"System, collect the reward."

After staggering with Jiutang Linyin and the others,

Lin Feng chose to go back home to see how the three Minghei sisters were doing.

He had handed over all the paperwork for this week to them.

If they hadn't finished it by now, he would definitely give them a good beating.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, rewards are being drawn...Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kamen Rider Tycoon series driving card deck! 】

Hearing this voice, Lin Feng suddenly laughed, not laughing, but hearing the name of the polar fox knight, he would think of something against the sky.

Speaking of Tycoon itself,

Kamen Rider Tai Li, as the second rider of the previous Kamen Rider, although the little angel character that was praised at the beginning was in stark contrast to the blackened character in the later collapse, so that no matter from the plot or the reputation, it was discussed by people.

However, to be honest, his blackened final form is indeed handsome.

The pitch-black general.

Tycoon's martial god blade form has a record of six wins in six battles in the original work.

This record is luxurious and once surpassed the protagonist Fox God.

Although there is a component of the screenwriter making trouble in this regard, because the number of times the Fox God really uses his divine power is few and far between, but the foundation of the general form is there, and the gold content is there.

Of course, for Lin Feng's current many card decks, it is nothing, but it is still okay to use it for fun.

After putting away the card,

Lin Feng looked up and saw that he had arrived at the church.

He pushed the door open and walked in, only to find that there was no one around, and the paperwork he had given them was casually thrown on the table, with a large blank space left unfilled.

At this moment, there were small footsteps outside the door.

Lin Feng turned around and smiled at the door.

The three sisters of Minghei who happened to step into the church were immediately numb.

The three of them froze in place, thinking to themselves,"Oh no!"

"You really don't take my words seriously anymore."

Lin Feng smiled meaningfully:

"In this case, I will have to punish you a little bit."

Lachesis swallowed his saliva:

"you...What do you want?"

"What do I want? Whatever the punishment is, you guys should do it accordingly."

Lin Feng grinned evilly and said faintly:

"I want you to fuck me hard, make you so tired that you can't move, sweat like rain, and I won't let you go even if you beg me. At that time, I will only enjoy the pleasure you bring me.~"

""Hey! FBL! FBL!!!"

Dozens of minutes later, in Lin Feng's photo studio,

Lin Feng was lying on a rocking chair in the hall.

Behind him was Atropos, who was massaging his shoulders and temples.

Below him was Clotho, who was massaging his legs.

Next to him was Lachesis, who was mopping the floor and grunting, exhausted.


"You! What are you doing?!!"

Lachesis covered the drum with a blushing face, staring at Lin Feng with wide eyes, but Lin Feng smiled without panic and said:

"Hurry up and don't stop. This is the punishment for not completing the work on time. Don't think about being lazy."

"You guy...He is simply a demon that is even more evil than the devil!"

Lachesis gnashed her teeth and cursed angrily, but she had to continue to work hard.

What should she do?

The scene of Lin Feng killing the giant Kamen Rider Blackxs alone not long ago was still vivid in their minds.

If they had thought before that the three of them could attack Lin Feng together, they might have a chance to fight, but now, that fantasy was gone.

If they didn't want to be wiped out by him, they could only listen to him obediently and wait until Lord Gryon came back to settle accounts with Lin Feng!

After another half an hour,

Lin Feng had rested for a while, so he gave another explanation:

"I'll give you another afternoon to finish the paperwork. If you don't finish it, it won't be just a simple punishment like this."

With that, he left the photo studio under the gaze of the three Dark Sisters.

The three stood on the balcony, staring at him with resentment, especially Lachesis, who had the deepest resentment.

"This demon, I thought he was going to do something to us, I was ready, but he told me that the punishment was to do housework! Is he really a normal man?"

Hearing Lachesis's words, Atropos glanced at her:

"Do you think normal men can be interested in us? What are you thinking?"

Kloto covered Atropos's mouth and said:

"You can't say"we". You have to remove yourself from"we"."

