Chapter 444 Silver Gate

Although the current human race is countless times stronger than the original human race in the general trend, because of Duobao’s intervention, there has been a huge change. In a short period of time, the overall strength has an unimaginable Ascension.

However, if compared with the two families of Lich, it is still too far, too far.

Especially in the recent Yuanhui, the Lich races have encountered great opportunities, and their strengths have undergone earth-shaking changes, and they have left the Human race far behind.

The strength of Da Luo Jinxian level can only be regarded as the middle and low level among the Lich clan, and the quasi-sage can barely be regarded as the high level!

And Human Race currently, the strongest strength, will be comparable to the general quasi-sage.

In the prehistoric times, this kind of strength is not weak. Compared with other hundred clans, it can firmly occupy the top ten… But the two Lich clans dimensional attack, even if the other forces are united, it is far inferior. superior.

Even now, the two families of Lich have disappeared, and the Human Race has obtained the fate of heaven and earth, and will inherit the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, but facing the two families of Lich that may return in the future, they are still in distress and lack of confidence.

They can’t help but have confidence, the gap is too big, too big!

Suiren’s brows furrowed: “The Lich races are really troublesome. Their strength is too strong. Even if they disappear now, they don’t dare to mess around… I only blame the human race for being too weak.”

Others are also worried when they hear this, yes, the human race is indeed too weak, compared with the two races of the Lich.

Even if the Lich family disappeared, the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth was vacant, and the destiny fell on their human race, it would be logical for them to achieve the position of the protagonist. While they were happy, they were more worried.

If it is the Lich family, what shall we do if we come back in the future?

“It doesn’t matter, the destiny falls, can my human race still fail!” Zi Yi clenched his teeth fiercely: “I want this world protagonist, my human race wants it.”

“The protagonist of heaven and earth represents luck, authority, and resources. Once the protagonist of heaven and earth is achieved, with the blessing of various air luck, various resources will continue to come in, and our human race will surely usher in a big one. Era of Outbreak.”

“Such an opportunity is not good, my human race must not give up!”

“However, the Lich races have taken away luck and authority. Unless we truly achieve the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and let heaven and earth allocate luck and authority again, it will really be just a title.” A human Elder said in a deep voice. Said.

“There is only a name, no benefit. Who knows when the Lich clan will come back. If we have not settled on the position of the protagonist of the world, we have not enjoyed the benefits, and we have not ushered in the big development, we will come back, I am afraid we will usher in. The attacks of the Lich races…My Human race can’t bear it.”

“Let me say, since the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth is just a title, it’s better to forget it, this position, this title, we don’t want it.”

“Have you forgotten the bitter path passed down by Dao Zun?”

“Develop steadily, don’t show up…Anyway, without the suppression of the Lich clan, our clan’s strength is not weak. Without the luck and authority of the protagonist of the day and the land, at best, the benefits are a little bit less, the same. We can also get other benefits by relying on own power.”

“That’s right, we really don’t need to take such a risk, the Lich family really can’t afford it.”

Everyone Elder talked a lot.

The hall became lively, and everyone was talking about their own opinions. Above, the third ancestor of the human race looked at the discussion of the tribe below, but there was no expression on his face.

The benefits are a bit less?

Is it the same if it is the protagonist of heaven and earth and not the protagonist of heaven and earth?

Is the benefit more than a little less?

It is equivalent to being a dynasty, the emperor and the minister, can they really represent the same meaning?

Even though the emperor was temporarily emptied, the emperor was the emperor after all, not comparable to the ministers.

Speaking of which, they are still afraid of the Lich family.

The three looked at each other, a little disappointed, but not so disappointed.

Because, they also have this idea in their hearts, the Lich races are really too strong, and they are completely separated from the other prehistoric races, including the Human race, by several levels.

In today’s prehistoric times, being afraid of the two clans of the Lich is not ashamed, who is not afraid?

But is it because I am afraid that I have to watch such an opportunity disappear before my eyes and give up?

If they choose to give up and avoid this time, are they still qualified to be the protagonists of the world?

Even the world after the disappearance of the Lich clan dare not take over, are they still worthy of this name?

Sometimes, it is right to choose to give up, and sometimes, there are things that you can’t give up even if you die.

“These Elders have lost their arrogance and are used to forbearance.” Suiren’s eyes are calm: “Hidden for too long, facing things, the first idea is to hide, instead of thinking about whether this matter is still Can I retreat, can I still hide?”

He looked at Ziyi, there was Chao, and the three exchanged their eyes and reached a consensus.

These Elders are too stable and stable for too long, and even Blood Qi has been hidden to the deepest point. Perhaps even they themselves have forgotten.

