Chapter 314: Hongjun’s Treasure

Simply put, Sage is divided into rule Sage, concept Sage and rule Sage.

Hongjun now belongs to the Realm of Rule Sage.

As a rule, Sage can produce concepts, that is, concept Sages can be produced in batches.

However, this is only theoretical, the concept is not that difficult, and it needs its own support.

With Hongjun’s strength after fitting Heavenly Dao, he can at most set nine concepts and create the nine rule Sage.

And Dubao, now he has come up with the five concepts…how could Hongjun sit still.

“How come the rule Sage is reached?” Hongjun looked at Five Elements, then stared at Duobao with complicated eyes.

Obviously he has been paying attention to Duobao. Before that, he could barely be regarded as the concept Sage. This suddenly became the rule Sage. Even the person he had been following did not notice the slightest situation.

If it hadn’t been for Dubao to open up the twentieth Second Stage, he might not have discovered it.

“Master?” Duobao yelled in confusion.

“Duobao, let me ask you, when did Insight come up with the rules?” Dobao didn’t understand why Hongjun appeared suddenly, but Hongjun had more questions.

One is how he is capable of Ascension so fast, and the other is…Duo Bao is only the Daluo Jinxian until now, not even the quasi-sage, how can he insight into the rules?

“The rules?” Duobao repeated, is there anything to say?

When it happens, Insight will come out naturally?

This is the next stage of the law, and reaching this stage is not something incomprehensible, right?

Hongjun was silent, looking at Duobao’s puzzled eyes, and sighed heavily in his heart.

“Forget it, his situation really cannot be overcome by common sense.”

Hongjun looked at the Five Elements Sky again, let go of all the doubts in his heart, felt the five major concepts in the Five Elements Sky, and suddenly asked Duo Bao: “This Five Elements Sky, what do you plan to do?”

Five Elements sky has changed differently because of the existence of the concept.

The things in it have been transformed into things of another level by concepts.

If you get it, you will not be sanctified, but you will have some of the characteristics of Sage, and even those that surpass ordinary Sage.

Five Elements is the achievement of Five Elements in the sky, and has Five Elements, five powers, things, mountains, water, fire, gold, wood, earth… etc., and so on.

It seems that this is an ordinary world, in fact, everything in it, even for Sage, is considered a treasure.

This place must not allow too many people to enter, otherwise Hongjun can’t figure out what will happen.

Dobao has already formulated the rules with Insight. To a certain extent, it is the same as his Realm… He is an anomaly and cannot be calculated. Now Insight has developed the rules.

Hongjun knew that after waiting for a while, maybe even he could no longer explore Duobao’s situation.

“How to deal with it?” Duobao was stunned when he heard it, and said stupidly: “How can I deal with it? Just deal with it like this?”

In his opinion, this is just one heavenly realm. Compared to other heavenly realms, it may be much stronger, but strong is also stronger. Is there any problem?

Hongjun stayed for a while… I just need to ask.

“Duobao, Five Elements should not be open for the time being. Don’t let anyone in except yourself.” Hongjun said seriously.

Dobo blinked. Why?

There was a question in his eyes, Hongjun did not answer, just looked at him.

Mainly, Hongjun didn’t know what to say.

After a long while, Duobao nodded: “Okay.”

This is not a big deal either.

“Could it be…” After finishing talking, Dubo suddenly remembered something and asked: “In that prehistoric world?”

He opened up these thirty Third Stage days because he listened to Hongjun’s words for luck.

His behavior will have a lot of impact on Honghuang.

Although I don’t know why Master did not allow him to open the Five Elements Sky, but I want to come, there is always his reason…He can solve it here, what about the real world outside?

Hongjun: “You don’t have to worry about it, it’s okay over there, it’s mainly because you don’t have any trouble here.”

The most important thing about Five Elements is the concept, and the things that are affected by the concept and turned into sacred objects.

If these things are spread out, the impact on fate, the general situation, the great damage…it will be terrible to think about.

For the sake of safety, let’s not let it spread.

“Then I’m going to open the 20th Third Stage day.” Dobo said, and he was about to head towards the 20th Third Stage day.

This way, he didn’t move. Looking back, Hongjun was pulling him.

Duobao wondered: “Master?”

Hongjun sighed: “Enough, enough, the latter is unnecessary.”

“Enough?” Duobao looked back at the remaining Chongtian frame.

The master asked him to open up 30 Third Stage days, but now he has opened up 20 Second Stage days, and there are still ten First Stage days. How come it is over?

“You don’t have to pay attention to the matter of the heavens, it’s enough now,” Hongjun said.

Where did he dare to let Duobao continue to build the Great Heaven, just the 20th Second Stage day alone scared him enough.