Lachesis curled his lips and stopped muttering.

But just as Lin Feng was about to turn into the alley and disappear from his sight, a figure sneaking behind Lin Feng attracted his attention.

There was also a strong malice rising from that man, and that malice seemed to be directed at Lin Feng.

"I can't believe he has provoked other enemies. This strong and twisted emotion is very good~"

Kloto reminded him and said:

"Hey, don't cause trouble. Lin Feng's power is not something that an ordinary Malgan can resist. If he knows that we created Malgan to attack him, I don't know how he will punish us."

"Don't worry."

Lachesis laughed:

"That person was originally following Lin Feng, and it was normal for him to attract a Malgan because of his own malice. Lin Feng had no reason to blame us for this, and...It's because that guy always uses these strange things to punish us. I can't stand it. I must create some trouble for him, even if it's a small trouble!"

Thinking of this, she took out a Kamika from her pocket and threw it far away.

The malice of the man immediately swallowed Kamika and turned it into a ferocious Malgan!

The man who didn't know what happened to him still followed Lin Feng on his own.

They came to the bottom of a bridge.

Lin Feng suddenly stopped.

The man thought that his tracking was discovered.

As a result, the next second, a girl suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The girl was petite, carrying a primary school-style backpack, headphones around her neck, and a hat with a plush ball on her head. She looked very cute.

She showed a beautiful smile to Lin Feng and said:

"Hello, mysterious Kamen Rider DarkDecade, I am Simon Nicole. I wonder if I can have a chance to communicate with you in depth?"

Lin Feng looked at the lovely girl in front of him.

He was definitely surprised. He was not surprised by Simon Nicole's appearance, because she had a very important role in the Outsider Plan, but Lin Feng was surprised that she actually came here through her other identity and directly stated that she was looking for Kamen Rider DarkDecade.

Therefore, this so-called communication was not that simple.

"We don't seem to know each other, right? What do you want to talk about?"

Lin Feng didn't intend to hide his identity, but he was still very wary and cautious of her.

Simoniko took out a tablet, opened it, and showed Lin Feng a picture with a string of golden data.

Zein (goodwill)

"There is something about the survival of the whole world that I need to talk to you about. I hope you can give me a chance?"

Lin Feng was right. It was related to Kamen Rider Zein.

If that was the case, he also had something to ask Simoniko.

In that case, he would go with her.

However, just as he was about to accept the invitation and leave with Simoniko, a roar came from the bushes next to him.

The man who had been following Lin Feng suddenly jumped up and exploded his malice in front of the two of them. He merged with the Level 6 Falcon Star Kamika thrown by Lachesis before and turned into Hawk Malgan!

He shook his wings and rushed directly towards Lin Feng:

""Lin Feng, you can’t leave! You are my prey!!!"

Buzz buzz buzz!

Eagle Malgan swooped out quickly, and its extremely sharp wings were like two sharp blades that cut everything in its path.

Lin Feng had expected this, so he dodged it easily, but Simoniko, who was completely unaware, was also covered in the attack range!

Seeing this,

Lin Feng could only reach out and pull Simoniko into his arms, and at the same time summoned the dimensional wall to block Eagle Malgan’s impact!

Bang bang bang!!!

The strength of the dimensional wall was far beyond expectations, and

Eagle Malgan’s impact did not achieve the desired effect, but instead caused himself to be bounced out!

"How is it? Are you okay?"

Lin Feng retracted his gaze and looked at the petite girl in his arms.

Perhaps she was still in shock, and

Simoniko came back to her senses after a long time.

She loosened her arms from Lin Feng's waist and said with a blushing face:

"No, I'm fine."

"It's okay, let me handle this guy."

However, just as Lin Feng was about to take out the driver, a cold voice came slowly from not far away:

"You don't need to do anything. Let me handle the malicious matter."

Lin Feng followed the voice and looked sideways.

It was the one of the four members of the Destruction Thunder Group, Destruction.......

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