Chapter 424

As I could see, those familiar figures were not found in Heaven Court. All the powerful monsters, monsters, gods, and sages that he could remember were gone, and there were only two or three big cats and kittens!

“The monster race is gone!”

Gong Gong was shocked, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart: “What happened during my absence?”

“The monster race is gone, and the ancestor witch of the witch race is gone.”

At this moment, a light and fluttering voice suddenly came from the side.

Gonggong’s heart trembled. What strength he is now, someone could approach him without being noticed by him.

“What did you say?” Gonggong said angrily.

Next to him, at some point, an old man with wrinkled face and half-black and half-white hair appeared.

The old man Duobao had transformed stood beside Gong Gong, looking at the blood-red sky. Under the rules of the prehistoric world, without the source, little by little, the heaven and the earth returned to their original colors.

“The ancestral witches of the witch clan are gone, you are the last one.”

Duo Bao Ning said, without even looking at Gong Gong, he said to himself: “Since you disappeared, they have been looking for you for a long, long time. They almost turned the whole world over, but they still couldn’t find you. To where you are.”

“They have never given up. It’s a pity that the catastrophe came and they had to give up. Dijiang led a group of ancestral witches and witches to fight… and there was no sound anymore.”

“I don’t know if they won or lost. It’s just the body of the ancestor witch, but you are the only one left. During the induction, you still have the blood of Pangu. You are the only one now!”

“What?” Gonggong did not want to believe: “Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

“Who are you!” Gonggong stared at Dubo, all over Karma, his karma turned into black energy, and headed towards Dubo.

This is the strength of his body, not full, but it is stronger than he was at his peak.

The black qi reached in front of Duobao and entered Duobao without encountering any obstacles.

It was just that the black qi had entered, but it was like an ordinary black qi, and it had no effect on Duo Bao, the effect, and even Duo Bao’s complexion did not change a bit.

Duobao didn’t change color, but Gonggong changed color. He asked again, “Who are you?”

“Me? I’m just a bad old man!” Duobao said calmly as if he didn’t feel the movement of Gonggong, “I saw many ancestors searching the world and not seeing you before, and seeing you appear again, I was a little curious. ”

“Can you tell the old man, where have you been all these years?”

Gonggong pauses, bad old man?

That bad old man has your strength?

Where did you go?

Even now, after coming out, he himself still doesn’t know where he was before!

He himself didn’t know how to answer Duobao!

“It seems that you don’t know it yourself… and that’s right. In your case, if you could find out, it would have been out long ago.”

Dubao seemed to sigh disappointed, his hands on his back, and left.

“Senior stay here!” Gonggong wanted to stop it, but Duobao had completely disappeared as soon as he didn’t say anything.

The old man appeared suddenly and left suddenly.

When he appeared, he didn’t pay attention and didn’t find how he appeared. Even if he watched him leave, he still couldn’t see how he left.


“I thought that my current strength was not bad, but I didn’t expect that there would be such a presence in the prehistoric!”

A thought appeared in Gonggong’s mind, and then he shook his head violently: “This is not the time to think about this!”

“Have all the brothers really died in battle?”

Gonggong didn’t believe it, or rather it didn’t want to believe it!

But in fact, in his heart, after the old man said that, he already believed a little bit.

Because he really couldn’t feel the existence of other brothers.

If they are still alive, no matter where they are, even if they are unable to perceive their position, they will have a vague induction. This is the power of Pangu’s bloodline.

But now, he really didn’t have a touch with the brothers!

With a heavy heart, Gonggong reduced his momentum. Without the excitement he had before, he walked towards the prehistoric land. He still had the last glimmer of hope. Maybe the old man was lying to him!

It’s just that the brothers are like he was before, trapped somewhere, blocking the induction!

In the following time, he traveled all over the land, his mood became heavier and heavier, and he believed that the own brothers were really killed in battle.

Because, after spending countless hours, he really didn’t find any breath of the witch race, let alone his brothers!

“Dage, second brother… Zhu Rong… are you really dead?”

Gonggong walked in despair, and unconsciously came to a huge, sacred mountain.

“Buzhou Mountain…” The spirit of Shenshan awakened Gonggong. He stared at Buzhou Mountain blankly, already knowing why he appeared here.

The Wu Clan has disappeared, or maybe they have all been annihilated, killed in battle… only this is the same breath as him on the mountain.

That is the breath that belongs to Pangu!

“Are you so weak already?”

Gong Gong watched and felt it blankly.

Pangu’s coercion still exists on the Buzhou Mountain in front of them, but it is already weak to the extreme. Recalling the shock and strength when they first saw Buzhou Mountain, the Buzhou Mountain at this time was as fragile as a baby in contrast.

At that time, Buzhou Mountain, even if it was their ancestor witch, the strength of the newborn Daluo Jinxian, and the Pangu bloodline, they could only go up to the middle of the mountain, and could not go up higher.