They are no longer suitable to control the human race, and with their thinking, the human race will no longer have a big development.

They think so, they are suitable for defense but not for attack, and in this era, the disappearance of the Lich and the rise of the human race are just the era of pioneering. They should abdicate.

Not only these Elders, but even the three of them have more or less such thoughts. Although they have been suppressed, their fundamental ideas and thinking are the same.

Therefore, they are no longer suitable to become the leader of the human race and lead the human race to go down.

Terra needs a new leader who is full of Blood Qi, full of energy, and fearless.

Only under the leadership of such a leader can the human race become the real protagonist of heaven and earth, hopefully catching up with the Lich, and even surpassing the Lich.

It won’t work in their hands.

“Everyone, the protagonist of heaven and earth, you can’t let it go.” For a long time, when everyone said that it was impossible to talk to each other, Zi Yi clan spoke.

Everyone looked around, and saw that Zi Yi’s complexion was heavy and his eyes were serious, and the atmosphere changed instantly.

Everyone became serious unconsciously.

Zi Yi clan said all the questions he was thinking about, and then, the complexion of all the people present here changed, it was ugly and lonely.

“Yes, the protagonist of heaven and earth can’t be let go.”

“We really have been hiding for too long, being stable for too long, getting used to it and even affecting our thinking.”

They are the Elder of the human race. The human race in this period does not have as many flowers and bowels as the human race of the later generations. They say those things without selfishness, and they are all for the consideration of the human race.

After Zi Yi explained all the problems, they only realized what a ridiculous thing they had said before.

“Boss, our thinking can no longer keep up with this era, should we abdicate and let the young people get started.” Soon, an Elder stood up with a lonely and firm tone.

“Our thoughts and thinking are no longer good. Let us take charge of the race again, fearing that something big will happen. Fortunately, the leader reminded me this time and I just understood.”

“If there is no leader, we have to do it according to our ideas…the human race will be abolished.”

As soon as this remark came out, the originally unwilling human race shocked all together and looked at Elder who was talking in horror. Then after thinking about it carefully, they took a deep breath and took a step forward.

“The chief, he is right. I am really not suitable to be in charge of the race anymore. Please lead me to abdicate and support the new, young chief.”

“The protagonist of heaven and earth, my human race must inherit.”

“He can be afraid, fear, but not too much fear, fear, what he needs more is a heart that dares to fight and surpass.”

Hearing the words, the three Ziyis looked at each other and laughed for the first time after they appeared.

They didn’t read it wrong. Although these Elders said the wrong things, they still considered them from the perspective of the human race. They didn’t say anything about the latter, and they had found out what was wrong and stood up.

In this way, they save a lot of effort.

“Well, since everyone thinks this way, then, from now on, my human race has established Sacred Land, and the older generation of human races will mostly hide in Sacred Land. It must be a catastrophe.”

“The next era is the era of young people, Human Race… just leave it to them.”

Zi Yi cried loudly, looked at everyone, and suddenly laughed together.

“That’s exactly what I said, rightfully so.”

“Then, I’ll take care of the old age in the future.”

“By the way, how do you choose the new leader?”

“Do you have a suitable candidate, recommend?”

As he was talking, all the voices suddenly stopped, each raising their heads and looking upwards.

Wherever he looked, a silver-white door suddenly appeared.

There was a silver light flashing on the door, obstructing the line of sight, it was very extraordinary, even the strength of the crowd could not see the situation inside.

It’s just that an extremely powerful attraction came from it, making everyone subconsciously want to invest in it.

“Heaven and Earth protagonist luck, authority?” The three Zi Yi clan stood up instantly and looked at the door in amazement.

In that door, they actually felt the luck and authority of the protagonist of heaven and earth who had been taken away by the monster clan and witch clan.

This is a good thing, and it is also the thing that Human Race lacks most now.

The human race inherited the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, because of the relationship between the two families of Lich, there is only one title left. If the luck and authority can be taken back, then this title is not just the title in an instant.

Immediately the human race will be able to enjoy the benefits of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and will be able to usher in great development immediately.

Suiren was ready to move: “Do you want to go in?”

There is Chao’s brow raised, and he feels carefully: “Something’s wrong, the protagonist of heaven and earth is lucky, isn’t the power taken away by the Lich clan? How could it appear here?”

“Moreover, behind that door, there is no breath of the Liches…Are they not behind that door?”

With their strength, although they can’t see the situation behind the silver gate, it is not difficult to see that behind the gate, the world is linked, and the luck and authority they want is in the world behind that gate. .

“With the strength of the Lich clan, how can you lose your luck and authority?”

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