Chapter 414: Sacrifice? Lamb


Suddenly there was a wind, a black wind, accompanied by an endless horrible figure, born out of thin air in the world, cold and icy, making the body stiff, and at the same time cold in the heart.

“Jie Jie~”


Numerous weird laughs suddenly appeared, their voices were sharp, hoarse, with a strong malice, and the listeners felt very uncomfortable.

The body was trembling, and suddenly there were raised lines under the skin, as if there were some living creatures wandering in it.

The ancestors witches felt cold in their hearts, surrounded by thick maliciousness, felt a huge horror, and a sense of ominousness suddenly appeared in their hearts!


Xuan Ming’s complexion changed, and she said in shock: “It wasn’t like this last time, this situation is wrong…no!”

She remembered that although the gods last time were violent and fierce, they were fierce within a limited range. They looked extremely fierce, but in fact, they were still very obedient!


It seems that this word cannot be used to describe these dead gods, but compared to the current gods, the previous gods can indeed be described by the word behaved!

Xuan Ming knew it was not good. He raised his head hard, trying to see something clearly, but the huge pressure and malice formed a huge force, pressing her body, making her unable to raise her head at all, but the body was still gradually falling.



There was a constant sound in the ear, like the sound of something being scratched.

Xuan Ming’s face was distorted, and he knew what it was without having to look at it.

The black wind whizzed, like a wind knife, falling on the ancestor witches, immediately marking a wound, and endless red and cold blood flew out from the wound.

The ancestor witch is comparable to the body of Xiantian Lingbao. Under these wind knives, it is as fragile as paper, without the slightest resistance.

“how so?”

“My blood…”

“They are drawing our blood!”

The constant screams in her ear made Xuan Ming go crazy: “Wrong, wrong, all wrong!”

“We shouldn’t have come at this time… we shouldn’t have come!”

She finally understood, finally understood!

They made a mistake, thinking that when the gods died, they were dead. There would be no major events, and the sacrifices were made step by step.

It was the same before, and there was no problem at all.

But, in fact, those gods are comparable to Sage!

Even if they are dead, how can they be so behaved?

They want to sacrifice, but will the other party just take away the blood of the sacrifice?

They have so many ancestral witches here, and there is only one sacrifice, is it true that the other party will only take the blood of one ancestral witch?


How could they be so kind?

If you are still alive, it is okay to say that the key is dead…After the death of the gods, no matter how good they were originally, it will be difficult for them to maintain their nature after death!

Xuan Ming didn’t know what effect the blood of herself and others had on them, but as you can imagine, it must be a very important thing!

Before, because of the existence of the old man, he suppressed all the gods.

With him, the gods didn’t dare to be presumptuous…Now, he is not there, but they have brought them to the door by themselves, and they also began to sacrifice themselves.

Without the suppression of the old man, how could the gods be so well-behaved?

Xuan Ming suddenly remembered the changes to the gates leading to the cemeteries of the gods. He hadn’t felt it before. Now, thinking about it carefully, it seems that the sudden change of the gate has sucked in all of their ancestral witches, and it has foreshadows all this happening now!

I am afraid that the change in the gate was also caused by the discovery of their existence under the control of the gods.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I killed you!”

Xuan Ming regretted it with great resentment.

Soon, the blood of the ancestor witches were all drawn, and the invisible pressure dissipated a lot.

A towering, huge, terrifying black shadow stood in front of the ancestral witches, shrouded in black mist, unable to see his face, but he could feel his emotions.

There was no concealment at all, and there was a hint of excitement in the satisfaction.

“The sacrifice has been received… the priest, you can make your wish!”

A wave appeared and spread into the minds of the ancestors.

The ancestral witches raised their heads and looked at the huge black shadow, the horrible breath, and the fluctuations that came from their eyes, causing them to suffer from severe pain, tingling eyes and constant tremors, unable to withstand the power they carry. It seems to be about to burst.

But that’s it, the ancestor witches still stared at the shadows, unwilling to leave!

A huge sense of emptiness came, making the ancestral witches feel extremely lost, and seemed to have lost the most important thing.

The fact is true, they have indeed lost their most precious thing, Pangu bloodline.

After the other gods had collected the Pangu bloodline of the ancestor witches, they all returned to their original graves, and there was no more movement.

Only the dark shadow in front of him still exists, waiting here, waiting for the ancestor witches to make their request.

The method of sacrifice is from Duobao, which carries Duobao’s will and exchanges.

This is a force they cannot resist.

Because Duobao is not there, they can make a limited leap, not just drawing one person’s blood, but exchanging this core is inevitable.

