In the forest, after hanging up the phone, Ichinose Takaradarou suddenly thought of something.

If it was the Malgan that was formed by the fusion of the magnificent dragonfly, then it must be in the sky, so it can't be seen!

Thinking of this,

Ichinose Takaradarou immediately stood out from behind the tree and looked up into the sky.

Sure enough!

Above the forest, a silver Malgan twisted its body and vibrated its wings to keep hovering at a low altitude, staring at him eagerly!

"You are a lamb to be slaughtered! I will kill you right now!"

The dragonfly Malgan roared, and shot out an extremely sharp and fast spike from the horn on his head!

Almost in an instant, the spike broke through the sound barrier and hit Ichinose Takarō's body, knocking him out on the spot!

""Big brother, are you okay?!! Big brother!"

Riku, who had been following Baotaro, called out anxiously.

The terrible scene made his voice tremble.


Baotaro was only knocked down and was not seriously injured.

The spikes that hit his body were blocked by the Kamika in his pocket, Hopper1.���!

"Ah~ Thank you, Hopper1!"


"Good! Now is the time for us to counterattack!"

The dragonfly Malgan in the sky fell heavily to the ground, and behind it, Lachesis walked out slowly:

"I advise you to take action before that guy transforms, otherwise, the situation will be very troublesome."

"The three sisters of the Dark Black, is it really you who did this?!"

Ichinose Takarō became more and more angry:

"This is just a child, why do you want to attack him?!"

"To attack the child?"

Lachesis suddenly laughed:

"This is not my idea. This is the idea of the father next to me."

Hearing this,

Ichinose Takarō and Riku next to him were stunned.

"Father? Wait, you mean..."


Riku called out tentatively, somewhat unbelievably.

Then, a familiar voice came out of the dragonfly Malgan's mouth:

"Li Jiu, you have to know that this guy and that Kemi are all pests that will haunt you and will have a bad influence on your future! That's why I, your father, want to get rid of them all!"

"So! The target was not Riku from the beginning, but me?!"

After hearing this, Baotaro finally reacted, so he was wrong from the beginning to the end!

"Of course! I am always thinking about Li Jiu, and all I am thinking about is how to make this child happy! So, you unnecessary guy, just disappear!"

"Wait, 663 Daddy!"

Riku held Cactus Camie and stood in front of Baotaro anxiously:

"Big brother, and this Kemi, are all my friends! You can't do anything to them, it's you who should wake up now, Dad!"

"Shut up! Riku, what you should do now is to devote yourself to your studies! You don't need friends at all!"

Faced with Dragonfly Malgan's denial,

Baotaro, who aims to create a world where Kemi and humans coexist, immediately had a stress reaction, stood up suddenly and angrily retorted:

"This is not love, it is domination!!!"

Igarashi: Huh? Who is thinking about me? (doge)


Takarō put on the driver, without hesitation, and directly inserted the Kamika into it!

"Since you are a father, you can't ignore Riku's desire to make friends! If that doesn't make sense, let me wake you up! Henshin"

【Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotchanko! Steam Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

With the double refinement attached to his body,

Baotaro rushed forward in the form of a steam locust to fight!

After learning the whole story, Baotaro had no other concerns and his combat power increased several times. His basic form also completely suppressed Dragonfly Malgan.

This situation was the last thing Lachesis wanted to see.

"I can't let you destroy such a rare high-purity container."

She put on her veil, holding the four-leaf clover Kemi in her hand, and then whispered silently:

""Be infected by the shadow of darkness!"

As soon as the words fell, the strong malice immediately devoured the four-leaf clover Kemi, fused with it, and turned it into the hideous and ugly four-leaf clover Malgan!

Lachesis looked at the fiercely fighting Baotaro, and immediately released a large number of vines to climb out, firmly tying his feet together, making him lose the ability to move for a while!

Just as she was about to continue chasing and finish off Baotaro as soon as possible, a gray dimensional wall quietly appeared on the path in front of her.


"Senior?! Is that you?!"

"It's me, but even if I wasn't there, you're still a little embarrassed, aren't you?"

Kaguya walked out of the dimensional wall step by step, and looked directly at Lachesis.

"That guy called him senior? Wasn't his senior Dark Decade? Could there be someone else?"

