In the park, long after the battle, the injured people recovered and the battlefield slowly became quiet.

In the distance, beside the big tree,

Haidong Big Tree walked out silently, muttering to himself:

"DarkDecade...Who are you?..."

At this time, a purple figure suddenly walked out from the side.

He didn't seem to notice the Haidong tree. He walked straight to the center of the park, slowly picked up the golden card box on the ground, and then pulled out an Advent Card from it.

On the card was a soaring phoenix, but it had no wings and only a main body.

Even so, he still recognized the owner of this card box:

"It's Kamen Rider Odin's stuff...."

Just as he was thinking, he saw someone approaching quickly from the corner of his eye.

He dodged immediately, but he didn't expect Haidong Dashu to suddenly rush out and snatch the card box from his hand.

"This treasure that can make wishes come true, please give it to me, King Snake."

Haidong Dashu turned around and said with a smile

"you...Do you know me?"

Yes, the Kamen Rider who appeared here was none other than the most evil knight in the original Ryuki, King Snake!

He was the Asakura Takeshi who got the transformation cassette when robbing a bank not long ago!

He twisted his neck and his aura was fully open:

"It's just right, come and have a good fight with me, after all, you make me feel irritated."

However, Haidong Dashu didn't have such an idea, and he spoke out to stop him:

"I'm not in the mood to play with you. If you want to fight, go find this guy."

As he said that, he picked up the Diend gun and shot a beam of light into the air.

Then, the beam of light turned into a phantom, a human figure composed of a large amount of golden data.

It can be vaguely seen that it is a Kamen Rider.

"Kamen Rider Zein, you can also call it kindness, this guy is definitely much stronger than you."

Observing Kamen Rider Zein's figure from a distance,

Asakura narrowed his eyes and then sneered:

"interesting...After I finish dealing with the Knight War and the last Kamen Rider, I will go and blow it up."

"The last knight?"

Haidong Dashu was a little surprised:

"Odin should be the last one, right? He has been solved."

As he said this, he shook the Odin card box in his hand.

But Asakura still shook his head in denial:

"No, my feeling is not wrong, the Knight War is not over yet. I was drawn here because of Odin's fluctuations, but in addition to its remaining breath, there is also a surviving Kamen Rider....I will find her, get rid of her, and complete the Knight War. Zein is my next target."

After saying this, he looked at Haidong Dashu meaningfully:

"after...You can't escape either."

Hearing this,

Haidong Dashu laughed.

Who was the last person to speak to him like this?

Although he couldn't remember clearly, there were many people who said this, but it seemed that none of them succeeded.

"I'll wait for you then."

After watching Asakura Takeshi disappear into the park,

Haidong Dashu was about to leave when he unexpectedly saw another acquaintance rushing over.

"I didn't expect you to arrive so soon?"

He turned his head and saw a man in white uniform approaching.

Haidong Dashu looked at the man and said to himself:

"Bought the research data from the Ejima Laboratory of Seimei-in University and restored the closed mirror world. What a capable Consortium X is."

In the original work of Ryuki, it has been confirmed in the setting that the root of everything is related to the mysterious space of the mirror world.

Among them, Kamen Rider Odin, as an unfixed existence, is actually a group of data in the mirror world.

However, Kanzaki Shirou, as the creator of the mirror world, can manipulate this group of data.

Later, Kanzaki Shirou's purpose was shattered, the mirror world was closed, and the data of Kamen Rider Odin and the knights were also sealed in the mirror world.

Therefore, as long as the mirror world is unsealed,

Odin can be manipulated, and the power of all the knights can be restored.

This is the work of Consortium X.

The man opposite Kaito Daishu did not respond to his words, but stretched out his hand to ask for Odin's card box and said:

"Give me the things, I promise to make a deal with you."

""Okay, deal!"

Haidong Dashu handed over the card box without hesitation. It would be better to say that his original purpose was to make a deal with Consortium X.