After collecting the sacrifices, they must complete each other’s requirements, otherwise, the sacrifice backlash… they will be completely annihilated and fall.

The ancestor witches stared at the black shadow angrily, without speaking.

Di Jiang took a deep breath.

Fortunately, although they lost their blood, they were not injured, and even as a result, the death energy that invaded the body also disappeared.

They felt the warmth again, the temperature of being a living person.

“Please God King…resurrect my little sister.” Di Jiang said in a deep voice.

The black shadow looked towards Houtu, and under the black mist-shrouded face, there was a tusk.

“A dead person has only real spirit.”

“Hey, that’s not right… Her body has completely disappeared, no Karma can be found, and it’s gone at the Karma level.”

“Interesting, let me see…”

The black shadow whispered, and suddenly stretched out his hand in front of him, and suddenly a complicated black line appeared.

There is a terrifying power in the black line, and there is a powerful mystery…Even if the ancestral witches do not have a primordial spirit, they can feel its power.

After staring for a while, I felt a pain in my head, as if it was about to explode, and immediately looked away, not daring to look more, and my heart was shocked.

“Oh, there is a body, but it was suppressed by a force… No, it was turned into that force!”

The black shadow’s voice suddenly brought a strong shock: “This, this, this…”


A wave of Samsara’s power suddenly appeared, falling on the black shadow, and the black shadow was beaten back again and again.

“So strong!”

A shocked voice appeared, and the black shadow looked at Houtu carefully, his face solemn: “Why? This power… even above me… She is a demigod, how can her body become so powerful? The presence?”

Di Jiang turned his head, dodges the denser and more powerful black thread, and asked: “Your Majesty the King of God, may my little sister be resurrected?”

He didn’t know the identity of the black shadow, but he returned to the cemetery from other gods, leaving him alone, and from the aura induction, he was also one of the best among the gods, so he respected the other party as the king of gods.

“Wait, no hurry, I’ll look at it again.” Sombra stared at Houtu, did not dare to look at the Samsara transformed into his body, and looked at other things. After a while, another surprised voice appeared: “Where is the soul? How not?”

“Strange, the body… how can there be no soul? All creatures have souls, how could she not?”

“and many more…”

The ancestor witches suddenly felt a cold gaze falling on their bodies, and they felt that their bodies tightened, and under their gaze, they almost felt frozen by their gazes.

“So strong, really strong, this is beyond the existence of Sage, right?” Di Jiang was surprised in his heart.

He had seen Sage before, and in his sense, it was the other Sages who seemed to be much worse than the shadow in front of him!

Just by looking at them, they almost froze them forever.

Moreover, this is when the other party does not intend to act on them, just a random glance!

Although other Sages are strong, they are far from this level!

“You don’t even have souls, only true spirits and bodies… Pangu bloodline, ancestral witch… Are you called the Wu clan?” Sombra asked.

Di Jiang replied respectfully: “Yes.”

The strength is not as good as the human, the attitude naturally needs to change, and also begs others, if there are other performances, then it is really a second fool!

“The Witch Clan… really a strange race, it has no soul.”

The black shadow nodded, and then stretched out his hand to face the back soil a little bit, endless black energy rushed out of his body, thousands of black air surrounded the back soil, quickly shuttled, and soon, a black coffin was formed.

“All right.”

Hearing the voice, the ancestor witches suppressed the other emotions in their hearts and looked towards Houtu one after another.

Hou Tu had disappeared, in a black coffin, there was no way they expected to stand in place and wait for them.

“Your Majesty the King of God…what does this mean?” Dijiang sounded angrily.

He is suppressing anger, they have lost all the blood of the father and god, and at the price of this, all they want is to resurrect the little sister.

But now, it turned out to be like this, and there was no resurrection at all… How could he accept so much to get such a result?

“Don’t worry!” Soi Ying said calmly: “Your little girl was injured too badly, and her body turned into that horrible thing… There is no soul, only the true spirit exists.”

“Therefore, she will not be able to have a body in the future. Once a body appears, she will immediately be stared at by the terrifying thing and be dragged away.”

“I can’t stop that power, but for the soul, I have already given her one. Now, she is sleeping, and the true spirit is protected by the soul, and there is no danger of the true spirit falling apart.”

“Why hasn’t the little girl woken up yet? And why did you want to lie in this coffin?” Di Jiang was overjoyed when he heard it. There was no danger of the true spirit collapsing, it meant that he would not really fall, and his heart was slightly loose.

“She is in a very complicated situation now. Although she has survived, the true spirit collapsed too badly before, and needs to be nurtured and repaired with the power of the gods like me…” The black figure flashed, slowly towards the owner. Walked to the cemetery.

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