"Wait a minute!"

Black Steel Spana raised the wrench sword in his hand and blocked the man who suddenly appeared.

He frowned and looked at him, and asked doubtfully:

"Who are you? Don’t you know the order of first come first served?"

The man turned his head and looked at him, snorted coldly and said:

"It turned out to be Black Steel Spana, who did I think it was? Get out of the way! I, Boruto Uzaki, must get back the ground I lost before today!"

"Oh~ You are the idiot who was defeated by Lin Feng in one move during the Beyond A Alchemist Assessment?"

Hearing his name, Black Steel Spana sneered disdainfully:

"Seeing you so arrogant, I thought you were amazing."

As the only genius in the alchemy world in recent years,

Lin Feng has completed the journey that most alchemists take ten to twenty years in five years.

At the young age of twenty-three or twenty-four, he is a cadre of the Alchemy Association.

This has led to his dazzling performance, and every alchemy assessment he has taken has been praised and remembered by many people, except for the Super A alchemist assessment a few years ago.

Everyone thought that the assessment would be very difficult and troublesome.

As a result, Lin Feng, who arrived at the competition venue on time, did not have the expected alchemy duel at all after he entered the field.

Lin Feng only used a spell to increase his own movement speed and went around the opponent. Behind his back, a club knocked his opponent unconscious.

There was nothing to judge.

Afterwards, everyone who watched the game concluded that

Lin Feng's opponent was an idiot.

Therefore, that test was never remembered, but the name of that opponent was known to most people in the alchemy world.

It was Boruto Uzaki, the unlucky guy.

And it was because of that humiliating test that he was ridiculed. He wanted to reverse his reputation and defeat Lin Feng to prove himself.

Therefore, after training for several years, he found Lin Feng again.

But at this moment, he was exposed by Black Steel Spana's words and became angry on the spot.

"Who are you calling an idiot?!!"

Boto Uzaki roared, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

The malice in his body immediately burst out and merged with the Kemi Falcon Star again, transforming into Eagle Malgan!

Seeing this scene,

Lin Feng, who had been watching, thought it was not good.

As a result, before he could speak,

Black Steel Spana directly blocked in front of him, pulled out Kemi Ka and inserted it into the wrench sword, and said:

"Get out of here, this guy is dangerous, I'll take care of him!"

【MadWhee1! Goking! Valvarush! Tuneup! MadWhee1! 】

Boom boom!!!

The moment he completed his transformation,

Black Steel Spana picked up the wrench sword and rushed forward to cut the Eagle Malgan, but the attack missed and hit the wall of the photo studio instead.

For a moment, the whole house began to shake.

"You two..."

Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and his head was covered with black lines.

He knew this would be the outcome.

Two guys without any brains dared to fight in his own home?!


There was another vibration, and

Black Steel Spana directly rushed out with Eagle Malgan, smashing the wall together.

Looking at the floating smoke and dust, the scattered gravel, and the messy living room,

Lin Feng couldn't bear it anymore.

He had to be beaten up to be uncomfortable, right?

He took out the driver and walked out while pulling out the driver card and inserting it:


【KamenRide! DarkDecade! 】

As the phantom overlapped on his body,

Lin Feng's dark blue eyes gradually became clear in the smoke and dust.

He came to the door and was about to beat up Black Steel and Eagle Malgan, but the next second, a sword energy suddenly attacked from the side!

At this critical moment,

Lin Feng instinctively twisted his toes and dodged sideways.

When the silver blade fell, he and the figure holding the blade looked at each other.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the opponent turned out to be the famous Megiddo, the Scourge!

Whether it was the red ribbon on the neck, the head like a red skull, the hunched back posture, or the ominous aura on the body, it was undoubtedly the Scourge.

Lin Feng looked at the shock and disbelief in its eyes, and then raised his knees and hit his hips at a very fast speed. A close-range knee strike, gathering all the strength of his body, hit the Scourge's chest fiercely!


A heavy muffled sound spread out, and Lin Feng's knee, mixed with terrifying force, immediately penetrated the whole body of the natural disaster, and burst out with a huge impact force to knock it out, and it shot straight into the distance. After smashing several walls, it rolled on the ground for several weeks, smashing several pits before stopping! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It knelt on one knee on the ground with its beloved sword, wiped the faint blood at the corner of its mouth, slowly raised its head, and looked at the figure slowly approaching it on the dust and gravel.

