Chapter 480 Final Stone Box

With Duobao’s voice, the final stone box that was about to swallow the world and destroy all things fell silent.

Holding the final stone box in his hand, he looked around.

At some point, everyone who was standing in the realm of time and space disappeared.

Quietly, the whole world was silent, and it fell silent for an instant. Even if the final stone box almost swallowed the realm of time and space, no creatures appeared.

The strangest thing is that even he didn’t even notice, when did these people disappear?

It’s as if they didn’t exist originally, those before… just his hallucinations.

“Interesting, interesting.”

In his Realm, wherever there are any illusions, seeing is true, even if he wants, as long as he thinks, it can be true.

Obviously, just now, an unknown power suddenly appeared, took away everyone, and obscured his perception.

“It must be one of them… at least it is also intervening.”

Duobao secretly said in his heart that he is already the rule Sage, and only the same level of power can blind the rule Sage.

Master, Luo Hu, Pangu…can only be one of them.

Pangu’s power has appeared once before, and with a high probability, it will also be him this time.

However, the feeling in his heart told him that his guess was wrong.

“Isn’t it Pangu god-tier, Master? Dage?”

Magic power was injected into the eyes, and into the dark pupils, the realm of time and space was reflected, and a wave of ripples appeared out of thin air, extending towards the inside, checking and searching little by little.

After the ripples, a little light lit up in the center of the space-time realm. The light was not big, but it quickly enveloped the entire world.

World, space, time, destiny, Karma… Under the light, everything and all existence are revealed.

I didn’t find those who disappeared, the whole world was empty in an instant, except for the world itself, there were no more creatures.


Dubao grinned, stretched out his palm, spread his five fingers, and slowly gathered them together. A dark vortex appeared in his palm.

The surface of the vortex is ordinary, but with unimaginable power, the realm of time and space is under the vortex, like a piece of paper, quickly shrinking, entering, and being swallowed by the vortex.

“Since you are not in this world, there is no need for this world to exist.”

Duobao’s black hair fluttered, and he fought with his hand held down.

“Dao Zun, you really have a dark heart.”

When the realm of time and space was about to be completely swallowed, a black spot finally appeared, quickly becoming bigger and turning into a long river. In the river, a familiar sound, sitting cross-legged, with a strange flame burning in the center of the eyebrows, carrying The power of hope.

“Suiren?” Duobao was a little surprised.

Everyone’s resistance, the more powerful they get to the back, but I didn’t expect that Suiren could rank behind Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao and others. Is he so strong now?

With a glance, the doubts became deeper.

Sui Ren’s strength is indeed much stronger than the last time we met, and can be comparable to Sage, but this strength is far from enough to make him appear at this time, right?

“It’s me, Dao Zun.” Sui Renshi responded, and looked up and down Dubao. It was the eyes of a stranger. It seemed that this was the first time he saw Dubao.

“Do you want to stop me with this strength?” Duobao asked. He didn’t see any more reasons, but he also found some clues. In the river where Suiren was, there was a great power that he couldn’t underestimate.

He guessed that this power should be the reason for Suiren’s appearance now, right?

“Dao Zun, it really feels like I don’t know you anymore.” Suiren said complicatedly.

Duobao waved his hand and didn’t care. He was curious, and said eagerly: “Don’t talk nonsense. Since you have all discovered my calculations, now, what’s the use of talking so much?”

“Do it, let me see, what else do you have?”

When the words fell, without waiting for Sui Ren to reply, the final stone box in his hand was opened, and the power that swallowed the world was released.

The world is buzzing, time and space are distorted, and he rushes to Suiren with the most powerful force.

Suiren’s eyes were complicated, and under the power of the final stone box, Shisana was swallowed, beaten into endless powder, and lost all vitality.

“Huh?” Rows of question marks suddenly appeared on Duobao’s head. Is this dead?

So simple?

So easy?

He hasn’t tried hard, it’s just a test.

Yi Sui Ren’s own power is definitely unstoppable, but the power hidden in the river below him has no action?

Duobao’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the river, his heart moved: “No, he’s not dead yet.”

In the end, the stone box can swallow the heavens, the strongest, and the Sui Renshi will die at the touch of it, but when it rushes to the river, it is like a mud cow entering the sea, without much destructive power.

The state of the two sides seemed to be reversed, and the power of the stone box at the end was swallowed by the river.

A golden light flashed in Duobao’s eyes, and the communication terminal stone box, with the power of the stone box, entered the river.

In the eyes, endless flames exist in the river, and the flames constitute the river in his eyes.

This turned out not to be a real river, but made up of endless flames.

There is an aura of hope in the flame, it is the fire of hope.

Every flame represents a creature.

When Duobao saw the essence of the river, the Flintlock Clan who had been crushed by the final stone box appeared again.

The river fluctuates, hope appears, and Suiren reappears.

“You are crazy!” Duobao couldn’t help but said in surprise.

He understood the nature of the river, and because of this, he was so shocked at this time.

“I have no choice but to be helpless, one last fight.” The complexity in Suirenshi’s eyes disappeared with his death, replaced by calmness.

He stretched out his palm, grabbed it among the flames between his eyebrows, grabbed a little spark, and gently threw it towards Duobao.

The size of Mars did not change, and the speed seemed to be slow, but in the blink of an eye, it traversed endless time and space. From a higher level of road, to Dubao’s front, The next moment fell on him.



The sound of the flame burning the flesh sounded, and the magic power of the protective body was penetrated by the flame, without any protective effect, and the sparks directly fell on the body.

Without the smell of meat, where Mars and the flesh were in contact, a deep and dark despair suddenly appeared, like a virus, spreading rapidly, and after a short time, Dubao’s whole body was filled with despair.

Despair has no color, but in the eyes of most people, despair is black. Therefore, after being overwhelmed by despair, Dubo’s body becomes black and black.

The damp despair hits the mind, leading to the abyss of endless darkness and despair, the force of pulling is generated out of thin air, to pull the will of Duobao towards the abyss of endless darkness and despair!

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