Chapter 352 Sage and the upper limit

“Yes, karma, Karma.” Primitive said suddenly.

They are Sage after all, not Xiaobai who doesn’t know anything.

Karma Karma is a burden to the prehistoric world, and of course they know it.

Ascension itself uses the means of catastrophe and calamity to clean up karma, Karma, this is not difficult to think of.

The three should be able to think of it easily.

It’s just that the three of them were startled by Dubao’s words, their thinking unconsciously followed Duobao’s words, and the breadth of thinking was limited, and they didn’t expect it for a while.

However, after Duobao’s point of awakening, he immediately understood.

“Great calamity, the calamity of measurement is the calamity of the prehistoric creatures, but it is the means of the prehistoric world to clean itself!”

“Karma, Karma is like waste gas. It exists in the wild world, which will make the wild world heavy and difficult to move.”

“It’s just like a person gains weight. If you walk for a while, you will be out of breath. If it is dangerous, it will even be life-threatening!”

“Compared to the big movie Death of the creatures, the existence of Karma is more harmful to the prehistoric world!”

Tongtian thought through all of Duobao’s words in his mind, and quickly sorted out, and nodded, acknowledging that his statement was correct.

“You are right, but what does this have to do with your support for the Lich family to continue the Xiantian era?” Tongtian asked inexplicably.

Tai Shang, Yuan also nodded slightly, eyes reveal puzzled.

“The emergence of the Great Tribulation and the Quantum Tribulation is just a last resort. If it is not necessary, the Majestic World does not want to use this method to clean itself.”

“If the creatures in his world are strong enough and strong enough to withstand these karma, Karma can solve it on its own, and naturally there will be no catastrophe or calamity.”

Duobao added a cup to Sanqing, who had finished drinking tea again, before continuing: “After all, it is that the creatures in our world are not strong enough, and there is no way, forcing the world to use the means of calamity and calamity. .”

Sanqing Ting’s mind trembled, and such a statement immediately caused a catastrophe, and the concept of measuring catastrophe became clear in her heart.

Originally, they thought that the calamity and the calamity were the stage of natural development of the prehistoric world, and if the calamity had not passed through a calamity, the calamity represented the growth of the prehistoric world, which was considered a good thing.

But now, it seems that this perception is not correct.

“Speaking of the catastrophe, the amount of catastrophe represents the stage of development of the prehistoric period, which is actually correct.”

Sanqing was thinking, hearing this, he looked at Duobao in surprise.

Is the current Duobao strong enough?

Can you see their inner thoughts?

You guessed it, right?

Sanqing was shocked and suspicious.

“Because each time the catastrophe, the appearance of the calamity, it does represent the growth of the prehistoric world… It’s just that it’s not all good!”

“It’s like a person. In the early stage, growth is a good thing. After middle age, growth is a bad thing, because it keeps going downhill.”

Tongtian nodded in a daze, is that right?

Primitive stared at Duobao: “But, what does this have to do with the Lich?”

After talking for a long time, Duobao still didn’t say why he should support the Lich to reverse the trend.

Too Shang understood a little bit, and guessed: “I want to help the Lich become stronger, and then the strength of Ascension Majestic Heaven and Earth, and then delay the appearance of the Great Tribulation, the amount of Tribulation?”

As far as the current situation is concerned, the emergence of the primordial world, the great calamity, and the amount of calamity are definitely indispensable, the difference is only the time.

Unless the prehistoric world can reach the perfect eternal world as his master said before, and let the predominant world eternal, can there be no catastrophe and the occurrence of calamity.

“Yes.” Duobao nodded: “The Lich is the protagonist of the world in the current era. A large part of their state and strength also represents the state of the prehistoric world.”

“How come?” Yuan expressed questioning: “The strength of the Lich races is indeed much stronger than before, but there is still no Sage among them. How can it be said that they represent the prehistoric world?”

Generally speaking, those who can become representatives are not all the strongest?

Taking the situation of the prehistoric world, either Dao Zu Hongjun, or multi-treasure, no matter how bad they are, Sages are qualified to represent them. How can the Lich clan be qualified?

“If it’s Sage, it won’t be.” Duobao explained: “Sage is beyond things, is not affected by the calamity, and can’t become the protagonist of heaven and earth.”

“For the prehistoric world, Sage is detached and rare.”

“Sage can be represented as the top in the world, but if you want to represent the real wild world, you still need to look at the average power in the world.”

“And in the prehistoric world, there is no doubt that the average strength of the Lich race is the strongest now, and they are also the protagonist of the world, so they represent the prehistoric!”

“Their own development and situation have also had a great impact on the world.”

Tai Shang nodded slowly, this statement is understandable.

However, he also had questions at the same time: “If this is the case, the Lich represents the prehistoric, what position am I waiting for Sage?”