Just as Lachesis was wondering, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Kaguya slowly took out a golden driver from behind (acah)!

"Huh?! Never seen a drive before?!"

"Isn't the driver of the senior black? Why did it change color?"

Lachesis narrowed his eyes slightly and complained in his heart:

"Feel...Something is wrong, this guy doesn't seem to be the Dark Decade I know."

Thinking of this, she waved her arms and released vines to attack.

Kaguya blocked the driver forward, and in an instant, several golden card light walls blocked all the attacks!

"Don't be so anxious, young lady. When it comes to fighting, the more gorgeous the better~"

As she said this, Kaguya put the driver on her waist and bound it with a silver belt:

"Although your strength is not that great, I will still be kind enough to let you see the glory of the legend."

After the voice fell, Kaguya, who was shrouded in the dazzling light, raised her hand and pinched a golden alchemy card with a knight's appearance printed on it.

After inserting it into the driver from the side, she whispered:


【ChemyRide! Le-Le-Le-Legend】

Accompanied by a familiar yet strange magical sound effect, a large amount of golden fragments burst out from the driver on Kaguya's waist!

Immediately afterwards, a rotating dial and an open golden portal phantom appeared behind him at the same time!

When the driver was pulled apart from both sides, countless golden phantoms flashed around Kaguya, and finally merged together heavily!

Kamen Rider Legend officially debuted!

"Oh!!! Golden Kamen Rider?!! Senior, when did you get this card again?!"

"Hmm? I already have this card, okay?"

Kaguya sighed helplessly.

It seems that this junior of hers doesn't know her well enough.

"You should continue to deal with the enemy in front of you. During the battle, remember not to be distracted."

As she said this,

Kaguya walked towards Lachesis:

"My name is Kamen Rider Legend, shining in everyone's memory, illuminating the world, including you."

Lachesis curled his lips in disdain:

"You are not him. He is not as coquettish as you."

"I don't know what you are talking about, but if you are so careless in front of me, I will beat you up."

"Ah...It's better to say that you are the one who doesn't care."

Lachesis looked at Kaguya's back and sneered.

When Kaguya found something wrong, she immediately turned back to defend.

Black Steel Spana came close to her without knowing when, raised his wrench sword high, and chopped her off!

"Iron steel!"

【MadWhee1! Goking! Valvarush! Tuneup! MadWhee1! 】


The sound of metal colliding instantly rang out, and

Kaguya grabbed the legendary Magnum in her hand in time, blocking forward, and the two weapons of sword and spear intersected together, splashing out sparks of explosion! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Seeing this, Black Steel Spana approached and snorted coldly:

"I didn’t expect it, DarkDecade, how long has it been and you’ve become so coquettish?"

"DarkDecade? Who is that?"

"Huh? Are you still pretending? Do you really think I won't recognize you if you are gilded?"[]

Hearing what Kuroko said,

Kaguya sighed helplessly:

"I've already said, my name is Kamen Rider Legend, not Dark Decade"

"It's so funny, you think I'll let you go just because you changed your name?"

Black Steel Spana clenched his wrench sword, his strength increasing:

""I remember the scene of you beating me up before. Now that I'm stronger, it's my turn to get my revenge!"

After saying that, he immediately raised his left foot and kicked out from the side, with a sharp whip kick heading straight for Kaguya's head!

Such a simple attack seemed like a slow motion in Kaguya's eyes.

He raised his right fist and smashed it at Heigang's shin bone!


A dull sound exploded, and the huge force not only blocked Heigang's whip kick, but also made his body retreat uncontrollably!

Seeing this, Kaguya pointed at Lachesis and then at Heigang, sneering:

"idiot...It seems that you two are planning to fight me together? In that case, I will use my new power to play with you."

As he said that,

Kaguya took out a golden card from the card box.

The card surface rotated, and the image of Den-O appeared!

It was Den-O's alchemy card!

He inserted the card into the drive and then pulled it open again!

【ChemyRide! G-G-G-Gorgeous Den-O!】

As the sound of a train arriving at the station sounded,

Kaguya's golden armor quickly transformed into Kamen Rider Den-O's holy sword form!

But unlike the original version of Den-O,

Kaguya's transformed Den-O has a golden ribbon on the left side of his shoulder, inlaid with many gems, and a short golden cape on the right side of his waist. The overall temperament is indeed much more gorgeous than the original version of Den-O!

