Chapter 361

“Duobao, does he understand it?”

In the Great Hall of the Witch Clan, Dijiang and the others were lost in thought.

“Found? What did you find?” Zhu Rong didn’t think about it yet.

Boom boom boom!

The door of Pangu Hall was knocked.

The door opened, and Emperor Jun and Tai one and two came in.

“It seems that Duobao should have understood everything…simulating prehistoric things, he should also be pointing us.” Di Jun went straight in.

Simulate what happened in the prehistoric times and repeat it in your mind.

“The Xiantian era continues, new career positions appear, and the secrets appear. The Five Elements cycle can no longer be controlled in the hands of Rogue Cultivators, or it cannot be simply controlled in the hands of Rogue Cultivators.”

“They are not strong enough to cope with changes.”

“And because of this, there is a simulation of the famine.”

Di Jiang looked at Di Jun, and the two exchanged glances.

Only when Zhu Rong heard this did he understand: “You mean, Brother Dubao already understands our identity?”

Di Jun, Di Jiang helplessly look at each other. Is this naive, so slow to react?

I haven’t responded so far.

“That’s it, Heaven Court Shrine, divide the power of the Five Elements cycle, and use Heaven Court Shrine to completely control the world.” Di Jun’s eyes flickered: “This is the new era, the best way of development. .”

Di Jiang nodded: “That’s true, so, next, I need to build a shrine, and you need to rebuild Heaven Court.”

Now Yaozu has the Heaven Court, but it is different from the Heaven Court in the simulation prehistoric, there is an essential difference.

The current Heaven Court is only the Heaven Court of the monster race rather than the prehistoric Heaven Court, which does not meet the requirements.

“Duobao will simulate the Heaven Court in the prehistoric, and leave it to us, the purpose is to familiarize us with the situation of the two, and then move it to the prehistoric.”

“Hold on, hold on, hold on.” Zhu Rong yelled, “Since he has understood our identity, why didn’t he pick it up? He can tell us directly about such things?”

“Why sell Guanzi?”

Everyone looked at each other, and they were all speechless.


Do you still need to think about it?

Does this need a reason?

Gong Gong patted Zhu Rong. After Zhu Rong looked over, he asked, “Have you heard a word?”

Zhu Rongchang: “What are you talking about?”

“Daddy is willing!”

Zhu Rong was furious and punched him: “Gonggong, you dare to take advantage of me!”


Gonggong caught Zhu Rong’s fist, very helpless: “Think about it, when did I take advantage of you?”

“You dare to say it’s me daddy, you still…”

Zhu Rong didn’t finish a sentence, but suddenly reacted and paused on the spot.

“Hey, your brain!” Gonggong sighed, touching Zhu Rong’s head while he was stupefied on the spot again.

Zhu Rong looked up and Gonggong quickly fled.

Just thinking of something in his mind, he immediately left it behind, and Zhu Rong chased him away: “Gonggong, die for me!”

Taiyi shook his head pityingly: “This silly boy!”

From the corner of Zhu Rong’s eyes, he was even more furious, and without hesitation, he punched him.

In this way, Taiyi also joined the battlefield.

In a moment of effort, Zhu Rong was beaten up by Gonggong and Taiyi, and his initial arrogance was gone.


Seeing the three playing around, everyone was helpless.

When is this, still so funny, really…

“Regardless of them, here we are planning to enter the master of the demonic elite to simulate the prehistoric, what about you?” Di Jun stretched out his hand to hold his forehead and asked instead.

Di Jiang retracted his gaze: “The same is true for us. I don’t have a clue as to how the divine palace was created. I can figure it out by simulating the predecessor. Our twelve ancestor witches and all the great witches are going in.”

“That’s all right…” Di Jun nodded and couldn’t help but glanced at Taiyi who was beating Zhu Rong severely: “Taiyi, let’s go.”


Taiyi punched Zhu Rong hard, and replied with some dismay.

Such an opportunity is really rare. He and Zhu Rong have always been at odds. Basically, they fight when they meet.

However, as it is now, it is the first time to play so cool.

“Taiyi, you wait for me.” Zhu Rong put his head in his hands, still not forgetting to say something harsh.

“Hey!” Hearing this, Tai who was planning to end his hand suddenly turned back, the turbulent fist fell, and said without looking back: “Dage, you go back first. I still have things to do on my side. , Go back again.”

In the simulated predicament, the originally empty Heaven Court and the shrine are all full, and the simulated predatory world has also begun to officially operate.


Houtu walked in the wild world, looking at the vast world, among the big black eyes, he was completely at a loss.

Along the way, countless creatures sang and laughed, looking like a prosperous age.

However, in her eyes, everything is different.

Countless black figures, with their teeth and claws, existed between the heaven and the earth, and two things in their arms were beating hot, as if they had come to life.

Houtu stretched out his hand and took out two spheres from his arms, the size of a thumb, black and white in two colors, filled with black and white light, like haze, appearing around the two spheres.

“Is it time?”

