Chapter 466

“The catastrophe is a little bit of experience, from weak to strong, a little bit of growth, a little bit of experience.” Zu Feng frowned: “The current situation of the Human Race is somewhat wrong.”

“It’s not right.” Zu Long said: “The position of the protagonist of heaven and earth suddenly came, and there is not enough experience, foundation, and can’t bear it.”

“They were ordered to be in danger, and there was no time for them to grow, so all the tribulations gathered together to form the great tribulation that put the entire human race into desperate situation.”

They all see the situation of the human race in their eyes and understand the situation of the human race.

Their current strength, compared with their calamity, even if they were replaced by them, it was also trembling.

Calculate it in my heart, if I change to them, I am afraid that I can’t think of any way to get through!

“This time the terrible catastrophe is really difficult!” Zu Feng said: “It’s just that since Dao Zun is optimistic about the human race, why…”

She didn’t think Human Race could survive this catastrophe, it was too difficult!

Hunted and killed by a hundred tribes, all of their high-level combat power suddenly disappeared, and they became the public enemy of heaven and earth overnight. The biggest sweet pastry, without the immediate extermination of the clan, is already very bizarre. If you want to rush over, it is really a little dreamy. NS.

“I’m afraid that this is the idea of ​​Dao Venerable.” Zu Long said in a sharp voice: “Why did the Lich race suddenly disappear? Why did the high-level human race suddenly disappear?”

“Ancestor Qilin, you said earlier that you were in the human race, the Taoist priest you saw in Fuxi’s reincarnation place… Doesn’t all of this mean anything?”

Hearing this, the two suddenly felt stunned.

“You mean, all of this is arranged by Dao Zun?”

“But, in such a desperate situation, how did the human race break through?”

“Human race can’t get through, but if Dao Zun is added… then it may not be necessary.”

“Okay, these things are not something we should consider. Human race matters. We don’t want to intervene now. We do our own right, don’t help and don’t make trouble, so as not to disrupt Dao Venerable’s plan and annoy Dao Venerable… There was an accident.”

“Well, you are right.”


Watching Zu Qilin’s figure disappear, Duobao was a little surprised. The once overlord has become like this now. It is true that anyone who knows will feel uncomfortable.

“Brother Bao.”

After staying for a long time, the chubby Fuxi ran over and plunged into Duobao’s arms.

“What’s wrong? Little dumpling?” Duobao hugged Fuxi and rubbed his head.

This little guy was happy when he went, but he was full of sadness when he came back.

It seemed that he understood the problems Human Race was facing now.

“Brother Bao, here I am…” Fuxi raised her head, Xiao Pang pointed her heart position: “It hurts, it hurts really.”

“Why is this?”

“Stupid boy.” Duobao sighed, “Don’t you know the answer to this question?”

Fuxi was the emperor, and he was born with superb wisdom. This can be seen from the fact that he can make out the secret gear at the age of five.

Fuxi broke free from Duobao’s arms, with tears on her little face: “Brother Bao, can I help them?”

He still doesn’t know his destiny, and Duobao has never told him about it. It’s just that when he saw what happened to the Huaxu tribe, his heart convulsed inexplicably, and his pain was not good. As a result, he was surrounded by endless sadness. Cried out.

Jin Ling walked to Duobao and looked at Fuxi, his eyes flickering.

This little guy, when he saw the human races of Huaxu tribe who lived like puppets, tears fell in his eyes immediately, stared for a long while, did not go in, and came back crying all the way.

They had no choice but to follow them back.

I thought what was wrong with this guy, but he didn’t expect that he was coming back to ask Dubao’s opinion.

“Do you want to help them?” Dubao asked softly.

Worthy of being the destined emperor, he couldn’t understand the robbery of the human race.

Although all of this was made by him in his previous life, he still couldn’t bear it in his eyes. He wanted to help and solve it.

“Can you?” Fuxi looked at Duo Bao with teary eyes.

“Of course, why do you want to ask my opinion?” Dubao asked back: “You have grown up, and many things can be the masters.”

“If you want, then do it.”


Fuxi asked: “Just what?”

“Just, do you know how difficult is what you want to do?”

“Do you know that what you want to do is something that is almost impossible to accomplish!”

“Do you know how difficult it is?”

Fuxi shook her head, her eyes firm: “I don’t know, but I know…”

“what do you know?”

“I must do it. If I don’t do it, I will feel very uncomfortable and painful here.” Fuxi pointed to the position of own heart, her eyes firmer.

“What if it is unsuccessful?”

“What if it will die?”


Fuxi interrupted Duobao for the first time and looked at him firmly and said, “No if, I must do it.”

“Even if I die, I hope I die on the road of hard work.”