Heavenly Dao’s roulette is going to be unstable.

In the core of Heavenly Dao, within the Gene Sea, Pangu god-tier’s mind almost awakened.

The appearance of Five Elements Heaven almost broke the balance of Heavenly Dao.

“You can do other things.” Thinking about the impact of Dubao’s 20 Second Stage days this time, Hongjun felt a headache.

“Do other things?” Duobao repeated it like a repeater, but he didn’t react for a while: “What do you do?”

“What you are willing to do, do what you want, in short… the heaven is no longer open up.” Hongjun said.

“Oh.” Duobao stretched his voice, looked at Hongjun, and suddenly asked, “Master, did something happen?”

“Or what Karma caused by my actions, causing the butterfly effect?”

Hongjun couldn’t help but roll his eyes: “Butterfly effect…you still know the word!”

Duobao: “……”

Should I say this, I am a posterity, a traveler, knowing that the butterfly effect is normal, but your old man also knows…understandable, but it is too contradictory to say it.

“Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal. You have a special status, and Karma can’t get you.” Hongjun said again.

Dobo: “Really? I don’t touch Karma?”

“Yeah, not only are you Karma not contaminated, but Wanfa is not contaminated. With the things you made, how many spells and magical powers are there to break through?”

Hongjun said with a sigh.

To say that this variable is a variable, there are many kinds of ideas, whimsical, fantastical, the most terrifying thing is that these whimsical ideas can become reality!

Others just think about it, just dream… he’s different, he just thinks about it and realizes it.

He thought about it casually, the impact on the outside world would be great, especially after it became a reality, the impact would be even greater.

That is him, for another person, I’m afraid that he would have been entangled in karma, tainted by Karma, and died.

At first, not long after he had been apprentice, he dared to deal with the dragon, phoenix, and Qilin tribes…simulating, manufacturing, it was an offense.

The ancestral phoenix in the immortal volcano whose movements were almost breathless, the ancestor dragon in the form of dragon veins, and the auspicious ancestor Qilin popped out.

This is too courageous!

However, after discovering that he was a Sanqing disciple, he gave Sanqing a face and didn’t make a move.

Anyway, it’s not too much… Isn’t it just an offense? Forgive you.

But later, the three clans were turned into cultivation tools by the Kunlun disciples. According to Duobao, he boldly created the three clans in accordance with his own ideas.

What do you think of the three clans?

They created the dragon, the phoenix, and the Qilin. Doesn’t that mean that they are the creators of the three tribes and their parents?

Can this be tolerated?

Just when the three clans were about to take action, Hongjun took action, suppressing the leaders of the three clans, and eliminated the calamity.

Later… Hongjun doesn’t have to worry about it.

Zu Long, Zu Feng, Zu Qilin, the three are old treacherous and cunning existences. From this time and again, they have understood something. Not only are they not angry, but they are still secretly helping each other.

“Hey.” Thinking about what happened in the past, Hong Jun sighed for a long time, and said to Duo Bao complicatedly: “From now on, Hong Huang will look at you.”


Suddenly, Duobao was terrified, his scalp was numb, and he looked at Hongjun in fear: “Master, why are you saying this again?”

“How can the little arms and legs of the disciple sun bear such a heavy burden?”

Hongjun said this once before. He thought it was a joke. At least, he hoped so.

But now, when Hongjun said this again, Duobao was panicked.

“Can you bear it? It’s not what you say, but what you see.” Hongjun’s expression was serious, and his tone was serious: “You are an odd number, and you are extraordinary. Honghuang wants to be better and can only rely on you. ”

Originally, he wanted to help Duobao. He would support him for a while, and let him go when he matured!

However, now, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be unable to help him much.

Duobao has already found out the rules in Insight, and he is already half of his existence at the same level. Except for Magic power and other things, he has not kept up, he is the same Realm.

As Hongjun said, he stretched out his hand and touched the back of his head, and a mutilated jade butterfly exuding good fortune divine light appeared in his hand.

“Good fortune Yudie.” Duobao was surprised.

Hongjun looked down at Good Fortune Yudie for a long time, and finally handed it to Duobao.

Duobao was taken aback. Is this for him?

Are you kidding me?

I gave all the good fortune jade discs, seriously?

He dared not answer, he looked at Hongjun hesitantly.

Hongjun threw the good fortune jade dish directly to him: “Take it, now, its owner is you.”

“In the future, it will all be up to you how Honghuang develops.”

Good fortune jade butterfly is the supreme treasure of chaos, and Pangu axe, chaos pearl, and creation green lotus are the four great chaos supreme treasures of chaos.

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