Chapter 431

Gonggong was suddenly shocked, his destiny was fulfilled, coupled with a sudden clear-headedness, no longer the previous misty, irritable, everything went through in his head, and he immediately understood most of the things.

In the past, he knew Own’s general trend, destiny, and broken Zhoushan, but even though he broke Zhoushan, he never understood that with his strength, how could he break Zhoushan?

This is a question that he has been thinking about since he understood his destiny. He never knew the answer before, but now he seems to understand it.


Only after understanding it, he didn’t understand it again. It is indispensable for Zhoushan to support the world. Why did Heavenly Dao break it?

“Because it hinders the development of Honghuangtiandi!”

When I was wondering, a familiar voice appeared in my ear.

Gong Gong looked over and saw a familiar figure slowly appearing in front of him.

The face was still as clean as usual, and it was still the familiar appearance, but when I saw him again, Gong Gong always felt something wrong in his heart, and an inexplicable feeling came up in his heart.

He carefully sensed it, and suddenly he was frightened, that inexplicable feeling turned out to be fear!


Gong Gong narrowed his eyes and called out, “Duobao!”

Duobao walked up to Gonggong, seeming not to see his bizarre and vigilant gaze, and said to himself: “Once, Bu Zhoushan supported the heaven and the earth. The higher the sky, the thicker the earth, the wild world. To grow rapidly.”

“This is a good thing, but after the prehistoric world has grown up, especially after the power of Wu Zhoushan is exhausted, it no longer has an effect on the world, but it has stopped the development of the prehistoric.”

“So… but Zhou Shan has turned from a hero to a cumbersome, and must be cut?” Gonggong said suddenly.

“Yes.” Duobao nodded.

“Heavenly Dao is really ruthless?” Gonggong stared at Duobao complicatedly. After a long time, he asked word by word: “Did Heavenly Dao do it, or… what you did?”

The Wu Clan has no primordial spirit, and it doesn’t know how to deal with it, but it definitely doesn’t mean that they are stupid.

Duobao’s strength and his sudden appearance here, and having said so much, Gonggong also had a terrible guess.

“It’s the general trend, and it’s me.” Duobao half admitted without changing the subject.

“Why?” Gonggong was puzzled, and a series of questions were thrown out: “The disappearance of my witch brothers, the younger sister’s Samsara, and the inexplicable space I was trapped in are all your calculations?”

“No.” Duobao turned his head to look at Gonggong, and saw the vigilance in his eyes and a trace of hatred in his eyes: “This is the general trend, even if I don’t interfere, it will naturally develop.”

“I just made a little change in it.”

“Haha.” Gonggong clenched his fists, smiled miserably for a long time, and then asked: “I only ask you one question.”

“You said.” Duobao’s expression remained unchanged.

“Little girl… is it still alive?” Gonggong stared at Dubao closely.

For the moment, even if he knows that Duobao is behind the scenes, he has a hatred for Duobao, but it is not deep, but that is when the little sister Houtu is still alive, if the little girl Houtu died, Then this little bit of hatred can immediately become a monstrous hatred.

“We are friends after all, aren’t we?” Duobao didn’t answer directly, but instead said.

“Friend?” Gonggong shook his head: “Please don’t say that, we don’t deserve to be your friends, Duobao Dao Zun!”

At the same time he was speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Since Dubao said so, he still dared to say the word friend, or he was too thick-skinned, or there was a high probability that the little girl was really fine.

“Houtu is fine, on the contrary, she will be much better than her original situation.”

Hearing this, Gonggong relaxed completely, and turned to look at Duobao: “Why do you want to trap me, why do you want to eliminate the blood of my waiting?”

This is the source of the last bit of hatred in his heart.

With a wave of Duobao, a coffee table appeared in front of him.

After coming to Honghuang, he didn’t know why, he liked drinking tea more and more.

“If you don’t mind, let’s sit down and talk while drinking.”

Gong Gong looked at Duo Bao for a long while, and saw that he didn’t mean to speak any more, although he was reluctant, he had to sit down.

The heat of Mi Mi came out of the teapot, like a cloud, and Duobao first poured a cup of tea for Gonggong, and then poured a cup for himself.

He picked it up, took a sip, his eyes were empty, and he looked in front of him as if he was looking at something.

Gonggong originally didn’t want to drink it. He just wanted to ask for the answer, but Duobao didn’t say a word for a long time, so he finally drank it.

The hot tea fell into his throat, bringing him a refreshing breath.

Good tea, this is definitely good tea. Even for Sage, there will be no small benefits. If he changes to the past, he who hasn’t found all of this, I am afraid that he will be rude to find Duobao and say that it was actually robbed. Take away a part of the tea, but now, he has lost his thoughts.