"It's you indeed....Kamen Rider DarkDecade."

Before, the X group of people from the consortium told me to be cautious with DarkDecade, but

I didn't pay attention to it. As a result, just a glance made it change its mind on the spot.[]

Lin Feng stared at it with his dark blue eyes and said in a cold voice:

"Who asked you to come to me? Consortium X?"

In his memory, in the Outsider Plan, the natural disaster that was resurrected by Consortium X wandered around aimlessly at first, but at this time, as soon as it appeared, it said Lin Feng's name.

If it was right, it must be Consortium X.

After all, he had just beaten up Odin and King Snake, the two guys they had worked so hard to wake up not long ago.

"You don't need to worry about this....Anyway, today, since I have found you, I must get rid of you."

Listening to the extremely confident tone of Tianzai,

Lin Feng really didn't know whether to say that Tianzai was unlucky and was used as a gun, or to say that the group of people in Consortium X were brain-dead, letting a Megiddo come to die.

They didn't really think that a somewhat famous Megiddo could kill them, right?

Tianzai didn't know what Lin Feng thought of it, but the conditions offered by Consortium X really made it tempted, so it would fight no matter how difficult the opponent was.

Just when the battle was about to begin, a puzzled call brought the battle to an abrupt end.

"Natural disaster?...Resurrected?!"

This voice sounds so familiar.

This thought appeared in Lin Feng and Tian Zai's mind at the same time.

They turned their heads and looked, and the figure they remembered immediately appeared in front of them.

It was Fei Dao Lian, Tian Zai's good partner in the original book.

At this moment, he happened to be holding a bowl of freshly brewed instant noodles in his hand, and even had red ginger on his chopsticks.

It's really interesting.

Now, the two characters who were supposed to meet in the Outsider Plan met here.

"`.Oh! You kid, are you finally eating red ginger?"

Tian Zai pointed at the thing on Fei Dao Lian's chopsticks with a smile, and said proudly:

"How is it? Does it taste good?"

Fei Daolian's expression froze for a moment, and then she proudly threw the chopsticks and instant noodles onto the steps beside her.

"This is what others have already in it, I don't want to eat that kind of thing."

As he said this, he came to a place not far from the natural disaster, grabbed the Feng Shuangjian Cuifeng behind him with one hand, and asked:

"So, what's the situation now? Why are you resurrected again?"


Fei Daolian was waiting for the duel between Black Steel Spana and Lin Feng, and planned to use the free time to eat something to fill his stomach.

As a result, just after he finished making noodles, he saw Black Steel transformed into Valbarado fighting with a weirdo.

He was about to help, but suddenly he sensed a familiar breath, followed the source, and saw Tianzai.

At this time, hearing Fei Daolian's question,

Tianzai didn't know how to explain for a while:

"It’s a long story, but my current target is this guy, Kamen Rider Dark Decade"(Zhao Hao Zhao)

Following Tian Zai's gaze,

Fei Dao Lian's sight locked on Lin Feng:

"Kamen Rider? Why did you attack him?"

"Although fundamentally speaking, there is no need to fight now, but this guy just hit me and the severe pain is still lingering in my chest, so I am unhappy and must fight."

Tian Zai smiled at Fei Dao Lian and asked:

"How about it? Do you want to join me? After defeating this guy, it will be a battle between you and me."

After hearing this,

Fei Daolian, who was still hesitating, was immediately moved.

The battle with the natural disaster has always been the moment he longed for.

Although he didn't know why he was resurrected, he would definitely accompany him if he could fight again.

"Come on then."

【Sarutobi Ninja Legend! Double Swords Split! One Hand, Shuriken! Two Hands, Two Swords Style! Twin Wind Swords, Emerald Wind! Emerald Wind Scroll! The twin swords of Koga Wind Style use ninjutsu at super speed to defeat the enemy! 】

Lin Feng looked at Fei Dao Lian who used the Holy Sword and the Driving Book to transform into Kamen Rider Kenzan, and then looked at Tian Zai.

The system seemed to know what he was thinking and issued a task announcement.��

"You came just in time....I'm worried about the anger in my stomach, but I have no place to vent it."......

Say goodbye to Atomic

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