Seeing the task information broadcast by the system,

Lin Feng immediately understood what to do.

"Baotaro, you still have your own things to do, right?"

"That’s right, senior, so this battle must be decided quickly!"

"No need, leave him to me, you leave first."

Hearing Lin Feng's serious tone,

Ichinose Takarō hesitated and nodded heavily:

""Then I'll leave it to you, Senior."

As he said this, he was about to leave.

However, how could Xianyue, who had been observing the two of them from a distance, let Baotaro go so easily?

He grinned coldly, then summoned the dimensional wall and thrust his arm into it!

That's right, he did not travel to a certain place through the dimensional wall, but only passed his arm through it.

As for the other side of the dimensional wall, it was behind Ichinose Baotaro!

At this moment,

Xianyue's hand that passed through the dimensional wall actually reached directly into Ichinose Baotaro's body!

"Me! How could this happen?!!"

Baotaro suddenly panicked.

He felt a strong force entering his body and stirring it constantly, as if it was looking for something.

The source was the crescent moon in the distance!

"what did you do to me?!"

"What did you do?"

Xianyue smiled coldly:

"Aren't you unwilling to give me the power? Then I will take it myself!"

The next second,

Xianyue's hand suddenly pulled out from Baotaro's body.

At that moment,

Baotaro's entire soul seemed to be taken away. His pupils quickly dilated and became extremely empty.

His body fell to the ground powerlessly.

The armor on his body quickly turned into a dull gray-white color.

Finally, it disintegrated with a bang. Even the driver and the Kemi card disappeared!

And all the power was gathered in the driving dial that Xianyue condensed in his hand at this moment!

【Gtochard! 】

A deep and hoarse voice sounded from the dial, and a distorted Kamen Rider Gtochard slowly emerged on the surface of the dial!

This is the power held by Ichinose Tarotaro, transformed into an alien knight dial!

His expression gradually became excited.

He did not take the dial back directly, but played with it in his hand for a while, and suddenly had an idea:

"Just right, use this power to help me clear some obstacles....Your power is returned to you!"


A shrill scream suddenly sounded, and

Xianyue actually reinserted the alien knight dial that condensed from Baotaro's body!

The result was that Ichinose Baotaro was wrapped, swallowed and entangled by the purple evil energy, and eventually turned into a twisted alien Gtochard!

The body was still as blue as before, but the appearance and appearance had long lost the characteristics of Kamen Rider. It was completely a disguised monster!

This scene was indeed something Lin Feng did not expect.

He knew about the alien knight dial, but he did not expect Xianyue to be able to do this.

This is a skill that only the Time Robbers can use!

However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that because the cadres of the Hundred Worlds Organization all hold the dimensional wall, they have obtained the power of Blackxs by observing other parallel worlds.

It is not impossible to obtain more power from the Time Robbers!

"Do it! Kill DarkDecade, I want to take his power as well!"

Xianyue crossed her arms and folded her arms across her chest, posing as if she was watching a good show, quietly waiting for the internal fight between Lin Feng and Baotaro to begin.

Ichinose Baotaro, who kept growling and seemed to be in great pain, twisted his body, slowly raised his head, locked his scarlet eyes on Lin Feng, and then suddenly stepped forward, waving his mutated claws and pouncing on Lin Feng!

But, at the critical moment, the claws hanging in front of Lin Feng's face were forcibly stopped!


The smile on the crescent moon's face suddenly stopped:

"Hey, what are you doing?! Kill him!"

Bao Tailang's mutated body trembled constantly as he stood in front of Lin Feng.

His sharp claws were just about to touch Lin Feng, but they didn't fall down and kept shaking in the air.

"don't want...I don’t want to do this! DarkDecade is a senior who has been very good to me! I have no reason to attack him!!!"


Under the incredible gaze of Crescent Moon,

Ichinose Takarō punched himself hard in the face, knocked himself out, rolled to the side, and staggered to the ground.

"This is impossible! How could the alien knight I have contracted break free from my control?!!"

This method that has worked every time actually failed on a high school student.

Xianyue was unwilling to believe the facts in front of him, but unfortunately, he had to contract with Ichinose Takarō, a ruthless man who would rather be tortured for a whole night to save Camie and protect the training hall. Do you think your willpower is stronger than his?

Lin Feng just laughed.

"If you choose someone else, maybe he will be controlled by you, but he is Ichinose Takaruo, a superman who cannot be explained by conventional reason. You can only say that your luck is too bad."

As he said,

Lin Feng patted Ichinose Takaruo on the shoulder and said:

"Go ahead, no matter what form you take, go and complete what you agreed to do."

Hearing this, Baotaro remembered everything that Uncle Axu and wrestler G had done in front of him yesterday.

That's right, he had promised to help them and protect the training hall, so he must not break his promise!

"Senior! This place is up to you!"

Ichinose Tatarō fought against the magic power in his mind while rushing towards the wrestling training hall.

He had to catch up, he had to catch up!

Tatarō didn't know how long he had been here, but the training hall couldn't wait.

The golem Gangli would not stop attacking others just because he was not there.


If seniors and classmates from Jiutang happened to be there, they could help hold out for a while....

Ichinose Tatarō didn't dare to think any further. He just hoped that he could be faster, faster!

After an unknown amount of time, the signboard of the Axu Training Hall finally appeared in his sight.

At the same time, there was a violent movement in the factory!

Tatarō was anxious and ran to the gate to take a look inside.

Sure enough!

The golem Gangli had transformed into the gorilla Malgan and was destroying everything.

Jiudou Rin'in, Ginkgo Renka and senior Tsuruhara Senmaru were using alchemy to resist its attack.

Although it didn't work, it could at least restrain it a little!

""Everyone! I'm here!"

As the shouts came, everyone saw a blue monster figure rushing in from outside the door and directly knocked the gorilla Malgan to the ground!

"Hey, hey, hey! Back off! Another Malgan appears!"

"No, it’s me, senior!"

"Wait...This voice is Baotaro!"

The training hall director A Xu immediately identified Baotaro's voice.

Everyone looked over carefully and found that it was indeed very similar to Baotaro's appearance after he transformed into Gtochard, but they always felt that they were two different versions?

"How did it become like this? Baotaro, were you beaten on the road?"

"Forehead...That’s about right! But let’s put my business aside for now! The focus now is on this!"

Ichinose Tarotaro stood up and threw the gorilla Malgan onto the ring with all his might, then hesitantly said:

"Which combination of Camie cards is better to use to deal with it? Everyone, give me some advice!"

After hearing his words, before everyone could speak, the wrestler G attached to the doll flew out automatically, followed closely by the previously harvested Ant Corps Camie, which also came out from the card box on Baotaro's arm!

"Wrestler G, Ant Army...5 and 5, add up to 10! I'll leave it to you guys!"

Both Camies merged directly into Baotaro's body in an unsealed living state.

The twisted Gtochard driver on his waist also burst out with the light of alchemy!

With a burst of air,

Baotaro's alien knight form at this moment turned into Kamen Rider Gtochard, the ant wrestler form!

"Everyone, let's fight together!"

Although he is an alien knight, his fighting ability is not weak at all.

In addition, Baotaro's mind is not controlled.

In his memory, the method of restraining the wrestling skills of the golem is still vivid.

This time, with everyone's help, Ichinose Baotaro finally got the upper hand!

Everyone is looking forward to this battle moving towards victory!......

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