Chapter 400: Did I Choose It Myself?

“We should thank you.”

The corner of Di Jiang’s mouth rose, and he suddenly turned to look at Duobao. Not only did he stand up, and respectfully salute Duobao, thanking him.

“……” Duobao was a little dazed, stupefied on the spot.

“I calculated you so much and almost played your complete Wu Clan away. You don’t blame me, but you have to thank you?”

In astonishment, Duobao even felt that there was something wrong with own’s head, or whether the Dijiang in front of him came from the future, or the silly Dijiang who didn’t know he was behind the scenes?

“It’s true.” Di Jiang said seriously. He glanced at the great land below and saw that stupid self, sighed inexplicably, sighed, and even laughed for a moment.

“Very good, really good.”

Duobao looked at Dijiang who had suddenly laughed in amazement.

After a while, I accepted the fact that the Dijiang in front of him indeed came from the future, not the stupid and hidden Dijiang.

“Can you tell me why?”

Dubao is really curious. After experiencing everything, Dijiang would thank himself?

Could it be that some of my calculations in the future are not completely bad?

It’s impossible. Although it hasn’t happened yet, he has already planned the future plan. Although he dare not say it completely, he will act 100% according to the plan, but in any case, the general direction will not change. .

Even if there is a difference, it will be a small difference, not too big.

“Dobo, do you know that you really hate it.”

He was about to listen to Dijiang say how wise and martial of himself he is, why should he thank own Duobao, his expression stiffened: “Are you…serious?”

Di Jiang is serious, he is serious, and his voice is full of exclamation: “There are thousands of good things in this world, all good, but there is only one kind of goodness, which is the most annoying.”

“Good for you?” Duobao subconsciously answered.

Di Jiang nodded: “Yes, it’s for your good.”

“Although the final result is good, as far as the process is concerned, it is too torture and too annoying for the people who have been experienced.”

Duobao was silent, and suddenly said, “Is that so? So, you said I hate it. That’s why?”

In his plan, both Lich races will go through a lot of hardships, in order to let them enlighten the way and establish the way.

Of course, in this process, he will guarantee that they will not die, this is the bottom line!

But, in other words, as long as you don’t die, you can do anything!

Therefore, the plan he made can be described as cruel, cruel, tortured, and purgatory!

After going through the plans he made, both the Lich clan will have a qualitative Ascension, the strength rocket, no, it is a cross-dimensional growth. This can be seen from the strength of the future Emperor Jiang in front of him.

It has surpassed Sage!

But that was the final result. Before that, the feeling of the Lich race would definitely not be very good!

The result is beautiful and the process is cruel.

Dubao’s behavior can also be said to be for the benefit of the Lich family.

At least, they have far exceeded their original limit, upper limit, and have done what they could never do before.

“It seems that I really hate it.”

Duobao felt the resentment in Dijiang’s dialect very clearly.

I didn’t think before, that the current party approached the door, in front of him, and he knew what he was doing better than himself, it was inexplicably embarrassing.

Thinking back to the own plan carefully, the first time I looked at it with such an attitude and standpoint, I suddenly felt that it was really too much.

“Then, let me change it, or… can’t you do it right?”

Duobao hesitated and asked carefully.

Di Jiang shook his head flatly: “No, that’s it, don’t change it at all!”

“??” Duobao felt that there must be a bunch of question marks above his forehead.

The resentment in your mouth is so heavy, and it travels through time and space. You thought you wanted to change everything, but you didn’t expect that you would say so?

“Although the process is tortuous, difficult, and torturing, the future is bright.”

In Duobao’s stunned and puzzled eyes, Di Jiang said.

Duobao still didn’t understand.

Di Jiang said again: “Let’s do it, it’s good, it’s not bad, some things, without going through trials, how to understand their preciousness.”

“The feelings that have not been experienced, the things that have no disaster, torture, or obstacles are all imaginary.”

Duobao is ignorant, as if he understands, but he doesn’t seem to understand that much.

It wasn’t until his eyes that he caught a glimpse of the place that Dijiang was looking at when he was talking.


Duobao subconsciously followed his gaze and saw a familiar figure. It was Dijiang in the current era.

When he saw it, in an instant, Duobao Daigo gave an enlightenment and suddenly woke up.

Then he stared at Dijiang with a very strange gaze: “Unexpectedly, you are such a Dijiang!”

He didn’t say this sentence, but it was fully revealed in his eyes.

This guy is even jealous of his past self, so he won’t let it go!

