Male God Is Always Targeted

Chapter 927: Male god, male god, do you still need a boyfriend who can live broadcast? 21.9, the fastest update, Kuai Chuan Tiao Xin: Male God is always the latest chapter!

[Don't do this, he didn't copy me, these dishes are very common, and there is no copying.


Pansha almost gritted her teeth and typed this line.

Peacock Kaiping and Buddha's Hand Guanyin Lotus, she can't do it.

If you keep plagiarizing this point.

She is afraid of capsize.

Goddamn bitch.

Obviously the dishes he cooked before were also very common.

Why all of a sudden...

Take a deep breath.

Keep typing on the keyboard.

[I hope the anchor Luo Mio will stop calling my boyfriend, so he will be very troubled.


It was because of her.

Some surprised the audience who didn't post the barrage.

It caught fire immediately.

[Fuck, it's so cheap, it's all exploded, and it's so shameless to pester others, isn't it a man? ]

[No, I'm sick to the point of vomiting. ]

[Trash bitch, dirty stuff, dog shit. ]

[Luo Mio is going to die, get out of the live broadcast circle. ]


Look at this majestic scene.

Pansha was finally in a better mood.

Let go of the mouse, and carry the red wine next to him with a smile on his face.

to taste.

Luo Mio didn't give a single glance to the group of demons dancing on the screen.

Cut the chicken **** bought yesterday and add a little salt to taste.

Then take the lactone tofu and smooth the four sides.

Cut into four by four pieces that don't fall apart.

Then use the knife method of the cross knife, first slice, then shred.

His movements are very clean.

The fragile tofu was in his hands.

Obedient like a child, at the mercy of him.

After cutting, put in a bowl and shake slowly.

Let the tofu texture spread and set aside.

Pour the marinated minced chicken into the pot and simmer the soup over low heat.

After the water boils, filter out the meat residue.

Serve out the clear soup and season with salt, carefully pour it into the chrysanthemum tofu bowl.

Garnish with a wolfberry in the middle.

Put in the steamer and set the timer for 10 minutes.

Luo Mio has been cooking steamed vegetables for the past three days.

In particular, the knife skills and aesthetics are tested.


Totally no less than a gluttonous feast.

The taste is not a problem.

Check out today's ranking.

Indifferently said: "Similarly, the audience with the highest reward can get this chrysanthemum tofu."

The words just fell.

Various rewards came one after another.

Pansha, who was still delighted that he was scolded.

Eyes widened in disbelief.

Watch as the screen keeps flashing fireworks, roses, crowns and more.

Nails are broken.

how is this possible?

Aren't they all scolding him?

Why did he give so many rewards in one sentence?



Pansha smashed the glass hard.

I thought this was the biggest stimulus.

did not expect.

Dozens of prosperous fireworks, flickering directly stuck on the screen.

Until she finally moved.

The barrage has been submerged in fireworks.

The live broadcast room that was still ranked fourth before.

It's like riding a rocket.

Whoosh, climbed to the first.

Luo Mio brought out the steamed chrysanthemum tofu.

under the lens.

In the bowl, it opened like a beautiful white chrysanthemum tofu.

attracted everyone's attention.

"Today is still the gentleman's promise, we will see you tomorrow."

Turn off live streaming.

Luo Mio pressed the express button as usual.

Remove the Incubator Prep Pack.

Private message lights up.

In two or three seconds, the number has climbed to double digits.

Luo Mio raised an eyebrow.

Click to open.

[Private letter] Gentleman Yinuo: Don't send it! ! !

[Private letter] Gentleman Yinuo: Don't send it! ! !


The screen is full of these two words.

A look of surprise appeared on Luo Mio's face.

Is this not needed?

Well, eat it yourself.

He happened to be hungry.

He took the spoon next to him, scooped a spoonful, and just fed it to his mouth.

A line of text is printed into the eye.

The whole person froze.


Luo Mio: Hurry up and vote for the monthly recommended votes, otherwise my man will have no role in the show.

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