Gonggong stared at Dubao amidst the steam in the tea, feeling a little confused.

Most of the people of the Witch tribe are straight-tempered, go straight, identify a person, and naturally treat him as a brother, and even if he is in need, he will spare his life.

Once, he also regarded the person in front of him as a brother. Although he did not say, he could indeed lay down his life for Dubo.

However, this person who was once willing to lay down his life for him has calculated him, not only calculated him, but also calculated the entire Lich family, everyone.

With such a scheming, such a calculation, he was really sad and a little bit chilly.

“Brother Gonggong… Gonggong, what would happen to the Lich clan without me?” After a long time, Duobao recovered and drank his tea, not watching Gonggong, but said softly.

Gong Gong paused, and finally waited until Dubao spoke, but instead of answering his questions, he was asking him questions.

“Without you…” Unconsciously following Dubao’s words, he thought down, and soon Gonggong stopped.

Yes, if there is no Dubao’s calculation, now there are two families of Lich, or how?

It may still be the hegemon of heaven and earth, or the protagonist of heaven and earth, dominating the prehistoric times, but what about the future?

In the future, the Lich races will disappear completely. No, to be precise, the Lich races will disappear completely, and the Monster races will also linger.

Now, although the two families of Lich are not the overlord of heaven and earth, nor the protagonist of heaven and earth, they still exist.

Compared with the original ending, the current ending is much better, too much, at least, everyone is still there.

Thinking about it this way, most of the hatred in Gonggong’s heart disappeared, but…

“Even so, this is not your reason for calculating us, we are brothers!” Gong Gong couldn’t help but shouted, with a touch of emotion, anger, and no strangerness, coldness, and distance in his voice.

“This kind of thing, you can tell us in advance.”

They can lay down their lives for the people they recognize, but at the same time, it is not so easy to be recognized by them.

It depends on feeling. I can feel it. When we meet in the first day of the new year, we are the brothers of life and death. I don’t feel it. I get along with each other for hundreds of millions of dollars, and I’m just a familiar stranger.

As for Duobao, he is not a life-and-death brother under one side, but is also a close relative and friend after getting along for a long time. The relationship is a little worse than that of a brother, but not much worse.

At least, it has surpassed own life!

It is precisely because of this feeling that he will calculate Dubao’s calculations, such anger, there is not much expression on the face, but the fluctuations in his heart, the anger, can not be described in words.


Gonggong drew his ears, and didn’t understand what Dubao meant by this sentence that suddenly popped up: “What?”

“The place where you are trapped is for Samsara, the deepest part of Samsara.”

Duobao explained: “You are destined to break Zhoushan, and now the prehistoric has become stronger because of my appearance. At this moment, if you do not change, follow the normal development, even if it is the end of the Lich Age, I am also unable to break the mountain.”

“At that time, the primordial kingdom will be in a deadlock, a lot of karma, Karma will converge, forming a disaster, and then the primordial beings will face disasters every day.”

“This is the development of the world’s instinct. You cannot fulfill the destiny, and you can’t let the predecessors break away from the drag and restriction of the imperfect mountains. Then it will appear in the body of the predecessors in the form of catastrophe, and rely on the strength of the cohesion of all beings to break the Zhou Shan’s restrictions.”

Gong Gong frowned: “What do you mean by this?”

Is he asking this question?

Although what Dubao said, it was indeed serious, but for now, he didn’t care about it. He just wanted to know why Dubao couldn’t tell them why he had to calculate secretly.

“You carry Karma, karma in Samsara, cultivate into the body of Karma karma, condense the karma of the prehistoric world, Karma, and then break the mountain and complete your own destiny.”

“This in itself is enough.”

As if he hadn’t heard Gonggong’s question, Duobao continued: “The other witch races and monster races are the same. They all have their own destiny.”

“With their current strength, it is very difficult to complete it. Ascension itself is necessary, but it is difficult to Ascension by themselves.”

“So there is a dark trial field?” Gonggong asked suddenly.

“Yes or not.” Duobao nodded and shook his head: “I calculated the Lich races. There are many reasons for them. You still don’t know many reasons, but there is one reason you can know.”

“What’s the reason?” Gonggong asked immediately.

“For you.”

Gong Gong was stunned. He had thought about many reasons, but he did not expect that it would be the reason.

“Don’t you think this reason is nonsense?” Gonggong couldn’t help but said mockingly for a long while.

“You think I haven’t told you, but in fact, I asked you.” Duobao raised his head, looked at Gonggong, and said seriously.

“Ask us?” Gong Gong was dazed, facing Duobao’s serious gaze, he couldn’t help but carefully search his own memory.

He was thinking, when did Dubo ask them?

If he had really asked, then everything that happened now would be understandable, and he would not be angry anymore.

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