He has experienced so much himself, it is already a thing of the past, but now this Dijiang has not experienced everything, he feels unfair, and wants him to bear it.

This is true for some dogs!

Di Jiang retracted his gaze, saw Duobao’s weird eyes, and smiled: “This is the way it is.”

“I feel that what needs to be experienced must be experienced.”

“Although it was a bit harder at the time, but after passing it, at the last time, I will think that it is worthwhile, and it will be the most memorable and precious experience.”

Duobao is silent, I don’t know if it is precious, but it is for sure that it is unforgettable.

“Or, I’ll tell you in advance, so it’s easier to accept it?” Duobao thought for a while, but still asked if he didn’t think it was appropriate.

Di Jiang shook his head into a rattle: “Don’t, don’t don’t, after you say these things, your mood and mood will change.”

“That’s not a good thing, don’t say it.”

Duobao looked at Dijiang suspiciously. Although his words seemed to make sense, he always felt that this guy had other thoughts.

“Really, I didn’t lie before, we really need to thank you.”

“Because of these experiences, because of these tribulations.”

Di Jiang said seriously.

“It is precisely because of these experiences, tribulations, twists and turns, and tests that have made us understand better.”

“Understand? Understand what?” Duobao asked.

Di Jiang suddenly smiled happily, like a child, as if thinking of something very happy, the whole person seemed to be sunny.

Seeing him like this, Duo Bao was stunned for a moment, and also smiled. All the burdens that originally existed in his heart were all gone.

Now that the person concerned has said so, why does he have any doubts or hesitations?

“No matter what you have gone through or what you have encountered, as long as the end, everyone is still there. That’s good, this is enough, this is…perfect.”

Di Jiang said with satisfaction.

Duobao smiled, looked at Dijiang, and then suddenly thought of a question: “Dijiang.”

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Di Jiang looked at Duobao.

“Have you ever thought about a problem?”

“what is the problem?”

“What you encounter now and in the future is actually your own choice?” Dubao said.

Di Jiang paused, slowly opening his mouth wide, and looking at himself in this world in disbelief: “I chose it myself?”

“Yeah, you see, I originally planned to give up. Even if I didn’t give up, I also planned to tell you. As a result, your arrival prevented me.”

“You not only told me not to keep my hand, but also didn’t let me tell you.” Duobao said seriously: “So, in fact, everything in the future is your own choice?”

“I have actually told you, but it’s not the current you!”

“I let the future you choose, and the future you chose to continue.”

The more he talked, the more he felt reasonable, and Dubo suddenly asked, “How did you come here?”

At this point, he suddenly remembered that the time and space of the prehistoric world was locked by Heavenly Dao. Sage and Concept Sage, even him, could not travel through time and space.

Although the future Dijiang is powerful, it is far behind him. It is just a concept of Sage. How can he travel through time and space and come here?

He didn’t think much about Di Jiang’s sudden appearance before, but now that he is talking about this, he also thinks of this question.

Staring at Dijiang, Duobao’s eyes flickered, and he already had an answer in his heart, but he still needed Dijiang’s confirmation.

Di Jiang Na Na replied: “I went to find the future you. With the help of the future you, I came here.”


Duobao whispered in his heart, as he expected.

Given the situation in the prehistoric world, he can’t travel through time and space now, and he is the only one who can do this in the future.

After thinking about it, he continued to ask: “Before I let you shuttle here in the future…”

Di Jiang listened and looked at him suspiciously: “? Then what?”

Duobao paused, reorganized the language, and asked again: “Does your arrival represent only yourself or other people?”

Others of course refer to all the people who have gone through all his layouts and calculations.

When Di Jiang heard the words, he paused for a moment, and finally reacted.

“I said it before, we all need to thank you.”

As he said, he paused again, and then continued: “Before we came, our Lich races, Human races, and other existences have all gathered together and unified our thoughts. As a representative, I will come to see you.”

“The main thing is to vent, after all, the result is good, but the process is too much, so we plan to sue, you calculated us…”

With that, he couldn’t go on. Di Jiang looked at Duobao in front of him, his eyes were complicated, and his mood was even more complicated.

It’s been calculated again!

He finally understood it completely.

Recalling that before they came, they went to find Duobao, originally intending to come in many people, but Duobao said that time and space were fragile and could not tolerate the shuttle of so many people, and only allowed one person.

Therefore, they discussed for a while, unified their minds, and unanimously selected him as their representative to travel to this time and space to accuse Duobao of heinous behavior.

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