Chapter 294 The Altar in the Demon Mountain

“This time, it’s really reckless!”

Hongyun smiled bitterly.

I really didn’t expect this magic mountain to be so dangerous, with their strength, there is still such a long distance from the core.

How could such a region appear in the precipice!

The old man of the Hundred Soldiers had fallen, and the Daluo Jinxian in a small area had formed such a fierce land…to make the two quasi-sages bloody.

“Who is the figure in the long river of fate?”

Hong Yun was shocked, unable to understand.

He knew that it was impossible for the old man of the Hundred Soldiers to form such a large fierce land. The biggest reason was the figure in the long river of fate.

“What the hell does it exist… it is so… incomprehensible!”

Hong Yun didn’t dare to use the word “powerful” to describe it, but couldn’t understand it.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, there was already a dense pile of terrifying demon soldiers behind him. Suddenly, Hong Yun sensed a different aura and looked back subconsciously.

I saw a group of demon soldiers who had been chasing him closely behind him, angrily trying to beat him into powder, but stopped at this time. Although they were still angry, they did not dare to move forward.

“Are you there?”

Hongyun was pleasantly surprised and immediately guessed the reason.

I speeded up, and suddenly, it seemed to have rushed through a layer of barriers. I suddenly felt my body sink, and a stalwart force suddenly came, crushing him and the red spear.

Hong Yun stood up, and found that after falling down, there was actually no pressure that could not be resisted.

He looked down at the spear in his hand, and could feel a clear sense of awe and respect in it.

There is no need for Zhen Yuanzi’s suppression. Here, Hong Qiang himself has become very well-behaved.

Hong Yun was surprised and even more shocked.

“It seems that the place is really there.”

Looking up to the front, there is nothing, nothing.

But there is no sense of urgency in my heart, and it is even more embarrassing.

He knew that the source of the demon soldiers that he and Zhenyuanzi Dao brother were looking for was right in front…the demon soldiers behind him did not dare to chase them.

He relaxed a lot and moved forward step by step with a complicated mood.

Dare to fly, can only walk step by step.

When he flew in before, the appearance of that stalwart power made him very palpitated.

That is a terrifying force farther above the demon soldiers… he has no power to resist at all.

He guessed that it was because he flew in and did not respect him, or that it was forbidden to fly here, and he needed to move forward with steps, otherwise he would touch that power.

Although this was only his guess, he did not dare to experiment…It may not be true, but if it was true, he could not imagine, what would happen after the second touch?

It would be fine if he was suppressed again, if he thought that he was deliberately provoking him and threw him away…that would be too wrong.

He finally got here, how willing he was, how could he die so aggrieved.

“Brother Dao, we are almost there!”

Hong Yun whispered complicatedly to the spear in his hand, without receiving any answer.

After walking for a long time, suddenly Hong Yun stopped and stared at the dark thing that suddenly appeared in front of him.

“This is… the altar?”

Hong Yun didn’t recognize this thing at first, but when he saw this thing, a message appeared in his mind, and he called it out unconsciously.

“What is the altar?”

Hong Yun was puzzled. After the doubt, he was excited and excited. He raised his hand on the spear and awakened Zhen Yuanzi’s last consciousness: “Brother Dao, we really found it.”

Although he didn’t know what an altar was, Hong Yun knew that this altar should be the source of the magic weapon they had been looking for.

“found it?”

Zhen Yuanzi was awakened and was extremely shocked. Although he was unwilling, he never thought that Hong Yun could come to the depths of the Demon Mountain and find their target, the source of the Demon Soldier.

Unexpectedly, Hong Yun actually did it.


On the spear, on the branches, the leaves shook, and a baby-like fruit quickly grew out of it. The fruit quickly grew larger, and he opened his eyes and looked at the altar ahead.

“No, go!”

While seeing the altar, Zhen Yuanzi suddenly let out an exclamation, urging Hongyun.

“Huh?” Hong Yun was surprised and didn’t understand Zhen Yuanzi’s consciousness, but still subconsciously obeyed, turning around and leaving.

However, his feet seemed to be fixed on the ground, and he couldn’t move at all.

“It’s late!” On the branch, the fruit turned into a figure, Zhen Yuanzi turned out, shaking his head and sighing.

“This place is indeed the source of magic soldiers, but they can only enter, not exit… After entering, they cannot be retreated.”

Hearing Zhen Yuanzi’s words, Hong Yun stayed for a moment, and then smiled: “It’s okay, I am very lucky to be here.”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t get out.”

“Brother Dao, now the source of the magic weapon has been found, can you seal it?” Hong Yun asked.

Zhen Yuanzi’s face was bitter, and he slowly said, “I’m afraid, it’s difficult.”

Hongyun was surprised: “The book from the earth is not the fetal membrane of the heaven and the earth. Even the heaven and the earth can be installed. They have arrived here. Can they not be sealed after seeing the Lord?”

