In Furasu, on a sparsely populated road, an armored truck heading to Tobuki Bank was driving steadily, but the police driving the vehicle did not notice that a monster on a skateboard was approaching them rapidly!

"It's money! The smell of money hits my nose!"

Skateboard Malgan finally locked onto the breath he sensed.

He suddenly accelerated, came from the back of the car to the side, and then overturned the money transporter with a punch!

"Wow! Thank you for your hard work, police officers!"


The money transporter overturned to the ground, and the banknotes in the car were scattered all over the sky.

Skateboard Malgan excitedly opened his bloody mouth, bursting out with strong suction, swallowing all the banknotes into his body!

"All the money in the world belongs to me!"

""Hey! What are you doing?!"

The sudden shout caught the attention of Skateboard Malgan, and he looked back and saw Ichinose Tatarō and Minato rushing over.

"Baotaro, there is no need to say anything more at this time."

Minato looked cold and serious, and put the ring on his index finger with ease:

"Facing Malgan, we alchemists need to fulfill our duty and stop it."

"Ah...You are just a human being, if you can do it, then give it a try!"

Skateboard Malgan rushed over quickly on the skateboard under his feet.

Minato was prepared, raised his hand and chanted, performing alchemy!

"All things are born to transform this thing and differentiate from it!"


There was a sound of metal trembling, and

Minato actually manipulated the manhole covers on the ground around him and shot them at Skateboard Malgan like darts!

Bang bang bang!

The manhole covers kept rotating and cutting its body, and electric sparks flew everywhere.

Although this trick was simple, it was surprisingly effective.

After Skateboard Malgan's movements were controlled, the maliciously tied up Skateboard Camie really came out of his body!

Ichinose Tarotaro was excited and thought that it was so easy to capture Camie. He was about to take out a blank alchemy card to seal Camie, but the next second, several steel arrows with flames shot out from the corner and went straight to Ichinose Tarotaro and Minato!

"Teacher! Get out of the way!"

Taiwanese Taro didn't have time to retrieve Camie, so he could only pull Minato back quickly to avoid the attack.

This also resulted in him missing the best opportunity to retrieve Camie, and

Skateboard Camie went back in again!

"You think you can easily get rid of the Malgan I created? You think too much, don't you?"

In the corner, the three sisters of Darkness came out one after another.

The flaming arrow just now was obviously their masterpiece.

Ichinose Takarataro saw the sarcastic smiles on their faces, but he couldn't help but feel angry in his heart:

"The skateboard trapped in Malgan's body just wants to run happily, but I won't let you twist its wishes like this! Teacher Minato, leave the rest to me!"

Baotaro, who is very active, has already put the prepared driver on his waist, and inserted the Hopper1 and the steam train in his hand into it one after another!

【Hopper1! Steamliner!】


【Gotchanko! Steam~Hopper! Hopper——hopper——】

The moment the transformation was completed, Baotaro had already rushed towards Skateboard Malgan.

Seeing this scene, the three Dark Sisters snorted unhappily:

"If this is the power, then we can only look forward to Malgan's performance."

They didn't have time to collect more Kamikas, and couldn't transform into other Malgans to help.

Although the Kamen Rider Gtochard transformed by Baotaro was defeated in the first battle not long ago, his attack power in battle is still not to be underestimated.

It's better for the three of them not to get involved in the physical state.

Just as they were about to turn around and leave, a figure happened to block the way back.

"The three sisters of Minghei, right? I'll give you a chance to tell me your purpose of seizing the driver."

The three of them looked at each other, and saw doubts on each other's faces.

They didn't know the person in front of them.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you interfere in our affairs?"

"My name is Black Steel Spana, from the Alchemy Association, a Beyond Grade A Alchemist, can the person who wants to take your life now take care of your business?"

As if hearing the noise here,

Minato also hurried over:

"Spana?! Hey, be careful, the three of them are not easy to deal with!"

