Chapter 341

“We really want to survive in this weird starry sky?” asked too hesitantly: “Can we really?”

As one of Yaozu supreme, he should be the most confident.

Even in the face of the Guo Clan’s situation before, he didn’t see any thoughts of shrinking.

But now, he has to admit that he is really scared.

Without him, those weird monsters are really terrifying.

At least the Fruit Clan still has reason and can talk about it.

But these monsters, in their previous exploration, did not have the slightest sense of reason, only instinct.

In their thoughts, they just think that everything that is not the same as them, exists, and becomes their same existence, otherwise… they will eat it.

No reason, no reason, it’s so straightforward and simple!

These are real monsters!

Of course, the most important thing is the power gap between them and each other… how to deal with this?

When everyone heard the words, no one laughed at Tai Yi, and they all bowed their heads.

They have to admit one thing, those monsters and them are really not the same level of existence…especially they will never be tribal, giving them time to grow.

As long as they dare to step out of this sea of ​​energy, they will immediately be eaten by the courageous monsters or become similar.

“Those monsters have a weird field, which is at the same level as the law… and that field gives them that weird speed and hiding ability.”

“Unless you can fully grasp the law, you can’t break it at all.”

“Not to mention that there are so many monsters, even if it is just one, with our power, we can only see at most, but we can’t resist.”

Di Jiang said slowly, thinking carefully about how to deal with these monsters.

“If the Universe Star Dou formation and the Twelve Capital Sky Gods Formation are deployed, with our current strength, it will be able to break through.”

“Those monsters are weird and weird, but the strongest thing is the field on them. Once solved, it won’t be a problem.”

“With the power of the two large formations, it is enough to kill them… but the power of the large array is limited, not endless.”

“One, or even a hundred or even ten thousand, if we desperately, we can solve it…but…” At this point, Di Jiang paused, and then said helplessly: “The number of monsters, More than ten thousand… that’s a race counted in billions.”

“We are now completely impossible to be its opponents.”

Everyone was lost, heart palpitations, and dejected.

“How did Dubao make so many monsters?”

“For him… can Taiyi Jinxian be able to do batches?” Zhu Rong suddenly angrily asked.

“It doesn’t seem surprising, after all, he is a treasure!” Tai Yi said quietly.

When everyone heard the words, they fell silent.

The gap between people is sometimes bigger than the gap between heaven and earth.

It’s so big that you can’t even imagine it.

“Then what shall we do now?”

After a long time, Houtu asked out loud, “We finally broke in, have we stayed in this sea of ​​energy?”

This is also a problem that everyone is now worrying about.

They were stuck in the energy sea by those monsters, and they didn’t dare to go out at all.

But it was so easy to rush in, and now I can’t get out, I feel aggrieved no matter what I think, it’s not a problem to stay here all the time!

No matter how great the danger is, there are great opportunities. They believe that since the starry sky outside is so dangerous, there will be corresponding opportunities.

As long as they can rush past, there will definitely be another Ascension in strength.

It’s just… I can’t get out at all!

“We can’t go on like this, we must find a way to break the game.”

Zhu Rong squeezed his fist fiercely, and said loudly: “We have broken through Taiyi, and the energy sea has no effect on us. If you want Ascension, you must find other opportunities…”

“Furthermore, we have been cursed by the yellow grass, and the lifespan is not long. Staying here is just emptying our lifespan, and we will be consumed to death.”

“Zhu Rong is right, we…” Gonggong nodded in agreement, half-talking, and suddenly stopped, looking at himself, his eyes gradually showed surprise!

“Huh?” Zhu Rong was listening. Suddenly, Gonggong stopped talking. He couldn’t help but looked at it in surprise: “Gonggong…what did you find?”

Gonggong’s expression was not right.

“The curse… no more.”

Gonggong raised his head blankly and looked at the crowd, his voice could be heard clearly.

In the past, they had been deeply cursed, all kinds of care, all kinds of fears, and under the pressure of life, they had to put themselves in all kinds of dangers and desperate situations.

If there was no risk of life, when they met the fruit clan before, they would definitely not be that heroic choice.

Lurk in secret, calculate, endure a moment’s breath, and seek the foundation of all ages.

It can be said that the appearance of the curse changed their life in the dark trial field.

Moreover, the cursed yellow grass, full of stars, seemed inconspicuous, and there were so many in number, it seemed to be a very ordinary curse.

But in fact, after experiencing so many curses, they only discovered that the original curse in the yellow grass was the strongest.

