Lachesis had always believed that she was a human, but now suddenly told her that she was a prop, a puppet.

Although it was reasonable from a certain perspective, it was still very difficult for her to accept.

Atropos withdrew his gaze from Lachesis and Clotho, and looked at Lin Feng again. His eyes became alert,

"I don't care what your purpose is, but we don't need to become human beings, and we don't think there is anything good about humans. When we help Lord Gryon open the Dark Portal, humans will be wiped out."

Lin Feng shook his head when he heard this.

"Completely wiped out? It's a pity that your Lord Gryon doesn't have that much ability."

As he said this, he looked at Cloto and Lachesis.

"Your eldest sister has gone crazy. She is willing to sacrifice her life for Gryon who treats you as tools. What about you two? Do you want to follow me and atone for all the evil things you have done before, and then live as a real human being, or do you want to die with your eldest sister, and then be discarded as a useless tool by Gryon at will?"

After saying that,

Lin Feng stood up and walked out.

He stood at the door and took one last look at the three of them.

"Do you know why you always lose to the students of the Alchemy Academy? It is because you are not human enough, you do not have human emotions, and you do not understand the bond of human beings. Therefore, you will never be able to resist the powerful forces that start from the heart."


Lin Feng's figure disappeared in the church.

The three sisters of Minghei fell into a long-lost silence, and there was a strange color on the faces of Lachesis and Clotho.

It was not until a long time later that

Atropos spoke again:

"According to Lord Gryon's instructions, we have now found the location of the second level 10 kami. Let's prepare and plan the capture operation."

After she finished speaking, there was no response in the hall for a long time.

Atropos turned back to look at the silent two sisters, and his voice became cold.

"You, are you really shaken by what that guy said?"

Lachesis and Clotho looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

Finally, Clotho, who was extremely annoyed, asked Atropos:

"We always talk about planning, can we include Lin Feng in the plan? He always comes out to mess things up, whether it's helping us or those guys from the Alchemy Academy, it's very troublesome!"

Atropos looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

"I have already thought of a countermeasure. Calculating the time, they should be here soon." As soon as these words came out, a white van stopped at the door of the church, followed by two men in uniform.

They introduced themselves to Lachesis and Cloto in a puzzled look:

"You are the clients, the Dark Sisters, right? We are the executives of the X-Outsider Project of the Consortium. My name is Ekor and his name is Joseph."

Yes, the two people who came to the church at this time were the leaders of the Outsider Project.

Lachesis leaned close to Atropos's ear and whispered:

"Who are they? What kind of deal did you make with them?"

Ekor heard Lachesis's voice and explained with a smile:

"Let me tell you. Some time ago, our consortium created several outsiders. You should be familiar with them...."

He handed over a tablet with three Kamen Riders on it, namely Kamen Rider Calamity, Kamen Rider King Snake, and Kamen Rider Odin.

As soon as they saw these three,

Lachesis and Clotho immediately understood.

"So they are all your people?"

"I have worked with this king snake before."

Ekel nodded.

"That's right, so not long ago, Miss Atropos contacted us and wanted to cooperate with us, a cooperation against Kamen Rider DarkDecade."

Kloto raised his eyebrows and looked at Ekol and Joseph with some distrust.

"Do you have a grudge against DarkDecade too?"

Joseph sneered.

"It's more than just hatred. DarKDecade destroyed all three of our Outsiders, causing us to waste a lot of resources! If we don't get rid of DarkDecade, it will be difficult to advance our Outsider plan!"

Zein alone is already difficult to deal with, and now there is another DarkDecade.

The consortium will certainly not watch its enemies grow for no reason.��

"So, when we learned that Atropos was also interested in dealing with the trouble of DarkDecade, we readily accepted her invitation."

Kloto was still a little skeptical,

"Do you really believe that we will cooperate with you?"

Ekol smiled and shook his head.