“From this point of view, don’t I wait for Sage to compare to those who are not Sage, or to the lich?”

Primordial also looked at Duobao a little inconsistently.

“No, no…” Duobao immediately shook his head, and his subconscious words made him want to slap himself.

Suddenly I remembered a very ugly character in a novel I had seen in my previous life.

No, no is the mantra of that guy… He really doesn’t like that character, it’s too flat!

Can’t help but shake Lingling!

Sanqing looked suspiciously at the shivering Duobao… With his current strength, could he do such a move?

“What’s the matter?” Tongtian asked worriedly immediately.

In their Realm, generally speaking, there are very few behaviors such as chills, hairy, sneezing, irritating…etc.

Once it appears, it basically foreshadows what happened… and most of it is not a good thing!

“It’s okay, Master.” Facing Tongtian’s worried gaze, Duobao shook his head: “I just remembered something suddenly.”

“That’s not the case.” Duobao explained the original question: “Sage is actually very important. It can even influence the prehistoric by a single person.”

As he said, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head, and asked the three of them: “Master, Master, and Second Master, do you think that the Age of Lich compares to the Age of the Three Races and the Age of the Savage Beast. Which one is strong?”

The situation of the three ages flashed in his mind, and Tongtian said almost without thinking: “Of course it is the age of the Lich.”

This question is not difficult to answer at all.

Even the Lich clan that hasn’t passed the Ascension of the Duobao Dark Trial Ground is far stronger than the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin clan and the Fierce Beast of the Age of Fierce Beasts.

Whether in terms of high-level strength or low-level strength.

In the era of the fierce beasts, it is rare to see the Daluojinxian. In the era of the three tribes, only the patriarch of the three tribes was the quasi-sage, and it was only the early stage quasi-sage.

In the Lich era, all members of the twelve ancestor witches of the Witch clan were comparable to the quasi-sages. Even the demon clan also had Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi and Kunpeng, and even Xihe and Kunpeng were quasi-sages!

There are also many quasi-sages of other races… In this way, the Lich Age is much stronger than the previous Tri-Clan Age and the Fierce Beast Age!

In this way, it is not to mention that it is the two families of Lich who have been helped by Duobao!

“Then dare to ask, Dijun, Taiyi, Twelve Ancestral Witch and Zulong, Zufeng, Zu Qilin and the patriarch of the fierce beast’s talents, talents, who is stronger?” Duobao asked.

Sanqing frowned immediately.

This question is really difficult to answer.

After thinking about it for a long time, Tai Shang said with some uncertainty: “Yes, it’s not a big difference, right?”

He has seen Zulong, Zufeng, Zu Qilin, and Dijun, Taiyi, and Twelve Ancestral Witches, but he has never seen the patriarch of the fierce beast.

But as far as the leaders of the three tribes and the leaders of the two lich tribes he has seen, there is actually not much difference in talents and talents.

If you really want to say that Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Twelve Ancestral Witch is stronger than Zulong, Zufeng, Zu Qilin, it is too narrow.

That is, Zu Long, Zu Feng, Zu Qilin and others are not in this era. If they are in this era, they may not be worse than them!

“Huh…” After the words came out, before Duobao could answer, Taishang first uttered suspiciously, thoughtfully.

Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian listened to the words of the two and thought of this, and eyes reveal were surprised.

“Era?” Taishang murmured, combined with Duobao’s words, after thinking for a moment, it suddenly dawned on him: “So, did I wait to change this era?”

“Yes, to be precise, it is the appearance of Master, Master, Second Master and other Sages, as well as the appearance of Master Hongjun, bringing the upper limit of the Lich Age to the Sage level!”

Duobao nodded first, acknowledging the master’s statement, and then slightly corrected: “The existence of Sage has raised the upper limit of the era.”

“If Sage hadn’t appeared, then the Age of Lich might not have been stronger than the Age of Tribes and the Age of Beasts!”

“Why?” Tongtian was still a little puzzled.

Why does the emergence of Sage change the upper limit of the era?

“Is it the Tao we established?” Duo Bao hadn’t answered the question from Tongtian, and Yuan Yuan said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Dubao said before that there are two foundations that support the prehistoric world.

These Sages are the people who make the way.

“The second uncle is right.” Duobao echoed: “It’s like a wooden barrel. The shortest plank determines how much water it can hold, and the highest plank determines the upper limit.”

“Sage is the tallest board!”

“Speaking of which…” Tongtian thought for a moment, and said, “If you fill up the lowest plank, you can also Ascension the amount of water that the wooden barrel can hold?”

The barrel corresponds to the prehistoric, the short board is the protagonist of heaven and earth, and the high board is their Sage.

The power of the prehistoric world represents the amount of water in it!

Thinking about it this way, Tongtian suddenly understood why Duobao wanted to help the Lich Ascension!

Many of his questions have also been answered.

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