How strong was Buzhou Mountain back then, and how weak is Buzhou Mountain now?

Such a comparison is even more sad.

“Old friend, now, maybe you are my only friend!”

Gong Gong said sentimentally, and stepped forward, with memories in his eyes.

Their twelve ancestor witches and their twelve brothers and sisters were born on Buzhou Mountain and moved to other places later.

When they were just born, they all played and cultivated here.

Every step of the way is so familiar and so strange.

Standing on the top of Buzhou Mountain, Duobao looked down at the Gonggong who was slowly advancing below, reached out a little, and touched a piece of information combined with the power of space on the top of Buzhou Mountain, and then disappeared.

Gonggong missed it, walking sadly on Buzhou Mountain. The speed was very slow, but no matter how slow it was, it was moving forward. No matter how high the Buzhou Mountain, it also has a top.

Walking slowly like this, he finally reached the top of the mountain!

“Have you reached the top!”

Gonggong lost consciousness for a while, and suddenly felt something and looked aside.

Where, a little light is looming, with a familiar breath.

That is the breath of the Wu clan!


Gonggong was startled for a moment, The next moment, like electricity, rushed over, holding the light spot in his hand, as if he was afraid that he would take a step slower and it would disappear.

“found it!”

Gonggong was extremely pleasantly surprised, his cheeks were trembling, he carefully opened the light spot, and countless information came into his mind.

Soon, Gong Gong’s face was blue, white, angry, sad, helpless, and hopeless.

He looked up to the sky and screamed: “Heavenly Dao!”

“You really want to treat me like this!”

“Father God opened up this world to accommodate endless people, but you can’t even accommodate me as a little witch?”

Duobao floated in the air, watching quietly, the information was sent by him, and it was also his purpose.

The message is very simple, indicating that the disappearance of the Witch Clan is because Heavenly Dao does not allow the Witch Clan to be born in this world, so it is calculated on them, which led to the current end of the Witch Clan.

This information seems to be okay at first glance, but at a closer look, it is all faulty!

But the co-worker, who was so sad and dazzled by anger, immediately believed!

With the power of the Wu Clan, apart from Heavenly Dao, who can count them?

Who has the ability to destroy the Wu clan as the ruler of the earth?

Heavenly Dao! Only Heavenly Dao!

“Ancestral Witch’s true body!”

In Gong Gong’s anger, his body suddenly became bigger, and soon it became half the size of a mountain.

Because of his anger, Samsara’s endless Karma, which was in his body, rushed out and turned into a billowing black air, wrapping it up, looking from a distance, it seemed like a supreme demon god.

“Gonggong, what are you going to do!”

Between the heaven and the earth, an angry voice sounded, The next moment, two golden lights flashed, showing two figures, stepping on the golden lotus, fully armed.

Gong Gong didn’t make any sense, and Zhudi, looking fiercely at Bu Zhou Shan: “Heavenly Dao, since you can’t tolerate my witch clan, then you don’t deserve to control the world opened by my father God!”

While speaking, he suddenly slammed into Bu Zhou Shan!


He took a break to drink, stretched out his hand a little, the golden lotus under his feet disappeared, and The next moment appeared in front of Gong Gong.

With a wave of the Qibao Miaoshu in Zhundi’s hand, it turned into five colorful divine lights, and moved towards Gonggong’s limbs and head, turning into a colorful chain to lock it.

Gonggong ignored him, his eyes were firm, desperate, and angry, and he just headed towards Bu Zhoushan on his own!

Bang bang bang!

A series of roars resounding through the world came, Zhundi’s face flushed red, and he tightly grasped the Qibao Miaoshu, linked to Gonggong’s limbs, and the colorful chains on his head were tightened: “Sanqing, why can’t Nuwa come out? !”

He was shocked, knowing that Gonggong’s strength might be stronger than him, but he never expected that Gonggong’s strength was already so strong!

He didn’t even shoot at him, let him shoot, and start with all his strength, and there was a feeling that he couldn’t help working together!

Sui Yin looked dignified and glanced at Kunlun Mountain: “I’m afraid they have something to do now and won’t be able to get out!”

“Buzhou Mountain is a Tianzhu. With the current state of Gonggong, I hit it head-on, I’m afraid it might break directly!”

“As soon as Tianzhu breaks…it’s in trouble!”

Where to take the lead to maintain the golden lotus, spread the golden light, and fall towards Gonggong, reducing the impact of its impact!



Just as Zhundi was about to speak, his complexion suddenly changed, and there were clear sounds in his ears. He looked at Gonggong’s limbs with distraught, and the colorful chains above his head. Clear cracks appeared, and they were swiftly appearing. expand!

“Depend on!”

Zhundi yelled, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and suffered a backlash. He was already seriously injured!

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