"Arrogant bastard, what do you think of this move?!"

Asakura Wei stood up again, raised his hand to draw a card from the cassette, and at the same time, he turned the sharp blade at the front of the survival snake summoning machine into a soft whip and swung it out!

The whip quickly approached Lin Feng and tied him up tightly in the blink of an eye!

Obviously, Asakura Wei was worried that his next attack would take too long to be avoided by Lin Feng, so he first restricted Lin Feng's movements, then drew a card from the cassette and inserted it into the survival snake summoning machine!

【FinalVent! 】

The Viper King that was originally sent flying by Lin Fengshuai also recovered and came behind Asakura Wei and roared. Then it turned into a golden stream of light and transformed into a purple-gold Viper motorcycle!

Buzz buzz buzz——————

As the roar of the engine spread through the night sky, the Viper motorcycle burst into a dazzling golden light and rushed straight towards Lin Feng! During this period, Asakura Wei's figure merged with the purple-gold motorcycle. The two of them seemed to have turned into a golden spiral, crushing everything around them, and carrying endless air waves to crush Lin Feng on the spot!

Bang bang bang!

The huge spiral kept hitting Lin Feng's raised palm, and the golden and blood-colored energies eroded each other under the moonlight and spread!

"How about it? Do you have any last words to say now?"

Seeing that Lin Feng was unmoved,

Asakura Wei had already opened the champagne to celebrate, and even began to taunt Lin Feng with trash talk, but he didn't know that

Lin Feng, who was locked in position, had no intention of dodging from the beginning.


The smile on Asakura Wei's face suddenly faded.

He stared at Lin Feng who was sneering with his head down, and a strong ominous premonition arose in his heart!

"Wasn't it enough to be slapped in the face once? You who scored twice should be the one to say the last words."

After saying that, Lin Feng sneered and inserted a driving card that he had already pulled out into the drive, and pushed it violently with one hand!

【AttackRide! KillbusSpiderFinish! 】

Puff, puff, puff!

As the sound of several flesh being torn apart rang out, a large amount of blue blood suddenly burst out from Lin Feng's back.

Under the splattered blood, four thick and huge red spider legs that were tens of meters long slowly unfolded, revealing their creepy tips under the moonlight!


The fully stretched spider legs were so sharp that the cold moonlight reflected a cold light on the spider spikes, which was more terrifying than a sharp weapon made of steel!

When it was fully opened, all the surrounding buildings were easily pierced, cut off, and smashed!

The constantly rolling gravel, the dust and sand that were raised, and the deafening sound all became the background board of Lin Feng at this moment.

In front of this disaster-like scene,

Lin Feng's eyes flashing with scarlet light were like the god of death coming to take away all the lives in this world!

And the primary goal was Asakura Wei's life!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The four huge spider legs moved!

The piercing sound of breaking through the air just sounded, the speed was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and the space was cut off so terribly.

When I looked again, the four spider legs had already closed up and pierced through the golden spiral in front of Lin Feng at the same time!

Puff, puff!

The sound of a sharp object piercing through a solid object came into his ears.

In the scattered energy particles and the rising and expanding smoke and dust,

Asakura Wei staggered back step by step.

In front of him, his contracted beast, the Survival Viper King, was pierced through by Lin Feng's spider legs.

It was wailing and struggling wildly in the air, but the golden energy particles were gushing out of its body wildly.

Obviously, it bought time for Asakura Wei to escape, but at the cost of its life.


There was only a sound like a bubble bursting, and the Survival Viper King stopped struggling. Not long after being pierced by the spider's legs into a skewer of roasted snake meat, it exploded on the spot, turning into golden spots all over the sky, and disappeared from the world!

There was no terrible movement, but this scene made people feel more desperate than any previous attack!

Even such a huge creature could not withstand Lin Feng's attack, so how could a mere human-transformed Kamen Rider escape from Lin Feng?

Asakura Wei, who was constantly retreating , began to transform his body from the purple and gold armor back to purple because of the death of the contracted beast , and then from the purple basic form, accompanied by the sound of a mirror breaking, he turned into a blank body.

He finally wanted to escape, but he no longer had the chance.

Lin Feng didn't intend to watch him die little by little, because that would be a waste of time.

It would be better to send him off so that everyone would be happier.

"You died once 20 years ago. Although you have been resurrected, there is no place for you in this world. The fate of evildoers is hell."

With the final judgment, Lin Feng's final driving card was also inserted into the driver!

【FinalAttackRide! K-K-K-Killbus!】

When the mechanical sound sounded,

Lin Feng's figure turned into a blood-colored phantom dancing under the moon.

With an afterimage that could not be captured, Lin Feng instantly caught up with Asakura Wei and shot out thick white spider silk after thick white spider silk to tightly bind his body in the center of the spider web!

When the last spider silk shot out and tightly wrapped Asakura Wei's head,

Lin Feng appeared in front of him. The energy that surged out of his body like a tide was all poured into his right foot, forming a blood-red wave ripple, and he threw a roundhouse kick directly at Asakura Wei's head!


The earth-shattering explosion sounded instantly.

After Lin Feng's kick hit the target accurately, the dark red flames turned into a mushroom cloud and rushed straight into the sky.

The shock wave that erupted from it expanded rapidly, shattering the obstacles within a hundred meters around it and annihilating them into slag on the spot.

The layers of air waves rolled up the dust and turned it into smoke, rushing and spreading in all directions.

The ground in the center of the explosion had already collapsed into a pit, spreading countless spider web-like cracks!

As the remaining arcs crackled,

Lin Feng's figure reappeared in the smoke, and Qian Cang Wei had already turned into particles and disappeared from this world.

On the roof in the distance,

Haidong Dashu witnessed all this, and the whole person seemed to tremble with fear.

If the invincible player not long ago made him feel terrified, it was because although the invincible player's power was strong, he had heard of it before, so the amazing actual combat effect only made him feel shocked that Lin Feng could have this power.

The current battle to kill Asakura Wei made him feel the unfathomable depth of Lin Feng!

Because he had never seen the power of this new knight, and he had never even heard Kadoya Shi mention it!

If we have to talk about similarities, there is only one guy who can release a black hole, who can be related to Lin Feng's current form!

But even Kadoya Shi does not have such power!

Thinking of this,

Haidong Dashu sighed silently, then clenched his fists, and summoned the dimensional wall with a heavy heart and left here.

It seems that he needs to report the situation here to Consortium X.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission!

After getting rid of Asakura Wei,

Lin Feng returned to his basic form. The system broadcast sounded in his ears.

He subconsciously wanted to communicate, but suddenly remembered that someone was waiting for him.

Looking sideways,

Jiutang Rinyin stood up and slowly pulled out the cartridge from the drive on her waist.

In a phantom, she canceled the transformation.

She wiped the tears and tear marks from the corners of her eyes, raised her head again and looked at Lin Feng with a polite smile.

In this way, the two looked at each other from a distance.

After a long time, Lin Feng looked at the face that was no longer shrouded in despair, smiled slightly and asked:

"Have you finally remembered the meaning of life?"......

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