"Miss Cloto, you don't have to doubt us. Our consortium is also a top international group. All abnormal events in Furano Island will not escape our surveillance. Therefore, we are very clear about your capture of Kemi, the creation of Malgan and a series of other events. We know everything about them."

Laxus snorted coldly.

"Then you better be really capable, we won't cooperate with trash, otherwise we will just be sending heads to DarkDecade!"

Ekol nodded, picked up the tablet and opened a file.

"We have been prepared for this. This outsider is a pure evil person. I believe it can definitely help you."

Hearing this, the three sisters looked at the tablet together and saw a figure that looked like a Kamen Rider. Its name was: Bronze Drive.

"This person almost destroyed the world, so he is more than capable of helping you."The three sisters looked at each other and decided to fight one last time.

If they couldn't get rid of DarkDecade even with help, then they might really have to face Gryon's wrath.

There was no conversation that night.

The next morning,

Lin Feng got up early and prepared a hearty breakfast.

Jiutang Linyin came downstairs with messy hair and a pair of dark circles under her eyes. It was obvious that she didn't get enough rest.

"I'll go wash up and come right back."

Lin Feng glanced at Jiutang Linyin who looked negative in the bathroom, and was sure that she seemed to be in a very low mood.

It seemed that what happened in the academy yesterday had brought her a lot of influence after all.

I have to think of a way to enlighten her today.

"Linyin, are you free today?"

Lin Feng asked with a smile:

"If you have nothing to do, let's go out and play, shall we?"

Jiutang Rinyin, who was brushing her teeth, was stunned for a moment, with a silly expression on her face.

"Um...Okay, I have no objection."

After dinner, the two of them drove all the way to a newly developed scenic spot in Fuliangzhou.

Looking at the dense trees on the mountain road, the birds' calls echoed in their ears. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Take a deep breath, the fragrance of nature makes people feel peaceful.

Jiutang Linyin stood at the intersection of the mountain road, looking at the brand new scenic spot road sign.

Obviously, this place was built only a few days ago.

She looked back at Lin Feng, her eyes full of gratitude and some guilt:

"Brother, thank you for bringing me here"[]

When Jiudou Rinyin was young,

Jiudou Fuga often brought Jiudou Rinyin to this scenic spot.

Later, the mountain experienced an earthquake and landslides caused many old buildings to be destroyed.

The government had no choice but to block the scenic spot.

In addition, Jiudou Fuga disappeared, so Jiudou Rinyin missed her childhood in the scenic spot.

When Rinyin grew up, one day, the government suddenly announced that it would redevelop the scenic spot.

At that time, Jiudou Rinyin said that she would definitely come here to play after it was completed, and Lin Feng also promised her that he would accompany her when it was completed.

However, the government's work efficiency was too low, and it took almost seven years to develop the mountain.

Even Jiudou Rinyin almost forgot her original wish.


Lin Feng remembers it clearly, and as promised, he stays with her and walks the path of her childhood again.

Therefore, Jiudou Rinyin was moved and guilty.

"Okay, stop being so hypocritical. Today is the weekend, and I called you here just to rest. Let's go."

Lin Feng rubbed her head, took her hand naturally, and walked up the mountain road step by step.

Jiutang Linyin looked at the person in front of her, feeling the warmth of her hand being held tightly.


Lin Feng stopped halfway, turned around and said with a smile:

"Since you are here to reminisce about your childhood, why don’t you become a child again?"

As he said this,

Lin Feng half-knelt down in front of her and said:

"Come on, I'll carry you."

Jiutang Rinyin, who was just moved, blushed immediately after seeing this scene and waved her hands to refuse.

"No, no, I'm not tired. And even though it's a look back at my childhood, it's too embarrassing to let someone else carry me on their back...."

Lin Feng turned around and said teasingly:

"You are usually so bold with me at home, why don't you dare to be carried on someone's back when you go out? Are you so shy?"