“Brother Bao, haven’t you taught me? Death is not the most terrible thing, it’s fear.”

Duobao smiled in relief, and touched Fuxi’s head and put it on his shoulder: “You really have grown up. Now that you have made a decision, then do it.”

“I don’t agree.” At this moment, a sharp voice sounded, and Hua Xu ran over, hugged Fuxi in his arms, and glared at Duobao.

This is the first time she has treated Duobao this way since she came here.

“He is still just a child, he is only five years old, he still doesn’t understand anything, why would such a thing fall on him.”

“Mother…” Fuxi struggled in Huaxu’s arms, but Huaxu hugged him tightly, for fear of hurting Huaxu, Fuxi did not dare to exert any force.

“He can’t go!” Hua Xu said firmly, his eyes sharp.

She also secretly followed Fuxi to the Huaxu tribe just now, and saw the condition of the tribe. She was very heartbroken, very self-blaming, and very sad.

She even talked with Mother Own, and understood the current situation of the Huaxu tribe more deeply, and understood the situation of the human race, so she understood the dangers and difficulties.

She would never let her own children face such things.

“Hua Xu…” Duobao was a little helpless, but he didn’t expect that Hua Xu would come out to stop him.

But thinking about it, it seems right.

After all, it is a mother who loves her own child, which is also right.

“Hua Xu.” Jin Ling looked at Hua Xu and called out.

Xiao Hong didn’t speak, but his eyes fell on Hua Xu.

Kay stood aside, lowered his head, and touched the stone knife in his hand.

Hua Xu’s voice softened: “He can’t go, I’ll go.”

“I know that you are extraordinary, you are not real mortals, you have great magical powers.”

“You don’t want to take things like this. It doesn’t matter, but it doesn’t matter to a child.”

“If such a thing must be done by one person, then I will come.”

“Hua Xu, you can’t.” Duobao frowned.

“I can.” Hua Xu refused to give up, his eyes firm: “A child can do, why can’t I?”

“I can, even if it is to spell this life, I will.”

“My son, listen to my mother, you are still young, at your age, the most suitable one is to have fun instead of taking care of these things.”

“Don’t worry about this, mother.” Huaxu appeared a cyan treasure fan in his hand, hugging Fuxi, and kissed him heavily on his forehead: “Mother, go and solve the tribe’s affairs.”

After finishing speaking, before Dubao and others could speak, he turned and walked towards the Huaxu tribe.



Fuxi knelt heavily on the ground, hissing loudly.

Hua Xu stopped and turned his back to the crowd, his voice trembling: “Why is it him?”


“You showed up before, I knew you were extraordinary, and I didn’t think too much about it. Isn’t it good for everyone to live together?”

“Why does this happen?”

“Why did it fall on him, he is just a child!”

“You come just for him.”

“I don’t know who you are, but why count him as a child?”

Hua Xu burst into tears, she wanted to solve everything for Fuxi, but she also knew that she had no such ability at all!

She… can’t solve it!

Standing in place, she couldn’t move forward even one step, and she was bound by strength, not Dubao, not Jinling, nor Xiaohong, but Fuxi.

“Everything you did before, teach those supernatural powers and skills of the group, is it for this day?”

“Who are you anyway?”

Duobao took a deep breath: “Hua Xu, we didn’t calculate Fuxi, all this is fate, even without us, all this will eventually fall on him.”

“This is something he should have endured.”

“With us, his road will go smoother.”

Hua Xu smiled miserably: “Ha ha, do you think I believe it?”

Fuxi had tears in his eyes, and at a young age, he already understood a lot. He knew everything, but he didn’t say anything.

“Mother, Brother Bao said a lot, I can feel that those things are indeed my responsibility.” Fuxi slammed her head heavily on the ground: “That’s my life, mother, please make it happen!”

Hua Xu was silent, tears fell, and the ground was wet, his body suddenly softened, and he cried silently, “Why are you, why are you!”

She is a person of cultivation, and she understands many things, but she is not reconciled and unwilling to accept.

“Why is my son, why, this is why.”

“Fuxi, do what you should do, your mother has us here.” Duobao helped Fuxi up and said.

Fuxi glanced at Hua Xu one last time and walked into the room.

Duobao came to Huaxu, Jin Ling, Xiao Hong, standing behind him, Kai held the stone knife in one hand, and the gray stone knife turned flexibly on the tips of his fingers, without a trace of wind.

As if the stone knife was originally in that position, there was no waves.

“A lot of things, now you don’t know, and I can’t say.”

“However, it can be said that we have no malice against Fuxi, on the contrary, we are here to help him.”

“Destiny, you know, that is a general trend that cannot be blocked. It should be his. It has always been his, and it cannot be blocked.”

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