At sunrise, on the rooftop, the three dark sisters appeared again with dark circles under their eyes, and their minds were almost out of control.

"Bastard Lin Feng!"

Lachesis complained angrily:

"Not only do they hinder us in every battle, but they also force us to do it so many times every night. We are also human beings. We will die if we are squeezed dry!!!"

When Atropos heard the third sister say"We are also human beings", he looked at her meaningfully, and then said in a deep voice:

"Fortunately, our plan went smoothly, but waiting for the Kami to be attracted by the malice of humans is not proactive enough...."

She said, looking at Clotho and Lachesis:

"Lord Gryon said so."

"He is still as anxious as ever."

Cloto sighed helplessly, while Lachesis was a little worried:

"But if you anger him, the consequences will be terrible, so you have to do what he says."

Atropos turned his head and looked at the city that was gradually waking up.��:

"Therefore, if the two of you can create a more powerful Malgan, Lord Gryon will be very pleased."

Hearing this,

Cloto snorted and said:

"Isn't this easy?...Isn't there a very suitable candidate there?"

Looking in the direction she pointed, in the alley in the hidden corner of the street, a tall man with a ferocious face and black mist rising from his body was clashing with some gangsters.

The man seemed to be quite accomplished in boxing and kicking. Not only did he beat the gangsters in a few moves, but he also broke the lumbar spine of one of them and killed him on the spot!

Seeing this scene,

Cloto jumped down from a height and came to the man:

"You are quite powerful, as cruel and violent as a wild animal."

"I am the strongest man in the world, Golem Gangli, are you here to die too?"

"No, I am here to help you further release that brutal power." As soon as the voice fell, Cloto pulled out a Kamika from his arms and threw it directly at the golem Gangli.

In mid-air, the twisted malice rose from the golem Gangli's body and instantly swallowed the Kamika.

The two combined and turned into a larger existence, the gorilla Malgan!

"Well, go do what you want and destroy everything!"...

Alchemy Academy, because today is the weekend, everyone didn't have classes so they came here early.

After the dinner last night, the relationship between the few people became closer.

For example, Ginkgo Renka showed off the new Kaimi she caught to Ichinose Takaradarou early in the morning.

"Oh!!! Siguoyi! Senior sister, you are so amazing!"

Hearing Baotaro's exclamation, Ginkgo Lianhua put her hands on her hips and laughed:

"Isn't it amazing?! Of course, this is all thanks to Teacher Lin Feng~"

As she said this, she secretly threw a wink to Lin Feng, but it was still blocked by Jiutang Linyin who stood firm.

"Hey, don't forget my contribution!"

Senior Tsuruhara Senmaru said indignantly while holding his tablet, but Ginkgo Renka pushed him down to prevent him from revealing her next plan.

She looked at Ichinose Takarō expectantly and said:

"I can teach you how to catch Kemi more efficiently~ However, the tuition fee is 10,000 yuan!"


Ichinose Takarō blinked, and then, in the speechless gazes of several people, he said with a caring face:

"All right! Ten thousand is ten thousand! I'll learn it!"

Ginkgo Lotus immediately regretted it:

"Oh no, I met a real rich man, he should ask for 100,000 yuan."

Lin Feng listened from the side and knocked on her head in annoyance:

"You even cheated your own junior. You are losing your bottom line."

"Hehe, I am determined to support the teacher's woman! It's no big deal to make a little more money! By the way, teacher, do you want to come and see? I will show you my superb skills in capturing Kemi!"

Lin Feng thought for a while, nodded and said:

"Well, since you are so confident, I will go with you to have a look. By the way, how about Linyin come with us?"

Jiutang Linyin stared at the Ginkgo Lotus that was approaching Lin Feng, and said sinisterly:

"I will go even if you don't tell me. I have to keep an eye on this woman all the time."

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng could only smile helplessly.

His two students were really more outrageous than the other. They left as soon as they said they would.

Under the leadership of Ginkgo Lotus, they soon arrived in front of a factory.

"Axu Professional Wrestling Training Hall?"

Ichinose Takarō looked at the words on the plaque and was a little confused:

"Will there be Kemi here?"

"This is what the detection instrument shows. Let's go in and take a look."

Everyone pushed the door open and entered.

It was a dim environment and it seemed that no one had used it for some time.

"Excuse me, is anyone here?"

Baotaro asked politely, but got no response.

At this moment, a strange cry was heard, and a flying doll suddenly jumped out from the corner and rushed straight towards Baotaro!

【Wrestler G!!!

It yelled its own name and attacked Baotaro fiercely.

Just when Lin Feng was about to intercept it, a bald middle-aged man appeared and called out to the puppet in the air:

"Wrestler G! Stop! They are students!"

The puppet's attack stopped abruptly in mid-air.

It circled around Ichinose Takarō in confusion.

After finding that they were indeed dressed as students, it flew back to the middle-aged man who had just spoken.

"Sorry to scare you guys. My name is A Xu, and I’m the owner of this wrestling gym....Are you here to learn wrestling?"

The man's eyes sparkled, and it seemed that he hadn't recruited any students for a long time.

Ichinose Takarō shook his head awkwardly and said:

"Sorry, we are not here to learn wrestling, we are here to find Kemi...It's the one in your hand."

The puppet can fly, talk, and attack.

It must be Kemi, but the owner of the wrestling gym doesn't know what Kemi is.

"This? This is my team partner."

Ah Xu looked at the puppet in his hand and smiled proudly:

"The essence of professional wrestling is the doubles match. Two people with completely different personalities trust each other, and their passionate souls resonate with each other, making 1+1 not only equal to 2, but even 3 or 4!"


Ichinose Takarō was so excited that he completely forgot what he came here for. At this moment, the factory door was suddenly kicked open violently, and a sturdy figure squeezed in.

At that moment, the smile on Ah Xu's face stopped abruptly:



The golem stared at Ah Xu with a gloomy look, and murderous intent rose from his body:

"It seems like you guys are having a great time, and, Axu, you are still alive! Then I will destroy you again!"

As the words fell, the Golem Gangli was wrapped by Malice and Kemi, and its body quickly grew larger, turning into the gorilla Malgan!

"Malgan again?"

Ichinose Tarotaro immediately took out the driver, raised his hand to stop everyone, and said:

"Teacher Lin Feng, take everyone to hide first! I will go and free Kemi who is attracted by the evil!"

"Be careful!"

Lin Feng said nothing more, and ran out with everyone.

Following closely behind,

Baotaro inserted the two cards into the drive, and while transforming, he ran towards the gorilla Malgan!


【Hopper1! Steamliner! Gotchanko! Steam~Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

Boom boom boom!

A violent vibration resounded, crashing into two figures outside, and they fought fiercely!......

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