Chapter 408-Heavenly Dao


The breath shocked a stalwart existence, and a deep sound of suspicion spread throughout the entire wilderness, but it was strangely unheard by any other creatures.

“Interesting, interesting…” A figure dressed in animal skins, as huge as a wild world, opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the cemetery of the gods.

“It really deserves to be a variable above the rules…”

Pangu watched as he was still constantly creating new ways of establishing the way, the treasures of the new civilization, and even more shocked in his astonishment.

“This is… too much!”

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that the books around Dubao’s body that have been piled up into a hill, each of them are enough to stand up, and they are enough to be the pillars of heaven supporting the prehistoric.

Lidao…it was originally a difficult thing!

Even the many Sages now reluctantly established Taoism with his secret help…If you want to be more true, in fact, those Taoisms were established by him, but they were only given to Sage.

In the past, Pangu had always believed that he was able to create so many Taoisms, he was already very powerful… and he was deeply proud of it!

But now, looking at the hill-like civilization around Dubao’s body, the book of Li Tao, even with the honor of Pangu, can’t help his mouth twitching: “This guy… is a monster!”

He couldn’t imagine why things like Li Dao were so simple for Dubao!

The establishment of each path, from the embryonic form, the budding, to the gradual perfection, growth, and then to maturity, to the point of establishing a path, is all difficult and difficult.

It was him, in the chaos, countless Yuanhui, but only made so few Dao… This is already very powerful, but he did not expect that Dubao now…

“Above the rules… really so powerful?”

Pangu whispered softly, expecting in his eyes.

He is now for the rules Sage, and the next Realm is above the rules.

Duobao is still not above the rules, but it is contaminated with a little power above the rules, and it has such a performance…If it is really above the rules, how strong should it be?

He was bred for the chaos, the first demon god, powerful enough to crush other chaos demon gods, he has no other pursuit in his life, just the limit of cultivation he wants to reach, take a look at the scenery there!

Whether above the rules is the limit of cultivation, he doesn’t know, but he knows that for him now… it is still a Realm who is pursuing and cultivating hard.

He is looking forward to it!

“Li Dao… Li Dao…” Pangu stared at Duobao for a long while, and gradually disappeared in his murmur.

With the disappearance of Pangu, the prehistoric world that had been stuck in stagnation resumed operation again.

Civilization, the aura of standing road continue to impact, the prehistoric world trembles, at the core, some subtle changes are taking place.

The three Sages, Zhundi, and Nuwa were surprised and shocked. Looking at the prehistoric world, they were a little at a loss.

Civilization, Li Dao’s aura is too powerful, transcendence, has surpassed their range of perception, only through the primordial spirit of Heavenly Dao, discovering that the Great Land is undergoing tremendous changes, shocked and inexplicable.

“What the hell happened?”

Sanqing is in the astral realm. Closed Door Training, Insight, the true meaning of the astral realm concept. I devoted myself wholeheartedly. The astral realm blocked the sense of the predecessors and found no changes in the outside world.

Hongjun walked out of Zixiao Palace and looked at Honghuang, somewhat delighted: “This is…”

Compared to other Sages, he perceives more clearly.

In his induction, the deepest part of the prehistoric world is undergoing transformation, and the origin is strengthening, and the current magnitude is not large, but the momentum has shocked him.

From the perspective of breath sensing alone, when the transformation is completed, the prehistoric world will be ten times stronger, a hundred times more than…even enough to turn the prehistoric world into an eternal world.


The thoughts flashed in his mind, even with Hongjun’s state of mind, he didn’t feel shocked.

“It turns out to be eternal!”

He is the ancestor of Dao, for the rule Sage, his perception can’t be wrong, since he has such thoughts, it proves that this possibility is very high!


It’s just that, at the same time, he was also wondering why Honghuang would suddenly undergo such a big change.

He did not find that the source of the change was Duobao, but he sensed the changes in the prehistoric, and he was even more puzzled in his joy.

From this point of view, it can be seen that the strength between Duobao and Hongjun is actually not that big. At least Hongjun can no longer watch Duobao’s whereabouts and conditions recklessly as before.

At the same time, it can be seen that there is a huge gap between Pangu and Hongjun. At least now Pangu can still see Duobao’s situation, and Dubao hasn’t even noticed it in the process.


Soon, Hongjun had a guess. Although he couldn’t find the source of the change, he just guessed a little and he immediately guessed Duobao’s body.

Looking at the prehistoric times, the only thing that can cause such a change in his cognition is that there is only one such as Dubao, because it is contaminated with the power above the rules, it seems that it is not so strange that he performs any miracles.

“Where is Duobao?”

Thinking of Dubao, Hongjun immediately wanted to see what Dubao was doing now.

The magnificent divine mind appeared from the body, searching towards the entire prehistoric world.