Black Steel Spana snorted coldly, and pulled out a purple, wrench-shaped weapon from his back.

When he carried it on his shoulder, his aura immediately became much stronger.

"Do you think I am afraid of them?"

Minato was slightly surprised:

"Your alchemical equipment was completed so quickly?"

"There was only a hair's breadth left, and Teacher Jinghua handled the finishing work quickly."

As he spoke, Black Steel Spana picked up the wrench sword and pointed it at the three Dark Sisters:

"So, have you decided whether to stay here or tell us your purpose?"

Klotho smiled disdainfully:

""What can you do to me with a broken wrench?" As soon as the words fell, the second sister, who was a fighter, kicked him directly.

Lachesis followed closely with a long sword.

Atropos blew the ring in his hand and released a large number of flaming arrows again!

Black Steel Spana had expected this.

He first kicked against Clotho, then swung the wrench sword to ward off Lachesis' attack, and finally pulled the trigger to break the flaming arrows shot from the sky one by one!

In the smoke, he calmly opened the gap in the hilt of the wrench sword, and then, in the unexpected eyes of everyone, he took out a Kamika sealed with the crazy wheel!

"Although I really don't want to use it here, the aesthetics of battle really needs to be taught to you....Iron Steel! (Transformation command for special warrior form)"

【MadWheel! Goking! Valvarush! Tuneup! MadWheel��】

With the sound of low electronic music, the wrench sword released the power of a single Kemica, and the purple electric current burst out with terrifying energy, transforming into an industrial-style armor attached to Black Steel Spana's body. This is the special warrior Valbarado! The warrior armor designed entirely by him!

Seeing this scene, Minato suddenly felt relieved.

Although Black Steel Spana has always been unpopular because of his aloofness, he is still a student he watched grow up. He couldn't help but feel touched to be able to witness the appearance of the equipment he designed himself.

"Enemies without aesthetics, I, Valbarado, will personally kill you!"

Looking at the approaching Black Steel Spana,

Lachesis and Clotho both took a serious fighting stance, and at this time,

Atropos said softly:

"Don't worry, he's here to help us."


"Who is it?"

Just as the battle between the two sides was about to break out, the sound of crisp but heavy footsteps resounded throughout the space.

Everyone turned their heads and looked.

A dark figure like a devil came into view.

It was Lin Feng who transformed into Kamen Rider Dark Decade!

He walked over slowly and stood in front of the three sisters of Darkness, facing Black Steel Spana:

"This joke is not funny. If I ask you to deal with the three of them, my fun will be much less."

He looked back and said:

"You go ahead, I'll take care of this."

The three sisters looked at each other, all of them were surprised.

They didn't expect that Atropos would come as he said he would, and he really came to help them.

In the past, they had to handle this kind of situation by themselves, but now they had someone to protect them, and they felt a strange feeling.

"Let's leave here first."

Atropos controlled the black mist to cover the bodies of the three people and disappeared directly on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the eyes under the mask of Black Steel Spana narrowed slightly, raised the wrench sword in his hand, and pointed it directly at Lin Feng:

"Masked Rider...DarkDecade, why are you trying to stop me?"

Lin Feng retracted his gaze and said in a calm tone:

"Yes, why? I am also looking for the reason."

Famous scene, reproduced!


Hearing these words which were almost meaningless but very disturbing, the corners of Black Steel Spana's mouth twitched and he snorted coldly:

"You, don't be so arrogant! I'm different from that stupid student you defeated!"

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile and slowly pulled out a driving card from the card box:

"So, I'll use this to fight you."

"Ha, the same trick, as long as I have seen it once, I will not be tricked again!"

Black Steel Spana thought that Lin Feng was going to use Saber's power.

He had observed it secretly before and had already thought of a solution for Saber, but unfortunately,

"Look carefully, whose power is this!"

As he spoke, Lin Feng tapped the side of the card with his finger.

The purple driving card surface was shining brightly under the sunlight.

This was the driving card of the Para Knight Valvarad!......

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