They could resist or swallow other curses, but the curse that cursed the yellow grass, they couldn’t find the trace of its existence at all, let alone get rid of it.

In no way, I was used to it… Suddenly, it was gone, and there was something unaccustomed to it!


After hearing the words, everyone stayed for a while, and then looked down at themselves. After a while, they all looked up blankly.

“Really gone!”

The lifespan in the body has turned into a vast wave, which makes people feel at ease and confident.

The feeling of life in the past hanging in a thread at any time, always between life and death, suddenly disappeared.

While everyone felt relaxed for a while, they also felt a little emptiness.

“That’s it… no more?”

I don’t know who it is, saying such a sentence immediately provokes everyone’s sorrow.

“Congratulations, the trial… passed.”

Duobao appeared in front of everyone with a smile.


Everyone was still a little dazed, looking at Duobao blankly.

“Passed… mean, we can go back?” Di Jun asked somewhat complicatedly.

Duobao nodded and looked at everyone: “Yes, you have completely passed this trial, you can go back.”

Waved, countless reincarnations of Samsara’s liches, who were still in the starry sky of the First Stage, appeared in his hands.

With a single finger, the two groups of Lichs gathered together were separated into two crystal balls, which flew towards Dijun and Dijiang respectively.

“Just… it’s over?” Di Jiang took the crystal ball and couldn’t help but glance back at the starry sky outside, which was even more empty.

Just now they were still thinking about how to break the game in front of them. They were having a headache, and suddenly they came out like this…

Not only him, but Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Fuxi, Kunpeng and other ancestral witches, all looked at the starry sky outside, with complicated eyes.

I used to have a headache, how to rush out, how to break the game, now I don’t need to break it, I feel… it doesn’t seem to be as happy as I imagined.

“It seems that you are still very unwilling to give up?” Dubao asked cheerfully.

Di Jun looked at the starry sky: “Then this starry sky? Those monsters outside?”

“If you can discover the stars of the Second Stage and come here, you will have passed the trial.”

Duobao slowly said, “The energy sea here is your reward for passing the trial.”

“As for the weird things outside, they are not something you can deal with right now.”

“Go back, the time for you to leave the prehistoric world is not short, and there are some things that you should go back to deal with.”

some things?

Go back to deal with it?

Hearing this, Di Jun thought about it, and was suddenly startled, staring at Duobao in amazement: “What do you mean by this?”

“Could it be… he has discovered our true identity?”

He looked at Duo Bao carefully, focusing on his eyes, wanting to see whether Duo Bao had really discovered their true identity.

However, Duobao stood quietly and looked at them with a smile.

The eyes were calm, clear, and pure, as if it was just an ordinary sentence without any deep meaning.

“Is it because I think too much?” Di Jun secretly said in his heart.

“Then, can we come back in the future?” Zhu Rong looked at the starry sky with a slightly different expression in his eyes.

Duobao: “What? Do you still want to come back for revenge?”

Zhu Rong’s arm was half eaten by the strangeness outside. Looking at it like this, he didn’t say anything, but he did record his grudge in his heart.

Zhu Rong did not hide it, and simply nodded: “Yes, I want revenge.”

“I, Zhu Rong, can anyone hurt?”

The hearts of everyone jumped together, glaring at Zhu Rong.

Who are you here for?

Just now Dubao’s words made them feel uneasy. There are countless guesses. Zhu Rong now directly said the name of own… This is for fear that Dubao will not be able to discover their true identity, right?

“Yes, after you complete your destiny… there will be a chance.”

Duobao didn’t seem to notice the strange behavior of everyone, and said with a smile: “When the time comes, after solving those things, if you want to come back, I will never stop it.”

“If that’s the case, please send us out.” Hearing this, I felt relieved immediately, it would be nice to be able to come back.

“That’s right…” Dijiang suddenly handed the crystal ball containing the Wu Clan after Samsara to Duobao.

Duobao was puzzled. It was given to the past, but why did it come back again: “What do you mean by this?”

“We passed the trial, they haven’t, they are not qualified to go out yet.”

“So… leave them behind and let them continue to test here.”

Duobao hasn’t spoken yet, Dijun also handed over the crystal ball containing many Samsara’s monsters: “He’s justified. Since it’s a trial, he’s only eligible to come out after he’s over. If he can’t, he just stayed there In the trial field, until you can get through it.”

Duobao looked at everyone, but didn’t take it.

Di Jun and Di Jiang looked at each other, and suddenly bowed to Duo Bao and saluted: “Trouble.”

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