At the Human Base Research Institute,

Tachibana Sakuya and Sakurai Yuto watched in silence the scene of Lin Feng blowing up Ark-One. The huge living room fell into a long-lost silence.

After a long while, Tachibana Sakuya also silently turned off the video and said in a deep voice:

"It seems that I underestimated this man, Kamen Rider Dark Decade, he is stronger than we thought."

Sakurai Yuto frowned,

"But there is one thing I don't understand, why is he never present in the timeline I observed? Even Zein said that it did not predict that there would be such a Kamen Rider interfering with the plan."

Tachibana Saku also picked up the Zein card on the table, with the same solemn expression,

"But he is so similar to Decade, even the cards they use are of the same style."

Sakurai Yuto heard this and immediately suggested:

"Why don't we go find Decade, maybe he knows the truth."

Ju Shuo also shook his head.

"Decade is elusive and travels in various worlds. No one knows his whereabouts. Even borrowing his power at the beginning took a lot of effort. Instead of tracing back to the source, it is better to...Waiting for Zein to wake up."

As he said this, he looked at the loading percentage bar on the side, which had reached more than 60%.

"Let's wait until Zein wakes up and see what it plans. After all, although DarkDecade is a problem, it won't have much impact on us....He didn't choose to join Ark, which is the best outcome for us."

Sakurai Yuto nodded.

Indeed, the reason why he targeted DarkDecade was because he was worried that he would join Ark.

Ark, who was originally unkillable, plus a monster of unknown origin,

Zein's plan would be difficult to advance.

But the current situation is acceptable.

"Then let's wait and see..."

Ju Shuoya tapped the tabletop lightly with his fingers,"five, six, three", and said in a deep voice:

"What I am most worried about now is that DarkDecade has some hidden cards we don't know about. He is too mysterious." In the corridor of a hospital ward in Kyoto , Lin Feng appeared at the end and saw several of his students sitting on the benches to rest. Jiutang Linyin was still the first to find him. She ran over quickly and anxiously touched him up and down.

"Brother! Why did you come back just now? Are you injured again?"

"I'm fine!"

Lin Feng helplessly tapped Jiutang Linyin's forehead to stop her from doing this.

At the same time, he made up an excuse to everyone about his previous inexplicable disappearance:

"There was an explosion where you were before, I couldn't afford it, so I waited outside...Don't touch me in public."

After saying that, he turned around and saw Minato coming out of the doctor's office.

Lin Feng walked up to him and asked about the situation.

"How are the Himeno siblings?"

Minato's expression was not that bad.

"Miss Jiye Sheng is fine, she just overdrawn her physical strength, and she will be fine after a day of rest....Mental breakdown, I'm afraid I'll have to stay in a mental hospital for the rest of my life."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, and he was more lenient at the time and didn't beat this guy to death on the spot.

"He will probably spend his time in prison, right?"

Jiutang Rinyin interrupted:

"Ji Yejian escaped while being detained and beat up a policeman. According to the regulations, he will never be released from prison."

Minato nodded and said affirmatively:

"That's right, but because the management in Kyoto is more humane, and because his injuries are very serious, he will be transferred to the hospital first. Once he recovers, he should be locked up."

After saying that, he let out a long sigh.

"So, there is nothing for us to do here, so we can pack up and prepare to leave Kyoto and return to Furasu."

Ichinose Takarataro stretched lazily after hearing this.

"Are you going back today? That's right, I'm so tired after fighting with Malgan so many times, it's time to go home and rest! Ugh!!!"

Minato covered his mouth with his hand, looked at the empty corridor, and glared at Baotaro speechlessly.

"Keep your voice down! This is a hospital! Besides, ordinary people can’t know about Margan or something like that!"

Baotaro smiled awkwardly and quickly closed his mouth.

Jiutang Rinyin thought of something and asked:

"Teacher Minato, the Jiye brothers and sisters, have you cleared their memories? Although Jiye Jian is mentally ill, if he recovers one day, will he be exposed?"

Lin Feng heard this and answered directly:

"He has no chance to recover."



"Brother, how did you know that?"

Seeing everyone's curiosity,

Lin Feng touched his nose and said nonsense:

"I guess, being affected by such an explosion, it's a blessing to be alive. It's impossible for such a beast to have so many good things happen to him."

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

When they learned that this guy wanted to burn their sister to death, they were also very angry. Fortunately, Minato stopped him at the time, which calmed everyone down a little.

"Lin Feng was right. He wouldn't be that lucky. But in order to prevent that from happening, I deleted his memory...."