He was puzzled.

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and sighed: “I am transformed into a ginseng fruit tree. I am more sensitive to all kinds of power and energy.”

“It seems calm here, but there is a powerful and secret force.”

“Did you not find out?” Zhenyuanzi asked Hongyun, “Our Tao and our Law are being quietly consumed, absorbed, swallowed, and refined.”

“Refining? Swallowing? Perishing? Absorbing?” Hongyun repeated it like a repeater, and then carefully sensed it, but still did not feel the slightest.

If he didn’t believe in Zhen Yuanzi, he would almost think he was joking.

Seeing Hongyun’s puzzled expression, Zhen Yuanzi shook his head helplessly: “I can be sure that this altar is the source of the demon soldiers.”

“I finally understand how it made those magic soldiers, Divine Armament.”

Zhen Yuanzi was stunned.

“How did you get it?” Hong Yun asked curiously.

Zhen Yuanzi slowly walked towards the altar: “After it has absorbed our Tao, our law, refining, and swallowing it, it condenses countless magic soldiers, Divine Armament.”

“Every way, every method, can be transformed into one or several kinds of magic weapons, Divine Armament.”

“The old man of the Hundred Soldiers is just a big Luo Jinxian, but he can give birth to such a terrifying magic soldier, Divine Armament, now, we are trapped here, and the future will be refined and devoured.”

“A big Luo Jinxian can use his Dao and Dharma to give birth to those demon soldiers, Divine Armament, if we two quasi-sages… what will Honghuang look like at that time?”

Hong Yun understood a little bit, and then was even more horrified and bitter. After a while, he shook his head and sighed: “Unexpectedly, we originally intended to eliminate the source of confusion, but now, it may become even greater confusion!”

“The way of the Hundred Soldiers is the way of weapons, so after being swallowed by the altar and absorbed, it becomes the countless demon soldiers, Divine Armament.”

“The way of the two of us is not the way of weapons. After being swallowed, absorbed, and digested, the magic weapon will no longer appear. Divine Armament, it may be the magic cloud, the god cloud, the god tree, the magic tree.”

Zhen Yuanzi has arrived before the altar: “Now, the only thing I can think about is that we can seal the source of this demon soldier, otherwise, we will really be, and the sins are serious.”

The book from the ground appeared in his hand, Zhen Yuanzi looked down: “Old man, this time, I will get rid of you.”

Above the ground book, the yellow light flashed, seeming to respond to Zhen Yuanzi’s words.

Zhen Yuanzi did not hesitate at all, and reached out a little bit above the ground book.

The next moment, the book from the ground spread out and turned into an earthy-yellow ball the size of a palm.

There was a crack on the sphere, which seemed to have been split by something, and then returned to normal again.

“Go!” With the last hope, Zhen Yuanzi shook his hand and tossed, the ball flew above the altar, suddenly enlarged, opened, and covered it against the altar.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun raised their hearts together, staring at the ball nervously, in a panic.


Along with a roar, unexpectedly, the altar was swallowed by the ball really easily.

In an instant, the altar disappeared, leaving only the fetal membranes of heaven and earth transformed by the book of the earth in place, in the shape of a sphere.

Zhen Yuanzi: “???”

Hong Yun: “!!!”

Is the book so strong? Why don’t they know?

The two looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

The altar is too horrible and too strong, and they have so much hope that it can be sealed.

Even if it could be sealed, I never thought it would be so easy.

is this real?

“Really sealed?” Hong Yun couldn’t believe his own eyes, and asked in a daze, feeling very dreamy, everything was like a dream.

Zhen Yuanzi sensed carefully, not daring to relax. After a long time, she shook her head bitterly, “It doesn’t count.”

“No?” Hongyun suddenly widened his eyes: “What do you mean?”

“The power of the altar is still there. The Book of the Earth did not completely seal it, but it looks like it is sealed… In fact, the power of the altar still exists.”

Hearing this, Hong Yun frowned, turned his head and wanted to go back. Sure enough, his footsteps still couldn’t move, he could only move forward.

From this point of view, the altar is indeed not sealed.

“Then what should I do now?” Hong Yun asked.

Zhen Yuanzi: “The book from the ground has indeed sealed the altar, but because of insufficient power, it cannot be completely sealed.”

“Although I don’t know why the altar did not resist, and cooperated with the seal… But as long as the power of the earth book is strengthened, I dare not say that it is completely sealed, at least it can greatly limit its power.”

“Strengthen the power of the book from the ground, how to strengthen it?” Hong Yun asked suspiciously, and suddenly saw Zhen Yuanzi’s gaze.

Shocked, I understand.

“I see.” Hong Yun said.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded: “If this is the case, then I will go.”

After speaking, Zhen Yuanzi didn’t hesitate, turned into a green light, and flew into the book of the earth.

The red cloud followed, then turned into a red light, and flew in.

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