Chapter 302: Uncle Master Covers You

Zhen Yuanzi is silent, what should I do?

The two are old friends, and they have a good understanding of each other. You can guess the meaning of each other with their eyes.

He knew what Hongyun meant, and just asked him, do you want to do it?

Although in this case, it is already ridiculous.

Hands on?

How to do it?

Do your hands on Dubao, the real source of confusion?

Are they rivals?

They couldn’t even beat the small altar that Duobao had made, and still want to do something against Duobao?

That’s not hands-on, it’s looking for death!

However, the way of the two is here. They want to restore the prehistoric state, and that’s the purpose from the beginning.

Although I have no regrets…Now I have finally discovered the real source of confusion, just because it is Duobao, just because he will die, do you want to give up?

If they don’t do it, their Dao heart will be affected…it will become a thorn that will stay in their hearts forever.

After a long time, Zhen Yuanzi sighed and made a decision.

Hong Yun’s heart tightened, and he knew his thoughts clearly without Zhen Yuanzi’s explanation.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at them, and asked the curious Duo Bao: “Duo Bao, I am forgiving, as an elder, I would like to ask you a question.”

Duobao looked at Zhen Yuanzi who looked like this, although he was puzzled, but he also became serious, and said solemnly, “Excuse me.”

He saw that something was not right, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun had just flirted with each other for a long time, and they didn’t know what they were communicating.

Now, obviously there are results.

Inexplicably, the atmosphere seems to be a bit wrong.

I always feel that Jin Yuanzi’s next question and own answer will have a different effect.

“Could it be that this little guy really caused some serious disaster?” Duo Bao glanced down at the small altar that was suddenly quiet in his arms.

It also seemed to realize that the situation was not right, and it was no longer active before.

“No matter what trouble it causes, Duobao is willing to bear it!” Duobao said sternly.

The small altar was transformed by his power, his own intelligence is not high, and he is still a child, and it is understandable to cause trouble.

He can’t just throw it out because of what it does… he is not that kind of person.

At the same time, through legends and contacts, he also understands the characters of Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun, knowing that these two people are truly kind people, and they are the rare existences that can be said to be righteous people.

He doesn’t want to be such a person, and that restriction is too great, but this does not prevent him from admiring such a person.

Seeing Duobao’s serious attitude, Zhen Yuanzi felt a little bit settled.

Judging from this attitude, Duobao didn’t look like that evil person.

“Duobao, let me ask you, as a person of the Profound Clan, how can you have such evil power in your body?” Zhen Yuanzi asked solemnly.

Duobao: “Evil power? Oh, does it mean the ominous power?”

He stretched out his palm, and a red ominous force appeared in his palm.

The red enveloping light flashed, making the surrounding area suddenly no longer safe.

Zhen Yuanzi, the red clouds stepped back together, looking at the ominous power in Duobao’s palm in horror, shocked in his heart.

Sure enough, Duobao is the source of confusion.

This kind of power was indeed the evil power they felt from the altar, but it was much stronger than the power in the altar, and the power in Duobao’s hands.

The two are not on the same level at all… In comparison, it is like the gap between a drop of water and the sea!

Zhen Yuanzi was inexplicably frightened, and suddenly thought, if it was not the altar that fell in the prehistoric land, but the power in the hands of Duobao, what would the prehistoric look like?

“I’m afraid, Honghuang will plunge into the Dark Age immediately, right?”

“Even if the Lich hasn’t disappeared, can it stop such power?”

Zhen Yuanzi was silent, with an answer in his heart.

He had seen the peak powerhouse of two lich clan such as Heavenly Emperor Taiyi, Demon Master Kunpeng, Xi Emperor Fuxi and Twelve Ancestral Witch.

Although he is weaker than their strength, he is not much weaker!

With this power, the longer he looks at it, the more his heart palpitations will be… it’s too fierce!

Far more than the power of the altar… the longer you look at it, the more panicked it becomes.

Inexplicably, there is even a kind of hairy all over the body…I don’t know it is hairy anymore, and it seems that my body is about to grow hair.

Zhenyuanzi felt an itching sensation coming from her body, unconsciously twisted her body, and lowered her head subconsciously. He didn’t see the expected situation happening on own body, and he took a breath.

Fortunately, no red hairs have grown.

“Duobao, where did you get your strength?” Zhen Yuanzi asked in horror and horror.

With this kind of power, looking at the vast and wild, I am afraid that only Sage and Dao ancestors can fight against it, right?

While asking, Zhen Yuanzi secretly said in his heart.

As soon as the thought came out, he stopped immediately, his eyes fixed on the ominous power in Dubao’s hand, an uproar was set off in his heart, and another incredible thought appeared uncontrollably: “Can Sage stop it?”

As soon as this idea came out, it was out of control and grew rapidly.