Minato suddenly looked at Lin Feng with a hesitant look.

"It’s just that I haven’t deleted Miss Ji Ye Sheng’s memory for the time being."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over and saw Minato pointing at the ward and saying:

"When I just came out, she asked me to let you go see her, as if she had something to tell you....After you finish talking, go and clear her memory, right?"

Hearing this,

Lin Feng was puzzled at first, and then he felt a few watching eyes, as well as a few jealous eyes.

Jiutang Linyin and Yinxing Lianhua were on each side, staring at him intently.

"Brother, have you gotten into trouble with women again?"

"Teacher, are you having an affair again?"

Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and he flicked the heads of the two girls with a frown.

"What are you thinking about? I've only met her three times in total. Don't think about those useless things. I'll go see what's going on. Otherwise, you can go back first."

As he said that, he pushed the door and walked into the ward.

Jiutang Rinyin and Ginkgo Lianhua looked at each other and felt that there was no need to worry too much.

After all, Ji Yesheng's memory would be erased later.

Even if the two of them had something, it would definitely be gone in the future.

In the ward,

Lin Feng looked at the figure on the bed curiously, only to hear a burst of rustling laughter, and then he saw Ji Yesheng lying on the bed.

In front of her was the previous"Special Edition of the Extraordinary Planet Kyoto Alien World".

She was reading it and giggling, and the picture on the page was the makeup photo he had taken before.

Lin Feng's mouth twitched a few times. Could it be that he really had caused some romantic debts that he didn't know about as Jiutang Rinyin and Ginkgo Lianhua said ? He hadn't figured out the matter of Simon Nicole before, so how could there be another one ?

"Uh, cough cough!"

Lin Feng coughed twice, pretending to remind him, but this frightened Ji Yesheng so much that he rolled over on the bed, and even drooled all over the magazine.

The two looked at each other awkwardly.

Lin Feng looked at the drop of crystal saliva, then looked at Ji Yesheng's cute face that was red all over, and laughed out loud.

"I didn't expect Miss Jiye to be so hungry that she would drool just by reading a magazine?"

Jiye Sheng was in a panic, hiding the magazine behind him, shaking his head repeatedly.

"No, no, you are seeing things!"

Lin Feng smiled, and without exposing her, he went straight to the bed and sat down, and went straight to the point:

"Minato said you wanted to see me, what's the matter?"

Jiye Sheng calmed down and took out the magazine he had hidden.

"Is that you in the photo above?"

Looking at the page she opened, which happened to be stained with saliva,

Ji Yesheng quickly closed it again.

Lin Feng replied with a smile:

"It's me, it's me, it's obvious."

Ji Yesheng's toes were curled up in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Lin Feng changed the subject in time and didn't stare at that point.

"Same, just as I thought."

After the voice fell, the ward fell into silence again.

Lin Feng looked at her and smiled:

"That's it? Don't be nervous, just ask if you have anything to ask." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ji Yesheng pursed his lips, his expression full of stealth,

"that...You are the one who saved me, right? You are the one who turned into a dark blue knight."

Lin Feng nodded and did not deny it.

After all, he had taken the initiative to throw out a lot of words related to his identity at that time.

If Ji Yesheng had not ignored them, he would definitely have thought of them.[]

"it's me"


Seeing Ji Yesheng fall into silence again,

Lin Feng became curious.

"Don't you want to ask what happened? You turned into a monster, I turned into a monster, and your brother turned into a monster, and you don't want to know about it?"

Ji Yesheng smiled playfully.

"Of course I am curious, but I also heard that person say that all my memories will be erased. So, even if I ask and know, there is no point, right?"

Before Lin Feng heard this, he did not expect her to be so open-minded.

After all, Ji Yesheng was a person who loved supernatural things very much.

She had written some articles and published them in the magazine that recorded various supernatural phenomena.

So, Lin Feng thought that she would be entangled with things like her ability to transform, but he did not expect that......

""Okay, let's say goodbye then."

Since you are not here to trace the origin, there is nothing else to talk about, right?

As he said that, Lin Feng stood up and was about to leave.

However, when he stood up,

Ji Yesheng grabbed his wrist and pulled him over. Finally, Ji Yesheng's moist and soft lips kissed him unexpectedly. After a touch, Lin Feng came back to his senses and frowned at Ji Yesheng. Her face was flushed and she was very flustered, but her eyes were full of happiness.

"What does this mean?"

Ji Yesheng smiled reluctantly.

"You saved my life, but I have nothing to repay you...."

""Hey hey!"

Lin Feng took two steps back.