For a moment, he retracted in amazement: “No!”

Hongjun was shocked and searched all over the land, but he didn’t discover Duobao’s existence.

“Progress so fast!”

Soon, he thought of the reason, but because of this, he was even more shocked.

Duobao must be in the prehistoric. He is now the leader of the prehistoric, so he can’t leave the prehistoric easily. If he leaves, Sage will feel his rules.

But so far, he has not felt the slightest, which proves that Dubao is still in the wild.

Since he is still in the wild, he can’t find the trace of Duobao…then there is only one possibility left!

Duobao’s strength has been Ascension again, not far from him, even surpassing him, so that he can avoid his detection.

“How long is this!”

In shock, Hongjun was also happy for Duobao, and then carefully sensed the changes in the prehistoric world, and was even more joyful: “It’s really good… in this case… the prehistoric world may not necessarily become the eternal world, at least it will not be bad. Too much!”

Watching Honghuang become better, stronger, and happier when he is lost.

This proves that his original choice was correct!

“Whether it will directly achieve the eternal world!”

With anticipation, Hongjun sensed the changes in the prehistoric world.



Duobao finally awoke from the long method of perfecting and establishing the Tao. Before he had time to check it out, he immediately felt a great power, flooding his surroundings, making him feel like he was in an endless civilization. In the ocean.

“what’s the situation?”

Duobao was stunned and didn’t react for a while.

Soon, as he woke up, his own power unfolded, and countless information flowed into his mind.

“Is that right?”

Suddenly, Duo Bao looked at many civilizations, the transcendent civilizations where the Taoism gathered together, the aura of Tao rushed into the depths of the prehistoric world, changing the nature of the prehistoric world, and shook his head slightly.

In front of him, many civilizations, the book of Tao flashed, and the pages of the book flew, faintly turning into a real civilization, the trend of Tao.

In many civilizations, the breath of Tao affects the prehistoric world and changes the prehistoric world at the same time that the prehistoric world is also influencing and changing them.

Originally Duobao created these civilizations. The Book of Tao was the prototype of Tao. It was used as a tool for basic information to inspire other creatures and accomplish their own Taoist actions.

However, because he was too perfect, coupled with the large number, he rushed into his imprisonment, rushed out of the cemetery of the gods, and headed towards the prehistoric world, and was instinctively accepted by the predominant world, and couldn’t wait.

Under mutual influence, the civilization, Tao, which was originally just a rudimentary form, slowly matured.

If he wakes up for a while in the evening, I am afraid that he will be able to see many civilizations, and Dao will turn into a real civilization, the shocking sight of Dao!

“This can’t work!”

Duobao shook his head and thought, the transcendent civilization that rushed into the depths of the prehistoric world, the aura of Tao, instantly rolled back.

They did not come back alone, as they came back, there was a force, instinct, and aggression to follow.

That is the power of Heavenly Dao!

Originally, seeing so many prototypes, it was instinctively happy and didn’t care whether they were mature or not. It used its own strength, influence, and urging to mature them, and then use it to strengthen itself.

It was almost finished, but suddenly these guys turned out to be like bastards who didn’t admit it when they lifted their trousers. After taking advantage of it, they ran away!

How capable it is… pursue it aggressively, find them to settle accounts!

If someone is behind it…then kill it and grab these civilizations and Taos!

Although Heavenly Dao has no consciousness, but driven by instinct, he is even more domineering!

Humans block killing, Buddhas block Buddhas, gods block gods… When Sage appears, he has to kneel down, even if it is Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Demon Ancestor Luo Hu who appear together, it is not easy!

Heavenly Dao is very angry. It can feel that if all those Dao and civilization can be obtained and matured, the benefits for it, and the benefits for the prehistoric world, are so great that it is simply unimaginable!

It is absolutely impossible to let it go!

These Dao, these civilizations… it’s going to be set!

It, Heavenly Dao said, no one is easy to come by!


Duobao took back the aura of many civilizations and Dao, and then looked at Heavenly Dao’s natural power with a smile on his face, and he could clearly feel the consternation that appeared at this moment.

He smiled and said hello: “Hi!”


All the anger, all the emotions, when they saw Dubao, were twisted in an instant.

If Heavenly Dao is wise, I am afraid that a national curse would have already been spoken at this time. Even so, its power is also instantaneous, and there are violent and unclear fluctuations.

“What did you say?” Duobao blinked, smiling like an innocent passerby.

Heavenly Dao’s power is helpless, yes, it wants those civilizations, Dao, no one can do it well, even if it is Dao Ancestor and Demon Ancestor, it will not work!

But, after all, it is just a machine, only instinct, with two natural nemesis.

One is the person who created it, Pangu, and the other is the person who controls it now, Dubao.

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