Not only that, according to the setting, the knight with the gorgeous function added is more powerful than the original version!

So not only the special effects are more eye-catching, but the real strength should not be underestimated!

"Well, it's time to send you to the magnificent terminal."

Kaguya said, pulling out another card from the card box and inserting it into the drive!

【AttackRide! I'm here!】

When the strange sound sounded,

Kaguya twisted his body in front of everyone, and then made a move that was completely different from his original elegant and coquettish style.

His legs were spread out like a horse stance, and his arms were one in front and one right.���

Then he said in a deep voice:

""Oh, Third Uncle!" (I'm here!)

However, after the words fell, the whole place was silent.

The extremely cautious Black Steel Spana thought Kaguya was going to use some big move, and kept observing the surroundings.

However, almost ten seconds passed, and nothing happened.

Kaguya squatted down with a puzzled look on his face, but still nothing happened.

In desperation, he had to take out another card.

"Then try this!"

【AttackRide! You don’t have to answer! 】

(The original text is in Japanese, I can’t type it out, so I’ll use Chinese, but I believe everyone understands~doge)

I saw that Kaguya’s armor on his body changed again, from the red holy sword form to the purple holy spear form.

At the same time, he began to dance to the lively music, his posture and behavior became very funny, and he said:

"You don't have to answer."

However, another ten seconds passed and still nothing happened.

The Lachesis people in the distance were dumbfounded:

"Did he ask us anything just now?"

Black Steel Spana was a little angry.

Isn't this a battle? What is this guy doing?!

"What on earth do you mean by that, you bastard?!"

At this moment, even Kaguya himself couldn't hold it anymore.

He was furious and his mouth was twitching wildly. He had never had such an awkward and crazy opening before.

His splendor and elegance were all ruined!

"That group...Those idiots! Don't question me!"

The famous scene was successfully reproduced!

Kaguya took out two cards again, which were the two basic attack control cards left by Den-O, but the descriptions on them were still just a paragraph.

【Come try to take my bait~】

【Cry it out! 】

At this time, he suddenly remembered the reason.

Both attack control cards in the Den-O series require the presence and possession of the Demon God himself, and there is no Demon God in the world of Gotchad, so he can't use any effective skills here!

Therefore, the only card left in this deck is this one!

Looking at the final form control card in his hand,

Kaguya is sure that he will not make any mistakes.

This card does not require any Demon God to possess!

【ChemyRide! G-G-G-Gorgeous Den-O! LinerForm】(Liner Form)

The mechanical sound effect sounded again, and an electric line train came out of the void and rushed towards Kaguya!

The moment the two came into contact, the electric line train turned transparent, and pieces of red armor attached to Kaguya's body surface, and a big sword with four different demon heads flew into his hand!

"This way, there won't be any problems."

Kaguya felt the power surging in her body, picked up the big sword, and took the lead to rush towards Black Steel Spana and Lachesis!

"Poor students have a lot of stationery, and you have so many cards, I want to see how strong you are!"

Heigang cursed, holding the wrench sword and slashing at Kaguya head-on!

However, the terrifying force that he did not expect was transmitted through the wrench sword to his arms, and the violent tremor made his weapon fall out of his hand on the spot, and the whole person was shaken away!

Kaguya looked at Heigang flying backwards and snorted coldly:

"It was my mistake just now. Now, you don't have any chance."He has already taken out the final control card. How can these enemies who are not gorgeous at all be the opponent of him, Kaguya-sama?

He turned around and walked towards Lachesis step by step:

"Compared to him, the main reason for interfering with Kamen Rider Gochard's becoming more gorgeous is you, so getting rid of you here may make him gorgeous soon, so..."Die!"

Seeing Kaguya's unstoppable attack,

Lachesis panicked and released a large number of vines to block it, but the electric king in the class form was too powerful.

The electric masked holy sword could smash those vines into pieces with a casual dance, and

Kaguya would not be hindered at all!

The holy sword wrapped with four-color energy was raised high by him and slashed straight at Lachesis!

At that critical moment, a low voice like a devil's chanting came faintly,

【FinalAttackRide! D-D-D-Den-O!】

I'm out early, there will be more later..

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