Why is there another one?

Seeing Lin Feng's defensive movements,

Ji Yesheng felt funny and aggrieved.

"Lin Fengjun, do you think I am not good-looking?"

Lin Feng was full of black lines on his head.

"What's the connection? You are a human being, isn't it normal for me to save you?"

Ji Yesheng nodded.

"You saved me, I repay you, this is also normal......."

Lin Feng's face immediately became serious.

"Look at you, are you arguing with me?"

Ji Yesheng smiled happily.

"It doesn't matter whether you recognize it or not. You saved my life, so you are my benefactor. I decided to pledge my love to you, but that doesn't mean you must accept me. I just told you what I thought."

Lin Feng sighed deeply,

"That's more like it."

Ji Yesheng's eyebrows slightly curved, and suddenly some provocative thoughts came to his mind, and a sly expression immediately appeared on his face.

"However, Lin Fengjun, I still need some hush money."

A question mark slowly appeared on Lin Feng's head.

"You don't want others to know that you are a great hero with mysterious powers, right?"

One question mark turned into three......

"Damn, this is the first time I've been threatened by a woman..."

After Lin Feng said this,

Ji Yesheng smiled even happier, but then, that smile became much sadder.

"I'm kidding you. I said you are my benefactor, so naturally your secret is my secret. Even if you don't erase my memory, I will keep your secret forever."

As she said that,

Ji Yesheng slowly lowered her head, and in a very embarrassing posture, she came close to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng understood what she meant at a glance, took a deep breath, raised his right hand with the alchemy ring, and gently touched Ji Yesheng's head.

Light burst out, and everything in Ji Yesheng's memory slowly disappeared, but the bitterness at the corner of her mouth was still clearly visible.

"Miss Ji Ye Sheng, see you again if we are destined to meet."

Lin Feng, standing at the door of the ward, looked at the"Special Edition of the Kyoto Alien World of the Extraordinary Planet" in his hand, and after thinking about it, he finally put it on the cabinet at the door of the ward.

If we are destined to meet, maybe we can really meet again.

After leaving the hospital,

Lin Feng came all the way to the station.

Minato and a group of students had been waiting for a long time.

Everyone looked at each other and embarked on the journey back to Furasu in tacit understanding.

This year's study trip should be considered a complete success for most students.

On the train,

Jiutang Rinyin and the others fell asleep because of the fatigue of the day.

Lin Feng took advantage of this time when no one was disturbing him to communicate silently with the system in his mind.

"Collect mission rewards"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Geats series card set! 】!!!

The power of the fox god?

Lin Feng touched his nose and felt a little inexplicably wanting to laugh.

It was a bit difficult to get the power of the fox god's trust in the world of Gotchad.

The main reason was that there were too many boomerangs, and the advantages and disadvantages of the two parts were very different.

For example, the excellent suits and character appearance in the original work of Polar Fox, the 3.

4 of the original work of Gotchad were much worse.

Similarly, the unfolding of the anti-sky plot of the original work of Polar Fox was also in sharp contrast with the hot-blooded route of Gotchad's low opening and high walking.

But then again, there are still many things to note about the power of Kamen Rider Geats.

As Geats with the power of creation, although it is ridiculed as a small alchemy, its actual performance has indeed reached the level of gods.

In addition, there is a golden fox from a thousand years later.

The power of creation has become the terrifying power of judgment, and the building can be destroyed with a raise of the hand!

Satisfied with putting the card set into the card box, Lin Feng looked at the scenery outside the car window and inexplicably wanted to take a nap.

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated, as if a text message came in.

He opened his phone and saw a stranger with a ghost avatar who added his Line.

Line is currently the most popular chat software in Japan.

Some time ago, because Lin Feng participated in a magazine interview and photo shoot, he specially opened a new account, but he didn't expect that someone would really add him.

Out of curiosity, Lin Feng clicked the accept button, and the next second, the other party sent a series of surprising remarks,

【Hey!!! Are you, are you Mr. Lin Feng himself?!! I just randomly searched the Line account in the magazine, and I didn’t expect Gao Zhen to be the real person! Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to disturb you! I will delete it now!】

【No, no, wait! Mr. Lin Feng, can I trouble you for a moment? I am a loyal fan of"Supernormal Planet Kyoto Special Edition". I benefited a lot from reading your interview. Can I ask you for an autograph?! I'll pay for the postage!】

【My name is Ji Ye Sheng! 】

Looking at the three words at the bottom of the chat box,

Lin Feng suddenly laughed.

It was really predestined.

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