Houtu walked slowly, the black shadow in his eyes and the black ball in his hand, each one was different, but there was one thing the same.


The black shadow is a ghost, the black and white ball is not clear, but it seems Samsara.

This was given to her by Duobao before. At that time, I didn’t feel it, and I didn’t notice it when I looked closely. It has only now appeared.

She has loose black hair and her face is as quiet as frost.

“This time, will it fall?”

Houtu thought silently, and walked slowly to the sea of ​​blood.

Above the sea of ​​blood, the waves rolled, Blood Qi soared into the sky, and the rich meaning of blood made the sky above it red.


The sea separated, and a divine residence with a gloomy face walked out of it.

“Houtu, what are you doing?”

Houtu’s eyes fell from the mansion of the gods into the sea of ​​blood behind him, and countless Ashuras were reflected in the dark pupils.

“Minghai, you still do.”

Speaking of which, Styx is still very pitiful in the eyes of people like them.

It’s not that his ending is pitiful, but that his experience is pitiful.

Styx is considered the top among these quasi-sages, one of the closest existences to Sage.

In order to be sanctified, he learned Nuwa to create human beings, and learned the Three Purifications to teach, and he also gained merit, but in the end, he was still too far away from Sage, too far!

It can be said that among them, Styx is the hardest, but it is also the saddest.

He sighed slightly, Houtu’s eyes were fixed, and he let out a surprised voice: “Huh?”

“You actually met him?”

As soon as Styx’s eyelids fell, he followed Houtu’s gaze to look at the Ashura in the sea of ​​blood.

In his opinion, the most prominent are the weapons in Ashura’s hands.

In the sea of ​​blood, Ashura is the most, but only Ashura who holds those special weapons is the strongest.

And those weapons were all bought from Dubao.

Maybe it can’t be regarded as a buy… it should be regarded as a half-buy and half-free.

“It seems that you have seen him too?”

Although it was a question, it was in a positive tone.

Houtu nodded, and the atmosphere eased a lot: “This time, I have to borrow your blood to use it.”

Stygian frowned, knowing in his heart, and asked in a deep voice, “Is it time?”

He was still wondering before that the Lich made such a big battle, it seemed that it was almost the peak of the original trend, but he had never seen Samsara after the soil.

Now that the matter is over, the Yaozu has established the Heaven Court, and the Wuzu has established the Holy Palace, all of which are different from what he originally knew.

“It should be… here.” Houtu stared at the two balls in his hands, shaking his hands and toss them.

The black and white gas flew out and fell into the sea of ​​blood.


There was a huge wave on the sea of ​​blood.

Styx’s heart moved, Ah Noi and Yuantu’s two killing swords appeared in his hands, eager to try.

“Styghe, what do you want to do?” Houtu cast his gaze over.

She transformed Samsara into six ways. This is the general trend. Styx has always agreed with her in the past, even if she disagrees, it is useless.

Under the general situation, what can be done in a mere Styx?

However, looking at the current method of Styx, it seems something is wrong.

“The general trend… has it changed?”

Styx’s eyes flashed brightly and flew up suddenly, and the two killing swords showed soaring killing intent, separating the red sky above in half.

The figure of Styx is so proud, rising to the sky, full of murderous aura.

As soon as the killing sword came out, the universe was vast, and the meaning of killing all over the world made people crazy.

The black and white sphere rotates, sprinkling black and white gas.

The Styx rushed out, the killing swords converged, the killing intent was condensed, and the bloody Sword Qi was transformed into the bloody Sword Qi, and it fell towards the black and white gas.



The black and white gas was broken up, and there was roaring sound.

The black and white sphere turned smoothly, with stagnation, and slowly stopped.

Although there is no eye, there seems to be a gaze that appears out of thin air, with a black and white sphere as its eye, and falls on Styx.

Styghe sank, and there was an illusion in his spirit. A stalwart existence seemed to be the master of Heavenly Dao. In the high, indifferent eyes, he could not find his own existence at all.

It was as if he at this moment, in the eyes of the other party, seemed to be an ant, no, not even an ant!


Styx was inexplicably manic, his heart shook, and the huge sea of ​​blood trembled.

A huge wave of blood rises, sweeping the sky, and the meaning of endless killing, with the blood sea as the core, disperses towards the flood.


Behind Styx, the huge blood water quickly changed and turned into a huge, like a god’s residence. Following Styx’s movements, his hands spread out, and two blood-colored long swords larger than the mountains appeared in his hands.


The high voice of the Styx sounded, Yuantu, above the nose, the law entangled and shook the void.

Countless powerful eyes in the prehistoric land came over.

Seeing this scene in the sea of ​​blood, I was shocked.

“Styx… crazy?”

They stared at Styx’s movements in a daze, wondering what he was going to do?


The black and white sphere moved, with an invisible power like the might of heaven, falling out of thin air, pressing on Styx.

The flying Styx was pressed down, half kneeling on the sea of ​​blood.

The huge Scarlet Mansion burst into pieces, unable to withstand the mighty power of the sky.

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