“Is Dubao already sanctified…or does he possess the power of Sage?”

“Oh, this power…” Duobao heard the words and thought for a while, and finally felt that there was nothing bad to say: “This is what I got by accident before, and its source is in a world outside of chaos. A race called the weird race.”

Duobao selectively spoke out the source of the ominous power.

Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun was even more shocked when he heard this.

This kind of power is not the only one, and its owner has become an ethnic group?

What kind of race should it be?

The weird race… it sounds like it’s really appropriate.

The two were extremely shocked. For a long time, Zhen Yuanzi took a deep breath and asked Duo Bao: “Can you control this power?”

Judging from Duobao’s attitude, he himself was not contaminated by this power, and the previous incident was not deliberately done by him.

Zhen Yuanzi also let go of the precautions he had raised against Duobao in his heart, and replaced him with deep worries.

With such a fierce power and such a weird race, can Dubao be able to withstand it?

That weird clan sounds very fierce… Could it be that Dubao had such power and found the place of the prehistoric?

Don’t doubt whether this is possible…In the midst of the wild, any Celestial Immortals has this ability!

Going back to Karma… It’s only because the prehistoric is too powerful and the restrictions in all aspects are stronger, so that Celestial Immortals are just Celestial Immortals, and the golden immortals are just golden immortals.

It can be said that the immortal gods in the prehistoric land are all restricted by Heavenly Dao, and their abilities in all aspects are displayed countless times weaker.

If you change to other worlds, it will be unimaginably powerful.

With the power of the weird clan in Dubao’s mouth, follow Karma to find it, then it was really a catastrophe!

After all, listening to Duobao’s tone, he was also very jealous of the weird race.

“It’s okay.” Duobao understood Zhen Yuanzi’s current mood, looked at his worried face, shook his head and smiled.

He was worried about this before. If Zhen Yuanzi asked this question before, he still didn’t know how to answer it.

But now, it’s easy.

“I have asked Master, Master also knows the existence of that weird clan, Master said, he can cover it!”

Zhen Yuanzi: “Master? Daozu?”

“Yes.” Duobao nodded and said with a smile: “So, it’s okay, just play it, Master Zu can cover it, a strange family, Master Zu is completely ignored.”

In Zixiao Palace, the corners of Hongjun’s mouth twitched constantly: “Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t, I am not!”

The weird race, he doesn’t want to put in one’s eyes, the power of ominous, the power of weirdness, it’s not a problem at all, but the key is Dubao… this one is not restricted by Heavenly Dao, and he is a very special existence in itself, he Really have no confidence to cover it.

The ominous power that Duobao has produced now is much stronger than the ominous power of the weird race.

It’s just that he made it out with restrictions when he was worried… If you really want to play casually…

Hongjun suddenly regretted it: “I knew it, I didn’t say so confident before… If this guy let go of it… there won’t be anything wrong with Hong Huang, right?”

Suddenly, Hongjun was deeply worried about the future of the great land.

I don’t know if I hand over the great future to Dubao…Is it a right decision?

However, this doesn’t seem to be something he can decide… Mainly because Heavenly Dao has taken a fancy to Dubao!


In the Zixiao Palace, a long, long, long sigh suddenly came.

“Is that so?” Zhen Yuanzi suddenly let go of worry.

Hong Yun let out a sigh of relief from the side.

Since Daozu’s elders said so, then it must be okay.

Dao Zu Hongjun still has the prestige in the predicament, and he has spoken, what else is there to worry about?

After letting go of all worries, Hong Yun suddenly thought of the meaning of Duobao’s previous words, full of excitement, and asked Duobao expectantly: “Duobao, you just said that ominous power can inspire talent? Rapid growth in strength, yes. Really?”

As Dubao said before, although ominous power is an evil force that can greatly affect living beings, as long as its negative impact can be solved, the effect of the Ascension power it brings is also huge.

“Well, Duobao, your uncle and me, I have received the great love of Taoist ancestors before, and I have also given me a chance to become holy, a grand and purple spirit.”

Suddenly, Hong Yun twitched and said: “The other senior brothers who have gained the sacred purple air, the senior sisters have all been sanctified, but I don’t have one.”

“I think it should be because of my lack of strength. You can see, can your ominous power be used on the body of the uncle… After the uncle is sanctified, the uncle will never forget your great grace.”

“In the future, Uncle Master will cover you.”

Hongyun patted his chest with great righteousness and said.

Hearing this, Duobao and Zhenyuanzi rolled their eyes almost at the same time.

Really silly and naive, not strong enough?

Sage doesn’t say anything else, as far as the strength of the Western Zhundi is concerned, how much better than you are?

Before being sanctified, his strength may not be comparable to your current strength, but he is all sanctified, you haven’t sanctified yet, haven’t you come to understand?

This is Zhen Yuanzi’s idea.

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