However, at this time,

I heard a familiar passerby on the side say:

"Little girl! Now is the time to ask your boyfriend to carry you more often. When he gets older and can no longer carry you, you will no longer be able to enjoy this treatment!"


Upon hearing this, Lin Feng immediately laughed and scolded those people:

"Don't talk nonsense! My girl is still young!"

""Oh! Is she a child bride?! Her little face is all red!"

Jiutang Linyin was provoked by these passers-by, and immediately puffed up her mouth like an angry pufferfish and pounced on Lin Feng's back!

"I'll carry you on my back, who's afraid of who?"

Lin Feng took advantage of the situation and hooked her legs, letting her lie on his back, and then continued to walk up the mountain road.

"That's right, let's go out and have fun, and just like what the passerby said just now, if you don't want to be carried by me this time, you might not have this chance next time."

Jiutang Linyin hugged Lin Feng's neck tightly, blushing and humming:

"I'm afraid you'll do something bad to me!"

Lin Feng chuckled and said:

"Plotting against something? You are my sister, how could I possibly plot against you?"

However, these words seemed to irritate Jiutang Linyin again.

She frowned, looking a little angry. She raised her fist and was about to hit it, but it stopped in mid-air.

At this time, a cunning light flashed in Jiutang Linyin's eyes.

She knew that beating Lin Feng with a fist like this would definitely not make him change his words, so she decided to change her method and test Lin Feng.

So, the next second,

Lin Feng felt the little butt in his palm moving constantly.

Immediately afterwards, Jiutang Linyin quietly leaned close to Lin Feng's ear, exhaled and asked:

"Really just a sister? No other thoughts at all?"

Lin Feng felt the softness of his palm and the itchiness of his ears. He did feel a little strange in his heart, but he knew that this was a prank by Jiutang Linyin.

However, the purpose of bringing her out today was to hope that she could get away from what happened yesterday.

In this case, why not go along with her and play with her?


Lin Feng took advantage of the situation and squeezed the hand below slightly.


Jiutang Linyin screamed in fear, and then quickly covered her mouth.

Her eyes trembled, her face was hot, and her whole head was steaming!

She raised her little fist and hit Lin Feng's shoulder fiercely.

"Onii-sama! Hentai!!!"

Lin Feng enjoyed playing it.

"Hahaha...You asked for this~"

Jiutang Linyin became more and more shy, and could only curse in embarrassment and indignation.


"Okay, okay, we're just kidding."

Lin Feng stopped moving and said in a soothing voice:

"As long as you are happy, anything is fine."

Jiutang Linyin looked at the broad back under her, her eyes slightly reddened, she stopped playing pranks, just lay there quietly, and after a long time, she slowly opened her mouth:

"Brother, I know you have been caring about me since yesterday, but I am not unhappy....I am a little disappointed in myself."

Lin Feng nodded and replied softly:

"You talk, I listen."

Jiutang Linyin pursed her lips and spoke in a low voice.

"Actually, before the Dark Sisters invaded the academy yesterday, Atropos had come to me twice. I told her that if she wanted to fight, she should find an alchemist, not an ordinary person. So that day, Senior Tsuruhara Sakura lost control of the Kamen Rider Dread they transformed into. I have been wondering if it was because of what I said to her that all this happened. And the most important thing is......I can't stop all that."

As she said this, she collapsed on Lin Feng's back, feeling heavy:

"Over such a long time, everyone has made progress. I thought Ichinose Takarō, who was just so-so, has become the most important person in the Alchemy Academy, while I, an alchemist who entered the school earlier than him, am still stagnant. Brother Lin Feng, do you think that my alchemy talent is not that high? Am I not suitable to be an alchemist at all?"

Sure enough, it was the same as I guessed before.

Lin Feng listened to her story and confirmed the problem she was worried about.

This question was actually very easy to answer.

"Linyin, you have to understand a very simple truth"

"Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are determined by heaven".....


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