However, he still had doubts about this matter:

"Can this thing really fight Zein?"

"Of course."

The man from Consortium X smiled confidently:

"Because what is sealed in this mirror world is not only the data of the thirteen Kamen Riders who once launched the Knight War, but also the data of any creature that has ever existed but died."


Haidong Dashu really didn't know about this.

Could it be that in addition to the Dragon Knight, this card box can also revive other characters?

"You just wait and see. Now I will not only take back the cassette, but also report everything involved in the previous battle, including Kemi, Malgan, alchemy, and the Kamen Rider I have never seen before, to the company's top management. I believe the company will be very interested in this matter. As for our deal...I'll find you again if I need you."

The man left, and

Haidong Dashu spun the Diend gun in his hand, and while thinking, he summoned the dimensional wall and left.

They didn't know that there was a figure in the park observing everything from beginning to end....

Furasu High School,

Alchemy Academy,

Ichinose Takarō, who had returned here with the help of Minato, lay heavily on a stretcher beside him.

"Thank you, Minato-sensei."

"As you are a student, you risked your life to save everyone, so it is understandable that I help you a little."

Minato's expression became serious.

"The power of Kamen Rider is very special. It can increase Kemi's power several times, but whether it is good or bad depends on how it is used. Today, you acted rashly without having a pre-set method against Margan. Your current state is the result of recklessness.

Ichinose Takarō let out a long sigh, feeling a little guilty:

"Indeed, if Teacher Lin Feng hadn't arrived at the scene in time to remind me, I might have died before I could help everyone....Of course, I also want to thank Senior Heigang Spana." Heigang

, who was leaning on the platform with his arms folded across his chest, snorted with a cold face:

"I don't need your thanks."

He was about to leave, but Minato stopped him:

"Black Steel Spana, haven't you received any notification from the Alchemy Association yet?"

"......What's the meaning?"

"This means that you have to come back here from tomorrow and work with us to capture the lost Kemi."

Minato took out his tablet and opened a document, which was issued by the Alchemy Association.

Black Steel Spana took a closer look and his face became gloomy.

Ichinose Tatarō noticed this detail and asked with some doubt:

"Senior, you seem to be reluctant to act with us, do you think we are holding you back?"

Hearing this, before Black Steel Spana could answer,

Minato laughed first:

"He probably feared that someone would think he was holding him back."


Black Steel Spana interrupted Minato with a word:

"I'm not afraid of that guy!...Starting tomorrow, I will fulfill my duties!"

After saying this angry sentence, he pulled out the Kamika he had obtained from defeating the submarine Malgan from his pocket, and after hesitating, threw it to Ichinose Tatarō:

"I don't need this thing, so I'll give it to you."

After he finished speaking,

Heigang turned around and left the Alchemy Academy.

Minato looked at his back and shook his head helplessly:

"Your senior has too much self-esteem."

"Teacher, who does he care about?"

"It's Brother Lin Feng."

Jiutang Rinyin, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, which also surprised Ichinose Takarō.

"Teacher Lin Feng?! Is this true? Why is this happening?"

"Because, they are actually of the same age, and even started learning alchemy in the same class, and Brother Lin Feng is too talented, far surpassing Senior Heigang in all aspects, so that Senior Heigang has lived under the shadow of Brother Lin Feng from beginning to end. Now, as you can see, Brother Lin Feng is already an association cadre with a red ring, while Senior Heigang has not yet broken through the Beyond Grade A Alchemist barrier."

"Ah this..."

Ichinose Takarō scratched his head.

He really didn't understand the train of thought of these geniuses.

In his opinion, if he was the same age as Lin Feng and had always been inferior to Lin Feng, he would definitely have a very good relationship with Lin Feng, because he would ask Lin Feng for advice every day and strive to surpass him one day.

Instead of being like now, there was a tendency of not communicating with each other until death.

But this was not something he, a freshman, had to consider.......

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